at dinner time.

Village head Xu didn't see Xu Wenwan, so he asked curiously.


in the room.

Xu Wenwan: Woohoo!
Village Chief Xu: ...

He fell silent.

No wonder his old lady's face was so ugly when he just came back. It turned out that Xu Wenwan provoked her again.

Xu Chongshan and Xu Chongfeng were even more silent. The feelings they had for their sister disappeared long ago when Xu Wenwan did things that hurt her family again and again.

in the room.

She heard voices outside, so she made a noise on purpose.

She thought her father would speak for her, but it turned out that each of these people cared about her.

Xu Wenwan couldn't help crying.


Although it was full and in a good mood, it couldn't bear Xu Wenwan's constant crying.

Really annoying.

The system endured it again and again, and now it can't bear it anymore.

"electric shock."

"Don't, I won't cry..."

"嗤" A strong electric current spread directly from Tianling Gai to the soles of the feet, Xu Wenwan's whole body straightened instantly, twitching while straightening, her face was blackened by the electricity, and her hair turned into an afro.

It took a long time before Xu Wenwan exhaled a puff of smoke from her mouth and coughed weakly twice.

She hurts so much, she wants to cry, woo woo woo!
Thinking of the taste of the electric shock, Xu Wenwan tightly covered her mouth, not daring to let the sound of crying leak out.

Sure enough, the world is clean again.

After dinner, Chen Xiumin asked her daughter-in-law to clean up the dishes, and she dragged Village Chief Xu into the room.

Village head Xu was a little confused.

But his wife is in a bad mood, so no matter what conditions she raises later, he just agrees.

Chen Xiumin cut to the chase.

"Go and tell Yun Hao to ask him to propose marriage."

Village Chief Xu nodded.

Just halfway through the click, he felt something was wrong, so he suddenly raised his head and looked at Chen Xiumin.

"What did you say? Let Yun Hao come to propose marriage."

Chen Xiumin sighed: "Do you know what stupid thing your daughter did today?"

"She went to seduce Leng Yuan, and she was seen by several people. She came here to tell me about it today. You know that I had no place to put my shameful old face at that time."

When it came to the scene at that time, Chen Xiumin wished she could just pass out.

She was simply ashamed.

Village Chief Xu's face also darkened.

No wonder Xu Wenwan couldn't even get out of bed because of the beating, right.

Worryingly, he picked up the tobacco rod, grabbed a handful of tobacco leaves and put them on the rod, stretched out his hand and pressed it, and then lit it with the help of a kerosene lamp.

After pecking at the stem of the cigarette, Village Chief Xu exhaled a puff of smoke before speaking.

"It's a matter of the child's life. It's decided in this way. Will it be too soon?"

After all, this daughter has only been back for two months.

Chen Xiumin had already figured it out.

"I know what you're thinking. You want to keep your daughter for a while. After all, she just came back and isn't very close to us yet. But look at how bad her reputation is now."

"I've thought about it carefully. That kid Yunhao is not bad. Although he's an educated youth, fortunately, I knew him before Wen Wan. Moreover, the two kids have a good relationship and are often together."

"Yunhao's family is also good. His father is the director of the factory and his mother is the director. They seem to like gentleness. I think this is a good thing."

In the past, they wanted to get close to the child and help her find a good family.

In fact, they were not very willing to let Xu Wenwan marry Yunhao.

The two families were considered well-matched before, but now Xu Wenwan is an ordinary child in the village. With Yunhao's family background, it is hard to guarantee that he will not despise Wenwan.

But now, I can't take care of that much anymore, the two must be together.

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