Chen Xiumin didn't know that her daughter was still thinking about what happened in the morning.

And she thinks her son is right.

There is something going on at home, so the whole family can't keep her alone in the county town!

Seeing that Xu Wenwan's face was normal, and she was speaking with great anger, she couldn't help but mutter a few words in her heart.

This disease is really strange.

Before she could finish muttering, Xu Wenwan hit the saponins on the stone with a hammer.

This is the saponin that the family prepares for washing clothes. I picked half a bag in total and put it in the woodshed.

I don't know how Xu Wenwan, who never entered the firewood room, found out.

When Chen Xiumin saw her spoiling things like this, she opened her mouth to scold.

But as soon as he moved his lips, he stopped again.

never mind!

It's okay to spoil something, just don't go to the educated youth spot to find a man all day long.

Chen Xiumin ignored Xu Wenwan, entered the kitchen, and saw a basin outside the table covered with a white cloth.

"Why is there a basin here?"

When she opened it, she saw a pot of meat inside. Chen Xiumin was startled, and then remembered that Gu Jiaojiao went to Chen's house to deliver meat today.

I understood that the meat was given to the helpers.

Thinking of the two sons being delayed by Xu Wenwan and going there so late, they probably couldn't be of any help, and felt a little bit more dissatisfied with Xu Wenwan.

This daughter, after she came back, knew how to hold back.

Speaking of which, this disease is also strange.

The fever was quite severe in the morning, and as soon as my son left, it was all over.

Chen Xiumin didn't want to believe that her daughter did it on purpose, and it didn't look like she was pretending at the time, so she simply didn't think about it.

Xu Wenwan smashed all the saponins into pieces and soaked them in water.

Thinking of adding some other things in it, coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, these things are rare things, only available in ready-made supply and marketing cooperatives, one piece is more than one catty!

She had no money in her hand, so she saw Chen Xiumin coming out of the kitchen and returning to her room, and followed her into the room.

"Mom, give me some money."

Chen Xiumin, who just picked up her needlework and was about to make a pair of shoes for the old man: ...

"Money, why do you want money again?"

She found that this daughter was getting more and more excessive, not to mention spending money lavishly, just bought a broken chamber pot for two yuan, and now she is asking for money again.


She continued to thread needles and stopped talking to Xu Wenwan.

Xu Wenwan's eyes turned red.

"Do you not like me? You don't regard me as your own daughter at all."

"When I was young, you hugged me wrongly, and I didn't have my parents by my side for 20 years. Now that I'm back, you treat me like this."

Chen Xiumin: ...

Having said that, I suddenly felt some pain in my conscience.

She stood up and walked to Xu Wenwan's side.

Xu Wenwan covered her face and pulled the corner of her mouth.

She knew that her mother cared about her most in this family, and her mother must feel distressed when she said that.

Chen Xiumin was really distressed. She grabbed Xu Wenwan's sleeve and dragged him out with an ugly expression.

"Go out and cry, don't disturb me."

After finishing speaking, she gave Xu Wenwan a push, and easily pushed the person out of the door. She closed the door behind her backhand, blocking Xu Wenwan's face.

Xu Wenwan: ...

it is good.


This is her relatives.

She originally thought about earning money, regardless of her brother and sister-in-law, but she wanted to be filial to her parents.

But her mother treated her like this.

After she makes money, don't make her filial.

Xu Wenwan ran back to the room aggrieved.

Chen Xiumin didn't even move her face, picked up the needle and began to insert the sole of the shoe.

This daughter of hers dreams of getting rich all day long, she really thinks getting rich is so easy!
Leng Yuan's family.

Xia Qiuming called Leng Yuan to the room with a serious face.

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