If the captain of each village makes a major mistake after taking office, the captain will have to be replaced.

After Leng Yuan's operations, the captain of the Qingshan Brigade may be replaced next year.

Wang Aiguo smiled darkly, turned and left.

The other captains on the side also taunted and left.

And those who sent the pigs were a little embarrassed. They wanted to comfort them, but they felt that what they said meant that they would not hurt their backs while standing up and talking.

In the end, he was not happy at all, and with a sneer, he hurriedly left the meeting room.

Li Dashan came to the end.

He patted Chen Beiguo on the shoulder.

Then he sighed and left.

He has always been able to speak, but after doing all these operations today, he really couldn't find any words to comfort Chen Beiguo. For the first time in his life, he was so embarrassed.

As for Leng Yuan, he was even more afraid to look at it.

At this time, he was not in the mood to make friends with Leng Yuan.

The Qingshan Brigade was in danger, so he stopped thinking about letting Leng Yuan go to Lijiawan.

After everyone leaves.

Chen Beiguo looked at Leng Yuan.

"Leng Yuan, what's going on? You can explain it to us now!"

It's not that he insists on explaining this matter here.

But when he went back, he had to give the villagers an explanation.

Leng Yuan didn't hide anything this time.

Tell me about the white pig.

"It only takes half a year to feed this kind of pig, and it is also big, usually between [-] and [-] catties."

"We will select [-] sows at that time. I can find a way to breed white pigs. At that time, there will be a lot of them. As long as we raise them and sell them, are we afraid that the people in the village will not be rich?"

If you feed white pigs for half a year, they can grow to more than 200 catties, and black pigs can reach the sky, and they can only weigh more than 100 catties a year.

This one pig will be two. With this calculation, even if it is helping others to raise half a year for nothing, it is still a good deal!

Chen Beiguo couldn't imagine how much money he could make after raising so many pigs. Anyway, he was getting rich.

Chen Beiguo's mind is now full of getting rich.

Not only him, but village chief Xu and the accountant as well.

If what Leng Yuan said is true, then they will definitely not lose money.

Leng Yuan explained.

"These things haven't been successful yet, so don't tell them. I will remind everyone not to tell them when the time comes. Otherwise, if the news gets out, don't worry about the breeding of pigs. Others might think of a way."

In this kind of thing, the first person to eat crabs will make money, and the second person will definitely not make money as the first person.

Their village eats the first wave of fat meat if they want to eat it.

Chen Beiguo felt his feet fluttering, and he had a silly smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I will never tell."

He had vaguely guessed that Leng Yuan's uncle had to figure out a way to breed pigs.

Chen Beiguo was dejected during the meeting, and now that he was about to go back, he was blissfully blissful.

Leng Yuan explained clearly, and the worries of Village Chief Xu and the accountant became less.

They were all excited.

Why is meat so expensive these days?

It is because there are too few.

There are only so many allocated to them. People who have tickets in the county will get more than half, leaving a small part for farmers, and they often cannot get them.

Where the pork is sold, as long as you go there late, there will be pig offal and big bones that no one wants.

If the time for raising pigs is shortened and the ingredients are shortened, then eating pork will become a simple matter.

It's just a new problem.

"We raise so many pigs, food is probably a big problem."

Village head Xu took a bite of the cigarette stem, with a look of sadness on his face.

He is the oldest among them, and he can see the farthest.

These words, like a pot of cold water, quenched the enthusiasm of Chen Beiguo and the accountant.

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