Chapter 33
Gu Jiaojiao was arrogant and arrogant, holding the corn and preparing to work, holding the corn in one hand, and started peeling the kernels with the other hand.

When everyone sees Gu Jiaojiao working like this, the expression on their faces should be as disgusting as it is disgusting.

Aunt Zhao couldn't stand it anymore, so she taught Gu Jiaojiao her hand.

It turns out that to thresh corn, two corns need to be crossed together, and then forcefully use friction to thresh the corn.

This saves effort, not to mention, and the efficiency is faster.

Gu Jiaojiao felt that Aunt Zhao was really powerful, and her adoring eyes made Aunt Zhao laugh.

"It's normal for you city children to not know it, and those educated youths didn't know it when they first came here, but it will get better after a long time."

Gu Jiaojiao nodded seriously: "I will study hard."

This well-behaved appearance made Aunt Zhao, who has no daughter, wish to take her home to be her daughter.

With such a beautiful and well-behaved daughter, she must be reluctant to work.

I don't know what Gu Jiaojiao's family thinks, such a beautiful daughter is willing to go to the countryside.

Aunt Zhao felt a little more distressed for Gu Jiaojiao.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't know this, she was still fighting with the corn, even though she had decided in her heart to work hard, but after rubbing it for a while, her hands turned red and hurt.

Gu Jiaojiao has learned the skill of poking corn, but her hands have never done rough work, they are very tender, and they turn red after an hour of work, that's why she has gloves.

Gu Jiaojiao took off her gloves and looked at them, then put them on again and continued without saying a word.

She has such a temperament, since she has decided to do it, she will not complain about suffering or tiredness.

Aunt Zhao saw Gu Jiaojiao's actions in her eyes, and felt that Gu Jiaojiao was different from the rumors.

Wu Cuizhi on the side was not happy.

"Gu Zhiqing, it's too unfair for you to work so slowly and get the same centimeter as us."

"That's right, it's too unfair to us."

Originally, when everyone was grouped together, some people would do more and some would do less, but basically the difference was not much different. Now that there was a particularly bad one, they would naturally feel unbalanced.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't want to take advantage of everyone, so she said immediately: "Then let's divide the food first, so that we won't take advantage of you."

Everyone didn't expect her to be so stubborn, and they couldn't say anything else for a while.

So, they directly divide the corn into ten parts, so that each of them can do their own work without interfering with each other.

Everyone! ! !

Although it's so divided, I'm still not happy, what's going on?

Aunt Zhao comforted her: "Don't worry, I will help you later."

Gu Jiaojiao forced a smile: "Auntie, you are so kind, you don't dislike me."

Aunt Zhao was amused, this girl is so funny, she has so many small expressions, it hurts just to look at it.

Gu Jiaojiao just hummed and hummed for a long time, and a small piece of corn went away.

"Jiaojiao, go back to eat!"

After getting along for a long time, Aunt Zhao and Gu Jiaojiao became closer, so they called their names directly.

Gu Jiaojiao stood up and looked into the distance. At least half of everyone's food piles had gone, and only hers had gone, only a small piece.

Don't look at a small piece, it's actually quite a lot. You must know that there are thousands of acres of corn in the whole village, and the yield per mu is six to seven hundred catties. This is the state of corn threshing. One hundred thousand catties of grain, one can imagine how big a pile is.

These jobs will take at least five days.

After the corn is threshed, it needs to be dried for a few days. After the corn is dried and sent to the granary, it is more than half completed.

Later, peanuts and soybeans also need to be threshed.

Why do you say that the autumn harvest is hard work, so rushing to work every day, and you can't rest, it's no wonder you're not tired.

The reason why we are in such a hurry is that everyone is afraid that the weather will be bad, and if it rains, a year's hard work will be in vain.

Gu Jiaojiao felt pain in her heart at the thought of working for so many days in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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