A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 31 Chen Jianshe Is A Little Scared

Chapter 31 Chen Jianshe Is A Little Scared

Gu Jiaojiao's eyes lit up when she thought of Chen Jianshe's future achievements.

She is also good at cosmetics. In her previous life, she was from a good family, and she was a rich second generation who would enjoy eating, drinking and having fun.

For her face, she has researched a lot of cosmetics, visited many factories, and consulted many teachers. For this reason, she even studied Chinese medicine, and only then did she develop skin care products that she is satisfied with.

Maybe, she can cooperate with Chen Jianshe in the future for a win-win situation.

When Gu Jiaojiao thought of money, her eyes suddenly shone with astonishing light.

On one side, Leng Yuan's face darkened directly. Seeing his daughter-in-law staring at Chen Jianshe, her eyes were still shining, she was extremely upset, and the gaze she was looking at Chen Jianshe was extremely dangerous.

Chen Jianshe was taken aback, he didn't do anything!

Don't, don't look at him like that, he's afraid.

Seen by the couple, his little heart was beating wildly. Chen Jianshe didn't dare to continue to be a light bulb here, so he slipped away after rubbing the soles of his feet.

Gu Jiaojiao, who was still thinking about money, looked at a loss: "Leng Yuan, what's wrong with him?"

Leng Yuan was displeased. His daughter-in-law was so concerned about what Chen Jianshe was doing, but when she met those dazed and puzzled eyes, she sighed helplessly in her heart: "Probably because she is in a hurry to go to work."

When Gu Jiaojiao heard this, she couldn't help showing admiration: "He is really powerful."

It's amazing to be so active in farm work.

Leng Yuan smiled helplessly, rubbed Gu Jiaojiao's head, and let her go to the grain drying field.

The grain drying field is in the center of the village, with two or three old pagoda trees scattered beside it, which is the only shaded place in the entire grain drying field.

This is also the only concrete floor in the whole village.

All the corn in the entire village was transported here and piled up in several piles. At first glance, the large and small grain piles are very spectacular.

A dozen or so villagers gathered in front of a pile of corn, brought their own small benches and tools, and started to get busy.

Gu Jiaojiao was assigned here, and she also went back to bring a bench.

So when she came over, the food pile was almost full of people. Gu Jiaojiao stepped forward, and the middle-aged woman who was poking corn was afraid that she would come to her place, so she hurriedly moved the bench.

"We have enough people here, you go elsewhere!"

They don't want to work with Gu Jiaojiao and be taken advantage of by Gu Jiaojiao.

When assigned to the grain drying field, everyone works together. If Gu Jiaojiao does less work, they will work more. The centimeters are about the same, and they don't want to suffer from this.

Even though Gu Jiaojiao knew that the original owner would be disgusted by others, she never expected that she would be so disgusted that she wouldn't even give her a chance.

But she is not the one who suffers, so she replied with a smile.

"Auntie, since you invited me so sincerely, I will not be polite."

After speaking, he put the bench aside and sat on it.

The middle-aged woman was dumbfounded. She didn't expect Gu Zhiqing from this city to be so shameless. She even said that there was no place for him, and the other party was still sitting here with a face, and his hands were shaking with anger.

"You, get up for me quickly, we have enough people here."

Gu Jiaojiao didn't respond, and the middle-aged woman became even more impolite.

"I said you little girl has no skin and no face, you don't understand what I'm saying, do you?"

Wu Cuizhi didn't care if Gu Jiaojiao was from the city or not, she was going to kick her out immediately.

Only then did Gu Jiaojiao look at Wu Cuizhi calmly.

"Auntie, I'm here on assignment from the captain. If you're not satisfied, go to the captain and ask for an explanation."

"Besides, there are at least ten people around the pile of food, and here are only seven including me. You are deliberately targeting me."

"I am an educated youth who went to the countryside. I came here to build the motherland. If you oppose me, you are opposing the decision of the higher authorities. I will go to the leader when the time comes."

In order to prevent the educated youths sent to the countryside from being bullied, there are people above who take care of this matter.

These villagers still know.

Coupled with Gu Jiaojiao's big hat being buckled down, Wu Cuizhi, who had no experience, was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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