Chapter 744

Everyone was stunned.

Didn't realize there was such an operation.

However, when Gu Jiaojiao's name came out, she even read her words clearly, which made those who were quite arrogant become red-faced and speechless.

They only talked about Gu Jiaojiao behind her back and said some disgusting things, but in fact they knew they were not true.

But Gu Jiaojiao also went to the countryside for construction, so she should do the same work and get the same sun as them.

But Gu Jiaojiao was lucky. After becoming a teacher, even if she had to work, she would still have men to help her with the work. Now she was even more honest and did not work.

They were jealous in their hearts and couldn't defeat Gu Jiaojiao, so they could only talk behind each other's back.

But Gu Jiaojiao's behavior simply brought all the darkness in these people's hearts to the surface.

Facing everyone's gaze, these people wanted to lower their heads to the ground and find a hole to bury themselves.


They didn't feel it when they were cursing Gu Jiaojiao before, but now those words of trash and trash were pronounced by Gu Jiaojiao righteously, and they felt as if they had been stripped naked.

They couldn't wait to end this embarrassing moment as soon as possible.

Gu Jiaojiao's tone was always calm. She had read these contents in advance. They were all clowns, so she didn't take them to heart.

Leng Yuan and the captain, on the other hand, looked uglier than the other.

Leng Yuan didn't expect that these people would dare to arrange his wife like this.

The captain was angry.

He didn't expect that these people would dare to arrange for him and Gu Jiaojiao and say such dirty words. These people's thoughts would be so dark.

He was also furious, and immediately made the final decision: "These people on the list just now, you still farm the land in the same way as before. You should dig holes and carry water."

When these family members heard this, they were so angry!

Why is their family so unlucky to have such a shameless daughter-in-law?

If there is a mother-in-law and a man, she will be slapped twice by the mother-in-law immediately. "You are such a loser, and you are always slandering Gu Zhiqing behind his back. I will let you do whatever you want."

After saying that, he slapped his face twice again.

This idiot, even if he arranged Gu Jiaojiao, he still dared to arrange the captain. Didn't he see the look in the captain's eyes that was almost cannibalistic?

If they offend the captain, what will happen if their family is targeted in the future?

This mother-in-law was also very powerful. She slapped her a few times and then asked her son to take the person away.

The daughter-in-law cried loudly after being beaten, and she felt regretful in her heart. She had known that saying bad things about Gu Jiaojiao would lead to such bad consequences, but she didn't dare to say a word.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

There are more than 200 families in the entire Qingshan Brigade, and everyone can use tools to work. Only those 30 families are either affected by their own daughters-in-law or their own mothers. In short, they have to work as hard as they want.

The families whose leader of the choreography team had an improper relationship with Gu Jiaojiao were even worse off. They were assigned the least convenient land and did the most tiring work, but their work points were still the same as usual.

But they dare not say a word.

They are in the wrong!

Li Hongmei was not convinced.

Just as she was about to speak, she was slapped on the face.

"Li Hongmei, it's all your fault. If you hadn't instigated me to cause trouble for Gu Zhiqing, I wouldn't have brought trouble on my family. It was all your fault, you broomstick."

The girl regretted it to death. She was a little jealous of Gu Jiaojiao not working, but she didn't expect that her parents would be harmed.

Her parents were old and already tired from the busy farm work. Her father had lost weight twice in the past two days and was finally able to relax a little, but in the end, she also gave up.

The girl gave herself two hard slaps, and then walked quickly to Gu Jiaojiao.

"Gu Zhiqing, what happened before was my fault. I know I was wrong. I can work without tools. My parents didn't say anything bad about you. Can you let them use tools?"

(End of this chapter)

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