Yun Hao hurried to the place where the letter was sent, and just as he opened the letter, he found that the envelope in his hand was wet with sweat.

He glanced at the envelope and decided not to mail it.

From here to the city, it takes two or three days, it is too slow, he has to call back.

The post office can make calls, Yun Hao told the other party, and dialed the number at home.

A female voice came from the phone.

When Yun Hao heard that voice, his eyes turned red: "Mother."

The woman on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's Haohao! Why did you suddenly call mother? Did something happen?"

It's hard for Yun Hao to say what happened here, so he could only speak in a vague way: "Mother, can you find a way to let me go back to the city? I'm a little anxious. It's best to make a decision in these two days."

The woman on the opposite side frowned: "Hao Hao, you know the situation of our family. If you come back, there will be some troubles. It's not that your parents don't want you to come back, but that the rumors from above have been tight recently. You are the most sensible, can you live?" After a while, Mom and Dad must find a way to get you back."

Yun Hao couldn't calm down.

If he can't go back to the city, he will marry Xu Wenwan. He really doesn't want to marry that woman.

"Mom, I haven't asked you for anything since I was a child, can't you help me once? This is really important to me. "

The woman was a little angry when she heard this: "Haohao, why are you becoming more and more ignorant? Now that the rumors are tight, you suddenly asked me to find a job for you. Where can I arrange for you? You don't understand us at all now. Others can. Going to the countryside, why do you have so much resentment when you are sent to the countryside?"

"Think about it for yourself!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Listening to the beeping sound from the microphone, Yun Hao's heart felt like falling into an ice cave in an instant.

On the other side, the woman hung up the phone, frowning.

The middle-aged man on the side looked at her like this, and asked suspiciously: "I just heard you call Haohao's name, is it Haohao? What's the matter with him? Is there not enough money to spend?"

The woman looked ugly.

"He knew what was going on at home and asked me to find a job for him to come back. If I really did this, I'm afraid we would lose our jobs."

"Why is this kid so selfish?"

She also has no choice.

Of the two sons in the family, one of them must go to the countryside, otherwise it will be reported and investigated, which will be troublesome.

What's more, her youngest son has grown up in sight, and his background is always known. When the time comes, when others know that her two sons are at home, how will he explain it at that time!

The man's face darkened. In his memory, his son was always calm and unhurried. He could do everything very well. In the entire family courtyard, no one praised him.

This time I called, I'm afraid something happened.

"Don't worry about it. I happen to have a friend in the county where Haohao went to the countryside. I'll ask him to take care of it."

As for work, he really couldn't arrange it.

There has been a lot of rumors recently. He did this, and his opponents caught him. I am afraid that he, the factory manager, will not be able to continue.

Yun Hao didn't know about the discussion behind the Yun family.

He hung up the phone, gave the money, and came to the street in a daze, just in time to see people parading the street again, and the beating, cursing and shouting could still be heard from a long distance away.

He laughed at himself, tore up the letter in his hand, and threw it into the trash can.

Since his parents don't care about him anymore, he has only one choice now, and that is to marry Xu Wenwan.

Pursing his lips, Yun Hao walked towards the Qingshan Brigade. (end of this chapter)

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