Gu Jiaojiao and others also heard the quarrel behind them and ignored them.

Chen Jianshe couldn't help but complain.

"This Sun Yeshu must be mentally ill!"

His brother Leng loves his wife and is willing not to let his woman work. What does it have to do with Sun Yeshu.

Seeing that his sister-in-law is comfortable, she will compare herself to others, and she will not look at the virtues of her own man.

He looked at Leng Qingtian who had been dropped a long distance and rolled his eyes.

Leng Qingtian is not good at work. He usually only gets seven or eight work points. Brother Leng gets full work points as long as he works. Now he can do the work of two people without difficulty.

This Leng Qingtian can't wait to be exhausted even after earning ten work points, and he still has to help Sun Yeshu with work. Haha, this is a comparison, and the man's life is not considered.

However, he would not sympathize with Leng Qingtian. He chose the woman himself. If he has the ability to choose a woman, he must have the ability to tell the truth.

Several people ignored Leng Qingtian and continued working.

At this moment, a child ran over and called Gu Jiaojiao: "Teacher Gu, someone came to your house, and it was a man."

As for who it was, he didn't know. The child pinched the candy in his hand and licked it.

Someone came, and it was a man. It was not appropriate for Gu Jiaojiao to entertain him, so Leng Yuan had to go back. But Leng Yuan was reluctant to let Gu Jiaojiao work, so he simply took the person back with him.

Let Chen Jianshe take care of the field work first.

Chen Jianshe had no objection. Even if Brother Leng didn't say anything, he would help.

Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao went back and saw a man standing at the door wearing military green trousers and a vest.

Gu Jiaojiao looked a little unfamiliar, but vaguely familiar, especially those eyes.

Before Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao could speak, the man standing at the door stepped forward and spoke to the two of them: "Brother Leng, sister-in-law, I am Bai Shu."

Cypress, surnamed Jiang, Jiang Cypress.

He is the male partner in the novel who never marries for the heroine, and is also the eldest brother of Tianniu and Xiaoyang.

Gu Jiaojiao glanced at the other party one more time to confirm her suspicion. "Let's go in and talk first!"

She stepped forward and opened the door, letting the two people in.

Walking into the courtyard, you immediately feel a sense of coolness. The large courtyard is neatly maintained, with high grape trellises set up on the walls, and bunches of bright purple interspersed among the green leaves.

There is also a sycamore tree in the center of the yard. Its branches are only as thick as an arm, and it can also provide a shade.

In the shade is a stone table with four stone benches beside it.

The stone bench is next to a cobblestone path, with tenacious wildflowers planted on both sides of the path, which is eye-catching.

Occasionally you can see butterflies fluttering on the wild flowers.

Jiang Baishu seemed to have suddenly entered a paradise.

He never knew that life in the country could be lived like this.

Leng Yuan took Jiang Baishu in. Gu Jiaojiao went to the kitchen and brought water out. Seeing Jiang Baishu still in a daze in the yard, she smiled and spoke.

"Sweet girl has always been taking care of these flowers, and the path is paved with cobblestones that Xiaoyang picked up from the river."

The previous garden was also very simple. Gu Jiaojiao felt it was a bit monotonous, so she proposed to plant some flowers and plants.

In her previous life, she lived in the south for a period of time, with small bridges and flowing water, people's homes, flowers, fruits, and honey. Even in winter, it was like spring.

That's when I came up with this idea.

Fortunately, everyone in the family supported it, so the courtyard was decorated.

Not to mention, no matter how busy or tired you are outside, as long as you walk into this courtyard, you will immediately feel refreshed and feel relaxed.

"Sit down first!"

Gu Jiaojiao greeted and put the water glass on the table.

Jiang Baishu immediately handed the thing in his hand to Gu Jiaojiao. (End of chapter)

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