Chapter 741 Water Pumps
A group of people followed the captain to a waterfall.

This waterfall flows down from the mountain. It's not big and it's not far from Leng Yuan's house.

When the group of people arrived here, they saw many young men threshing wheat in the threshing floor and fixing the water wheel here.

As they approached, the waterwheel had been secured.

Leng Yuan saw the captain coming, stepped forward, took the captain's very heavy iron machine, and connected it to a line on the water wheel.

After all this was done, Leng Yuan directed a few people to push the water cart to the bottom of the waterfall.

The waterfall flows down from the mountain and irrigates the waterwheel. The waterwheel is rotated by the water flow.

In order to prevent the waterwheel from moving, Leng Yuan had several large rocks brought in to hold down the shelves on both sides.

That's it for the water pump.

No one understood how this thing was used.

Some smart people probably understood Leng Yuan's intention, but they thought it was impossible. Just this small machine could irrigate the fields. No matter how much they thought about it, they thought it was not feasible.

Just this iron sheet, I'm afraid it can't even hold a bucket of water!
The next moment, Leng Yuan connected the water pipe to the water pump. The water pipe was bought from the scrap station. It was a little old, but not damaged.

As the water pipe is connected and the water pump switch is turned on, the next moment, the water pipe placed on the ground suddenly bulges, and the water flows away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Many people followed, wanting to see if this thing could really release water.

The water flow was very fast, and the whole process took less than a minute. The water flowed out on the river in the field, filling the river in almost a very short time.

At this time, when a field needs watering, an opening is dug beside the river, and the river water immediately pours into the field.

"This saves trouble and big trouble."

They are now watering the fields, and men carry buckets to the river to fill the fields. It takes a lot of effort to lift buckets into the crop field, not to mention the time it takes.

Now with this water pump, there is no need to carry water. The water flow is so fast that dozens of acres of land can be irrigated in half a day.This was something that was unthinkable before.

In an instant, all the members of the Qingshan Brigade cheered.

No wonder the captain is not in a hurry to get to work. With such a handy tool, these thousands of acres of land are simply a piece of cake.

Even if it were doubled, they could easily handle it.

After the two important issues of farming and watering are taken care of, all that remains is to pour manure. All the manpower and material resources saved can be invested in pouring manure.

In any case, this year's busy farming season can be easily spent.

The water pump experiment was successful, and Leng Yuan turned off the switch.

The principle is actually simple. The waterwheel generates electricity, and the water pump uses electricity to pump water. The faster the waterwheel, the more electricity it has and the faster the water flows.

Many people were so curious that they stared at the water pump, but after looking for a long time, they couldn't see a flower. Instead, the smiles on these people's faces turned into flowers.

"Captain, where did you get such a powerful thing? I have never heard of it before."

After saying that, I felt that it was normal for them to be ignorant, and looked at the educated youth around me. These kids from the city were well-educated and well-informed. Maybe they had seen them before!
"Li Zhiqing, do you know what this is?"

This person was asking about Li Fenggu. Li Fenggu's knowledge was ranked among the best among the educated youth spots.

Li Fenggu glanced at the water pump and shook his head.

"This is also my first time seeing this thing."

See you for the first time.

It was the first time for everyone to see it, and they were immediately curious about where the captain got this thing.

(End of this chapter)

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