A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 735: The captain gets the materials

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect Gu Zhiqing to be so powerful and have another invention. You let her rest at home and make tools. You also help at home. As long as the things are made, I will mark twenty centimeters for each of you every day."

The captain's hands were shaking with excitement.

He felt that as long as Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao were in their Qingshan Brigade, their Qingshan Brigade would definitely become rich.

After looking at the wheat threshing machine, the captain found that there were two more drawings and couldn't help but ask.

Leng Yuan explained to the captain.

The captain's mouth trembled in shock, and in the end he could only hold back three words: "Okay, okay, this thing is good, this thing is simple, let's do it! Make these two things first so that they can be used immediately. "

The work of the brigade is divided. Some people dig holes, some put corn, and some water and manure. Several tasks are performed together.

Gu Jiaojiao went home because she couldn't smell the smell.

As a result, just two days after I returned home, I came up with this time-saving and labor-saving thing.

"In this way, whatever materials you need, unload them for me. I will ask someone to write a note tomorrow, and then go to the scrap station to find them. I must prepare everything according to your requirements. How many people do you need to help build it? I will give it to you immediately. You arrange people.”

If he wanted to make a small corn-growing machine, Leng Yuan could do it alone, but the captain wanted to make ten or eight machines so that everyone could use it.

Leng Yuan did not refuse, wrote down what he needed clearly, and went back.

The captain didn't bother to sleep, and went to knock on the doors of more than a dozen households at night, telling them not to go to work and go directly to Leng Yuan's house to gather because they had something to do.

These are the main labor force in the wheat field.

Everyone heard the captain's words and murmured in their hearts. They didn't know what happened, so they asked the captain to come and inform them in the middle of the night.

The next day, when everyone went to work, the village chief was watching over there, but no one from the team leader was seen.

The village chief didn't explain either. Everyone took a closer look and saw that many people didn't come. Everyone started talking in low voices.

"Gu Jiaojiao hasn't come to work for three days in a row. She said she disliked the bad smell in the fields, but that's really hypocritical. She has ruined the atmosphere of the entire brigade."

"You said that if she hadn't stopped working, Sun Yeshu would have quarreled with Leng Qingtian and run back to her parents' house?"

These people were picking shit up in pain, but when they thought that Gu Jiaojiao could hide at home leisurely, without being exposed to the sun, without having to work hard, she could still eat well, eat well, and be warm and well-dressed. It's not balanced.

They all went to the countryside to become educated youth, and they married a loser, so why shouldn't they work?

Not to mention, these words resonated with many people.

In the entire village, most people are good, but there are also people who have a grudge against Gu Jiaojiao.

For example, Li Hongmei from the educated youth spot.

She felt very unbalanced in her heart. She and Gu Jiaojiao were both educated youths. Why did she get scolded by the captain when she asked for leave? When Gu Jiaojiao asked for leave, the captain approved it.

Isn't this discriminatory?

Li Hongmei didn't have a patient temper. For several days in a row, she accused Miss Gu Jiaojiao of being arrogant and secretly. She also said that the captain was fawning over Leng Yuan and did not dare to offend Leng Yuan.

This is not without any impact.

For those who are unaware, their minds are immediately distorted.

This time, no one who had a good relationship with Gu Jiaojiao got this part, and the discussion became louder and louder.

They say the captain is partial.

Others were not allowed to ask for leave, but Gu Jiaojiao was able to ask for leave. (End of chapter)

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