Chapter 41
After everyone was amazed, the way they looked at Wu Cuizhi changed.

Before, they envied that Wu Cuizhi could immediately get another dollar for nothing, but now they only looked at Wu Cuizhi with sympathy.

Wu Cuizhi's face turned blue, and she couldn't help being angry: "Gu Zhiqing, did you do it on purpose?"

When Gu Jiaojiao heard this, she smiled and said, "Yes!"

"After all, young ladies like us in the city have no use for anything except reading. I just want to tell my aunt that this thing is made by scholars."

After finishing speaking, Wu Cuizhi was so angry that he was half dead, and then he leisurely started threshing the corn.

When she went back yesterday, she was ridiculed by many people on the way. At that time, she heard Wu Cuizhi's words clearly.

"The eldest lady from the city can't even do homework, that is, she can read a little, but what's the use of reading? You don't want to farm!"

She will let them see today whether reading is useful or not.

Gu Jiaojiao has a machine, so she is not in a hurry to work. She said to Aunt Zhao beside her, "Auntie, why don't we work together! You can throw it for me, and I will step on the machine, so hurry up."

Wu Cuizhi quit after hearing this: "It won't work, it's a bet between the two of us, how can you ask someone to help you!"

Her voice was so loud that it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Gu Jiaojiao picked out her ears: "Auntie, I can hear you if you keep your voice down. Since you think it's unfair, that's fine. I'll work for Aunt Zhao first, and I'll do mine after I finish her work. Ask my aunt to help me."

Wu Cuizhi: ...

She was not convinced, but felt that Gu Jiaojiao's words were a disadvantage to her, so what else could she say?
Holding his breath, he sat back and began rubbing corn desperately.

She felt that Gu Jiaojiao was just playing tricks, that something like threshing was really so useful?

She doesn't believe it.

Aunt Zhao also felt that Gu Jiaojiao was at such a disadvantage. Originally, there was only one person, but now there are two people. From her point of view, it doesn't take much effort to throw corn into it, and she took advantage of it.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't care about these things, she persuaded Aunt Zhao, and the two started working together.

Aunt Zhao just threw it in, Gu Jiaojiao stepped on it, a corn.

Aunt Zhao saw that the speed was fast, so she hurriedly threw two people into it. Leng Yuan specially used high-quality iron for the wheels inside, which were extremely sharp and strong, so that the threshing would be fast.

It was precisely because of this that Gu Jiaojiao saved a lot of effort.

In less than two hours, Aunt Zhao's corn was finished.

Crowd: ...

Wu Cuizhi, who was looking forward to Gu Jiaojiao's broken machine: ...

Contrary to their complicated moods, Aunt Zhao touched the thresher very curiously: "This is a good thing, if you get more, the work will be much faster."

Gu Jiaojiao was sweating all over her body, no matter how easy it was, she would get tired after doing it for a long time, not to mention that it still required strength.

Aunt Zhao saw that Gu Jiaojiao was a little tired, so she simply replaced her. Gu Jiaojiao was still a little unwilling, but Aunt Zhao insisted.

Facts have proved that Aunt Zhao is much faster than her.

Her physical strength is not even comparable to Aunt Zhao.

She was out of breath after working for two hours, while Aunt Zhao worked for two hours, her face was not red and her heart was beating, she just looked at the threshing machine, as if she was shining.

It was only noon, and the work of the two of them was finished, which also meant that Wu Cuizhi lost.

Aunt Zhao cheerfully called the team leader over, she was shocked when she saw that Gu Jiaojiao and Aunt Zhao had completed the task, and then began to study with the threshing machine.

Then he looked at Gu Jiaojiao with bright eyes: "You made this?"

Gu Jiaojiao shook her head: "Leng Yuan did it."

"Okay, okay, you are all good, Gu Jiaojiao, then, you and Leng Yuan don't have to work, and help me make a few of these things, I will count you twelve centimeters."

(End of this chapter)

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