Chapter 727 Living Expenses

In order to join the army, Jiang Baishu secretly signed up without telling his parents. Later, when the superiors came to pick him up, the old couple at home found out.

At that time, Jiang Baishu's eyebrows were green, and he waved his hands, saying that he would show his meritorious service to his parents, and he would definitely get the medal of meritorious service back when the time comes.

Chen Jianshe thought that this man would come back soon.

Unexpectedly, things have changed and people have changed. Jiang's father and mother left one after another. News was sent to Jiang Baishu, but there was no reply. His sister and brother were not living like human beings, and Jiang Baishu never showed up.

After two or three years like this, everyone said that Jiang Baishu died outside.

Even Chen Jianshe believed this statement.

Now, he suddenly appeared and saw the changes in his family. If it weren't for his sister and brother, he might have gone crazy.

On the first night when Jiang Baishu came back, he went up the mountain to the cemetery and knelt in front of his parents' graves all night.

Came down the next day.

No one knew Jiang Baishu's despair when he saw the graves of his parents. When he left, his parents were there and his younger siblings were healthy and happy. When he came back, his parents died and his younger siblings were adopted.

If he hadn't insisted on pursuing his dream back then, maybe his parents would have been fine and his younger siblings wouldn't have been bullied.

After paying such a high price to finally get ahead, are you willing to give up everything you have worked hard for at this time?
How could it be worth it.

Jiang Baishu's eyes were red, feeling guilty for his parents and younger brothers and sisters.

It's all his fault.

If he hadn't insisted on his own ideas, listened to his parents, farmed the land in the village, and taken care of his parents, younger brothers and sisters, he should still have a complete family.

The family's suffering is all because of him.

In fact, the human trafficker's matter has been dealt with long ago, but he did not dare to return to the village for fear that his parents would be angry.

So I asked someone to help inquire about the situation at home.

The moment he learned the news, Jiang Baishu collapsed.

The parents died, and the younger siblings almost starved to death. Later, they were adopted and almost sold.

He almost fainted.

Later, I silently licked my wounds for a few days before I mustered up the courage to step into this village.He figured it out in those few days that he should come back.

In fact, his report has been sent up a long time ago, and it may be in the hands of the leader now.

Seeing Chen Jianshe's worried look, Jiang Baishu suppressed the regret in his heart and pretended to be relaxed.

"Actually, it's nothing. I've had a hard time in the past few years. I've never been there before, but I don't know. It's actually quite tiring. It's good to come back and do farm work. Not to mention having enough to eat, I feel a little more free."

Chen Jianshe remained silent.

If Jiang Baishu hadn't been so calm when he said this, he would have believed it.

This guy has been like this since he was a child. The more uncomfortable he is, the calmer his face becomes, as if he doesn't care at all.


a district.

The leaders had just returned from a meeting. This time, the traffickers were removed from more than 20 dens in a row and hundreds of children and women were saved. The leaders above knew this and were very satisfied.

No, he was even praised.

Not to mention, this kid Jiang Baishu is really good and promising. He is born to be a soldier. At such a young age, this kid can reach his current position, which is much better than he was back then.

It seems that he should be trained carefully. In the past two years, his body and bones have not been as strong as before, and old injuries have also occurred frequently. It is time to consider training a successor.

The leader thinks that Jiang Baishu is a good seedling. If you cultivate it well, it will definitely have great achievements in the future.

Thinking this way, the leader saw an envelope on the table. He picked it up, opened it, and read it again.

The more he looked, the darker his face became, and the more he looked, the angrier he became.

By the time he finished reading the content, the leader was furious.

He slammed the table and stood up.

"You little bastard, you dare to leave me."

(End of this chapter)

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