Yun Hao hated Xu Wenwan, no matter how beautiful she was, he would not like her.

When seeing Xu Wenwan, Gu Jiaojiao's glamorous and moving face could not help appearing in his mind.

On the other hand, Xu Wenwan felt that she didn't dislike Yun Hao, and wanted to marry her, even if the other party dared to flirt with her, she was not used to him.

As a result, the Xu family remained silent, and the two betrothed sat far away, each with their heads turned and ignoring each other.

The atmosphere was silent.

Chen Xiaoli's toes were almost curled up in embarrassment, it was so embarrassing.

After a long while, Village Chief Xu spoke again.

"Since you are both engaged, you can also discuss the dowry and marriage. I was optimistic about the good life before, and it will be a good day after seven days. On the day you get married, the dowry will be 20 yuan according to the rules of the village!"

After finishing speaking, Village Chief Xu took a deep puff of dry tobacco.

He doesn't care about being ashamed or not now, as long as Xu Wenwan gets married as soon as possible.

Every time he thought of the scene of Xu Wenwan seducing Leng Yuan with all kinds of small actions on the donkey cart, he was so worried that he couldn't sleep.

If this daughter stays here, if she does something wrong, it will be over.

Or hurry up and get married!

A bride price of 20 yuan is a common standard in the Qingshan Brigade. If the man is rich, he can pay more. If he is not rich, he can get less. It is not so rigid.

But 20 yuan, according to the conditions of Village Chief Xu's family, absolutely not much.

Xu Wenwan felt that 20 yuan was too little.

She has no other requirements, she just wants to marry the rich second generation and have a good time when she gets married.

Yun Hao's family background is good, and the betrothal gift must start at least two hundred.

Her father is only twenty, who is she looking down on!

"Father, how can the bride price be twenty! At least two hundred."

If it weren't for the low prices and low income, she would have asked for at least two thousand. In her previous life, she mentioned two million as a bride price.

The Xu family: ...

Yunhao: ...

Everyone looked at Xu Wenwan in unison, and seeing her angry and serious expression, they all suspected that they had heard wrong.

two hundred?

Why don't you go grab it?
Xu Wenwan straightened her back. She used to be considered a half-celebrity, so she couldn't ask for two hundred.

She is still a little dissatisfied!
Yun Hao was even more annoyed, and he snorted coldly.

"200 yuan? Do you deserve it?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Village Chief Xu.

"You can get married after seven days, but I don't think the bride price is appropriate, and 20 yuan is too much. I only offer five yuan as the bride price. You can get married if you want to, and forget it if you don't."

He didn't want to get married in the first place, and it would be great if Village Chief Xu refused.

Xu Wenwan was angry, and she stood up angrily.

"Five yuan, Yun Hao, are you crazy about poverty? Who spends five yuan to marry a daughter-in-law, thanks to what you said."

Yun Hao was also angry, he was full of words to say, now that Xu Wenwan opened his mouth, then he wouldn't hide it.

"I can't say it, Xu Wenwan, should you tell me what happened to me when I was dizzy last time, and what happened when I fainted last time?"

Yun Hao is not stupid.

He was fine before, but it was only after he came into contact with Xu Wenwan that he started to feel dizzy.

I thought I was sick the first time, but not the second time.

It was Xu Wenwan who grabbed his hand and didn't let it go, and he felt something peeled off from him. That feeling was very obvious, and later on he felt dizzy again, even worse than that day.

Thinking about the two things together, he remembered that Xu Wenwan also grabbed his hand the first time.

Thinking about it this way, Yunhao himself was startled, wondering what Xu Wenwan had done to him. (end of this chapter)

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