Chapter 709

Sun Yeshu glanced at Leng Qingtian aggrievedly.

Eyes are red.

She was already a little uncomfortable during pregnancy, and recently her mother-in-law had been instructing her to do this and that, but the man ignored her. For a moment, she wanted to burst into tears.

Just when Sun Yeshu was feeling uncomfortable, she heard a cheerful noise coming from the field nearby. She looked up and saw Gu Jiaojiao and a group of children picking wheat ears in the field nearby.

Sun Yeshu followed Leng Qingtian to pick up wheat ears, while Gu Jiaojiao followed Leng Yuan to pick up wheat ears in the field.

And the two people were assigned to the ground next to each other.

Leng Qingtian was a little embarrassed. Although he was not asked to do what happened to Sun Yeshu, it was his people who were embarrassed.

He wanted to apologize to Leng Yuan, but Leng Yuan came over with a sickle and didn't even look at Leng Qingtian. Instead, he kept talking to Chen Jianshe next to him.

At first, these cousins ​​were jealous of Leng Yuan and united to try to bully Leng Yuan. Although they failed, the relationship between the brothers was not cordial.

In the past, Leng Qingtian didn't think anything was wrong, but now, watching Chen Jianshe and Leng Yuan talking and laughing, although Leng Yuan was a little impatient with Chen Jianshe's liveliness, he would still listen to him patiently.

Chen Jianshe, as for Chen Jianshe, looked at Leng Yuan with admiration in his eyes, and when he called Leng Ge, he felt closer than his own brother.

Looking at the two people getting along, they look more like brothers than getting along with him.

This scene made Leng Qingtian look hot, and when the apology came to his lips, he couldn't help but swallow it back.

He took the scythe and went straight to work.

On the side, Chen Jianshe was talking to Leng Yuan about going hunting in the mountains.

In the past, they would go every now and then.

This year, in the past six months, I have not been to the mountain a few times. This time, I finally took advantage of his brother Leng's vacation and decided to go to the mountain a few times. He was already a little hungry.

Last night, my dreams were all about spicy chicken.

Leng Yuan was impatient and could only agree.

"When work ends today and you still have the strength, we'll go to the mountain." Chen Jianshe's eyes lit up, and with Brother Leng's agreement, he also walked to the wheat field he was assigned.

In fact, he was not assigned here. He pestered the captain for a long time, and finally bribed the captain with half a pheasant. Only then did Chen Beiguo relent and let him come over.

Chen Jianshe was somewhat proud of this.

Leng Yuan ignored Chen Jianshe. He looked at Gu Jiaojiao and asked softly: "Just follow me and pick up wheat ears in a moment."

Gu Jiaojiao nodded obediently.

Leng Yuan was the last to start, but men are naturally good at work, and his strength and skill are his advantages.

Leng Yuan hugged him with a big handful of wheat, followed closely by the sickle in his hand, and suddenly a wheat field was revealed.

Leng Qingtian and Chen Jianshe were also good at work, but after a while, they were left behind by Leng Yuan.

Gu Jiaojiao picked up wheat ears with a basket, followed by a large group of children. Before Gu Jiaojiao could take action, all the wheat ears were picked up.

Tianniu asked Gu Jiaojiao like a little adult.

"Sister, these ears of wheat are a bit prickly. You have tender skin, so don't touch these things. If you see the ears of wheat, call me and let me pick them up."

Sweet girl has become the king of children now, with a large group of children following behind her.

Gu Jiaojiao smiled and touched Tianniu's head: "Okay, I understand."

Chen Jianshe cut a piece of land, and Chen Sandan ran over, followed by Chen Erniu. The two came here to find Tianniu.

Gleaning wheat ears is not tiring, and it is most suitable for children. They don’t know how tired they are, and they can run around several fields and pick up all the wheat ears in the fields.

Gu Jiaojiao followed along and didn't pick up a few wheat ears.

On the side, Sun Yeshu felt unhappy when he saw Gu Jiaojiao with a leisurely look on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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