Gu Jiaojiao took out the manuscript.

The handwriting on the manuscript is vigorous and powerful, and it is more beautiful than the pen writing she saw for the first time.

I probably wrote it casually last time, but this time it is probably Leng Yuan's real strength.

Gu Jiaojiao read the manuscript and checked for typos.

But looking at it, I was attracted in without knowing it.

An article written by Leng Yuan aimed at future development is positive and full of strength between the lines, so that people who read this article can feel the thoughts conveyed in it and become more determined. Sooner or later, the sun will shine into the darkness.

Seeing the back, I forgot to check for typos.

She could only go back and read it again, and there was no typo at all.

Gu Jiaojiao looked at the manuscript in her hand and had to admit that it was really well written.

No wonder she was selected by the newspaper, her language was sharp and every word was clear, she, a modern person, would applaud after reading it.

After reading the whole article, Gu Jiaojiao was still a little excited.

Obviously, he already knows the future development, but looking at Leng Yuan's manuscripts and thoughts, the experience in front of him has become extremely great.

Gu Jiaojiao put down the manuscript, only to realize that it was past six o'clock in the evening, and the kerosene lamp was already lit in the kitchen.

When she walked to the kitchen, she saw that the hare and pheasant had been cleaned up and put aside.

Gu Jiaojiao chopped up a chicken, and the remaining two hares planned to make bacon and dry it, and eat it in winter.

She found that she is now a hamster, desperately hoarding food for the winter.

Thinking about it, I also feel a little funny. In the past, she didn't like hoarding food the most.

It is convenient to buy anything, and you can buy whatever you lack.

But when she got here, she also felt a sense of crisis when she saw other people's faces were sallow and emaciated.

Tickets are required to buy things here, and the usual food distribution is limited. If you want to eat enough, you have to stock up on more food before it snows.

Otherwise, the mountains will be blocked by heavy snow, and even the county will not be able to go.

So she had to plan ahead.

When Gu Jiaojiao was cleaning up the pheasants, Leng Yuan was not idle, and asked Gu Jiaojiao what side dishes she wanted, and then started to clean up.

The two were busy with their own tasks, but they had an incomparable understanding, and the atmosphere gradually became harmonious.

Looking at it from a distance, it is a dark night, heavy rain, a light is lit in the kitchen, the woman is busy in front of the chopping board, and the man is busy behind him.

The bodies of the two elongated and overlapped, forming a warm and beautiful picture.

While chopping the chicken, Gu Jiaojiao couldn't help talking about Leng Yuan's manuscript.

When mentioning some thoughts in it, Gu Jiaojiao couldn't help but praise a few words.

"Your writing is so good, I couldn't help but read it twice. Not only is it well written, but there is not a single typo."

Leng Yuan was a little surprised when he heard the words, and then asked: "What do you think is well written?"

His words were selected by the newspaper to encourage people's hearts, but many people felt that it was just a way to appease people's hearts and fool people's hearts.

The light will not come at all.

Leng Yuan also understood that in the darkness, how could he believe in the light!

But what surprised him was that Gu Jiaojiao believed so firmly.

That appearance seems to believe even more than him, the darkness will fade, and the light will come.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't think too much, and expressed her thoughts without revealing.

"I think the difficulty is only temporary. We will always develop in the future, and it cannot be like this forever."

"When the country recovers and really starts to develop, all policies will naturally be changed."

Gu Jiaojiao paused for a moment before continuing to speak.

"For example, talent selection, maybe you can continue to go to college?!"

When Leng Yuan heard that some of Gu Jiaojiao's thoughts coincided with his, a smile appeared in his heart.

"You also think we won't go on like this forever, and will get better and better in the future?"

Gu Jiaojiao nodded.

"Of course, I do."

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