Chapter 44 Emergency Measures

In the grain drying field, everyone was chatting and working, seeing so much grain, they were all beaming.

This year's harvest is really good, with more than 600 grains per mu of land, which is considered a very good year.

Next year, I should be able to eat more.

Everyone has a smile on their face after harvest.

But when the weather suddenly turned gloomy, the smiles on everyone's faces disappeared in the blink of an eye, and everyone tried to speed up, fearing that it would rain suddenly.

Others cried out of worry.

"This goddamn god, no matter how cloudy it is, it will be cloudy. If it really rains, so much food will be ruined."

These words, like a heavy hammer, slammed into everyone's hearts.

They have been busy for a year, weeding and fertilizing, working under the scorching sun, and never asking for leave, just to have enough food.

If these grains are soaked in water, one year's hard work will be in vain, and the next year's rations will not be available!

Thinking of this, many people covered their faces and began to cry.

"Don't cry, what's the use of crying at this time, let's hurry up and do it, we must harvest all the food before it rains."

When everyone heard the words, they immediately wiped away their tears and worked hard.

Although they have tried their best to speed up, no matter how fast they are, it will not be of much use in the face of hundreds of thousands of catties of grain.

When the weather turned gloomy, the team leader gathered all the village cadres together to discuss the countermeasures.

"It's going to be hot in the afternoon. The grain in the field has not been brought back, and there is still more than half of the grain in the drying field. What should we do now?"

There are granaries in the village, but the area is limited.

Even if part of the corn is sent in now, half of the harvest will still be lost.

In the years when there is not enough to eat, but also to watch the food being ruined, everyone's face is not good-looking.

The village head pondered for a while, then couldn't help saying: "It's better to send the threshed and sun-dried corn to the granary first, and the others don't move. If it really rains, we can only keep as much as we can."

This is extremely heavy to say, but it is also the best way for now.

The team leader immediately asked other cadres to inform the few people who worked neatly to send the dried corn into the granary first.

The cadre left without hesitation.

He asked another cadre to inform the elderly and children in the village, one by one, and all of them went to help in the grain drying field.

Originally, children and the elderly didn't need to help, but at this time, they couldn't care so much.

In fact, these were not mentioned by the captain, those people saw that the weather was not good, so they all spontaneously took the small benches to the grain drying field.

For a while, only the captain, the village party secretary, and the village accountant and scorekeeper were left in the room.

"Let's go! Let's hurry to help."

The village party secretary said something and was about to leave when the accountant suddenly spoke.

"Captain, I heard that a threshing machine has been made in the village, which is faster than manual labor. Can you make more?"

Hearing this, several people immediately focused their eyes on Xi Yi on the captain Chen Beiguo.

Originally, Chen Beiguo asked Leng Yuan to fight a few more just to save some energy, but now he couldn't help feeling rejoicing, luckily he asked Leng Yuan to do a few more.

"I'll arrange a few more people to help and let them speed up."

In addition, Chen Beiguo couldn't guarantee it either.

Everyone didn't have any opinions. Although they didn't know if it would be useful, they still had a little more hope.

(End of this chapter)

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