A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 503 Zhu Wanqi is allergic and disfigured

"Wanqi, what's wrong?"

Zhang Tianming hurried forward, held Zhu Wanqi's shoulders, and asked patiently.

Zhu Wanqi collapsed even more when she heard Zhang Tianming's voice, and covered her face to prevent him from looking.

"Leave me alone, get out, get out!"

Zhang Tianming did not go out. Instead, he forced Zhu Wanqi's body to straighten, his tone revealing concern.

"Wanqi, don't do this. I will find someone to look at your face for you. Trust me, this is only temporary."

Zhu Wanqi broke down and cried.

This face was redder than Guan Gong's, and it was covered with bumps and red bumps. Not to mention Zhang Tianming, even she couldn't help having nightmares just looking at it at night.

She didn't know how many times she had been frightened awake.

When I wake up at night and see myself in the mirror, I am even scarier than a female ghost.

Zhu Wanqi simply couldn't accept herself like this.

She lay in Zhang Tianming's arms and cried loudly.

Zhang Tianming frowned, wanting to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say. At this time, anything he said would only irritate Zhu Wanqi.

We can only let people speed up and find old Chinese doctors who are decentralized, maybe there is a solution.

One was crying, the other was patting the back and coaxing. This was the first time that Zhu Wanqi and Zhang Tianming were so calmly together after her face was disfigured.

A few days ago, Zhu Wanqi wouldn't let him enter the room at all.

If he hadn't heard the sound of smashing things today, Zhang Tianming would not have barged in at all, fearing that something might happen to Zhu Wanqi.

"Okay, don't cry. No matter what you become, I will never despise you. I swear in the name of my motherland."

This is Zhang Tianming swearing by his belief.

Zhu Wanqi was immediately amused.

"The motherland knows that you swore because of such a small thing, and it must feel aggrieved. After all, it is the unlucky one who broke the oath."

Zhang Tianming glared: "No nonsense." The motherland is his belief and cannot be slandered.

Zhu Wanqi also knew that he had a tough and bad temper, and would never use his rights to do anything beyond his boundaries.

That old man didn’t know how many times he came over to give gifts, but none of them were successful.

Zhang Tianming believes in one sentence.

That is to say, we must not take advantage of the masses.

"Okay, okay, I know."

Zhu Wanqi wiped her tears and raised her head, revealing a face covered with red pimples. In serious places, ulcers had appeared.

Zhu Wanqi saw her face, which was more disgusting than a toad's back. How could she accept such a result.

Zhang Tianming didn't dislike it at all, and carefully observed it for a long time, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

A pustule has already appeared here. If it is not treated quickly, it will be in trouble if it becomes serious.

While he was watching carefully, there was a knock on the door downstairs.

Zhang Tianming lived in a two-story building, with two bedrooms and a kitchen below, and a bedroom, a study room, and a living room above. The toilet was in the yard outside.

Under normal circumstances, Zhang Tianming and Zhu Wanqi lived in the bedroom above. Zhang Tianming went to the study room to work, and he usually went to the living room on the second floor to meet guests.

However, because Zhu Wanqi was emotionally unstable these past two days, Zhang Tianming has been living on the first floor.

There are stairs outside the small building that lead directly to the second floor.

Experienced people go directly to the second floor and knock on the door.

Although Zhang Tianming wondered who would come over at this time, he calmed down Zhu Wanqi's emotions, then closed the bedroom door, walked to the entrance, and opened the door.

Outside the door were Lu Yuanbin's men, who had been here before Zhang Tianming.

But they were all rejected by Zhang Tianming.

Seeing the person coming, Zhang Tianming recognized him at a glance. (end of this chapter)

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