Chen Beiguo sneered.

He had already guessed that Li Dashan would say that.

This bastard wants to dig Lengyuan wholeheartedly, and he also expects people to go around their village to give some constructive suggestions!

Naturally, at this time, he was not willing to offend Leng Yuan.

Li Dashan smiled and stepped forward to talk to Leng Yuan, not at all embarrassed.

He has no other merits.

It's just very thick-skinned.

What other people's opinion is nothing, as long as Leng Yuan can be brought to their village, maybe they can give their opinions. At that time, it will be a big matter about food.

For the sake of his village's harvest, what's wrong with him getting a few blank eyes, he is willing.

Leng Yuan just doesn't like to talk, but it doesn't mean he is rude. When Li Dashan came to talk to him, Leng Yuan still started talking to him.

According to the other party's question, I put forward a few ideas.

Li Dashan's eyes lit up, and he looked at Leng Yuan more and more earnestly.

Everyone in the other brigade was stunned.

Who doesn't know that Li Dashan has a thicker skin than the city wall, but he is also very shrewd. He is the kind of monkey spirit that everyone often says, with eight hundred eyes.

Looking at a good-looking young man with such a smile at the moment, everyone looked puzzled.

Then someone spoke.

"Could it be that Li Dashan fell in love with this young man and wanted to marry his daughter?"

Speaking of which, Li Dashan's daughter is also sixteen.

Although it was a bit early for Shiliu to say goodbye, it wasn't like no one said goodbye so early.

Chen Beiguo looked at Li Dashan contemptuously, and then pulled Leng Yuan behind him.

He can't stop it.

If you don't stop it, you're afraid that this shameless thing will dig people into their village.

"Li Dashan, this is the conference room. You thought it was a blind date. Just now everyone thought you wanted to marry your daughter to Leng Yuan!"

When Li Dashan heard it suddenly, he thought it made sense.

If he married his daughter to Leng Yuan, wouldn't it be more kissing than kissing!
What a wonderful thing.

But he soon came back to his senses. Thinking of how much Leng Yuan protected his wife, he was terrified, looked at the people around him, and scolded.

"What nonsense, my daughter is only sixteen, why marry? Besides, Comrade Leng Yuan is married, and his wife is also good-looking. The two are very suitable. If you talk nonsense in the future, don't blame me for being rude."

He would rather let Leng Yuan be his son-in-law, but unfortunately his daughter is too young.

Besides, he had met Gu Jiaojiao before, and he was not so confident that his daughter could compare to Gu Jiaojiao.

Not to mention appearance and knowledge, but with that bearing and heart, Gu Jiaojiao dumped his daughter by [-] blocks.

Everyone thought that Leng Yuan was not married!
After all, it doesn't look big.

Now that I know that I am married, I no longer joke around.

But the joke was off, and everyone became even more curious.

If you read correctly, this comrade Leng Yuan is a member of the Qingshan Brigade!
Li Dashan is the captain of Lijiawan.

Lijiawan won the title of advanced village for two consecutive years. This year, everyone thought it was three years in a row. Unexpectedly, the honor of advanced village was snatched away by the Qingshan brigade.

Logically speaking, there should be some filth between Li Dashan and Chen Beiguo.

But now Li Dashan is extremely enthusiastic towards the villagers of the Qingshan Brigade, no matter how you look at it, it must be wrong!

The captain who was curious came to Chen Beiguo's side and asked curiously.

"Beiguo, what's wrong with Li Dashan? Why is he so courteous to the boys in your village?"

Chen Beiguo pouted.

What else can I do, it's not because I like Leng Yuan's talent.

Just as he was about to speak, he thought about the threshing machine. These people were also very jealous at the time.

This matter cannot be said.

"Leng Yuan is the teacher, maybe he has some homework to ask!" (End of this chapter)

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