Chapter 746 Kicked Out

Threshing field.

When everyone saw the machine in front of them, they were all shocked.

Later, everyone saw that the wheat only needed to be put into the roller, and when it came out, the wheat and wheat straw would be completely separated.

This is cleaner than threshing the wheat with great force.

"Gu Zhiqing, you are really amazing."

At this moment, even those who were unconvinced had to admire Gu Jiaojiao.

People have the ability to stop working, so they are willing to let Gu Jiaojiao stop working.

From now on, no one is allowed to say anything bad about Gu Jiaojiao in front of them. If they hear it, let's see how they deal with those people.

Those who have tools can easily get several work points.

The thirty or so families who had said bad things about Gu Jiaojiao had been talking and working for a long time and only received five work points.

Li Hongmei looked at the blood bubbles on her hands and burst into tears.

She was originally only responsible for planting seeds, which was quite an easy job, but this time the captain directly assigned her to dig holes.

This was a strenuous job, and after wielding the hoe for a long time, blisters formed on her hands. The pain made Li Hongmei cry loudly.

Unfortunately, no one sympathized with her.

Li Hongmei cried for a while, and when she saw everyone walking back, she knew it was time to go back to eat.

As soon as he returned, he was kicked out by Chen Ruoyu.

"We, the educated youth, don't have shameless people like you. From now on, you cook by yourself and we eat separately from you."

After being bullied by Gu Jiaojiao during the day and being bullied by these educated youths after coming back, Li Hongmei immediately exploded.

"Why, it's not like I don't pay for the food, why don't you let me eat it?"

"Why, with your villainous behavior, talking behind people's backs, being ugly, and vicious." Chen Ruoyu was unwilling to talk to Li Hongmei before, but now Li Hongmei is getting more and more excessive, and she can't tolerate her.

Li Hongmei hated it when people said she was ugly. She pointed at Chen Ruoyu's nose and started scolding her.

"Do you think you are so noble? You are not just a lackey of Gu Jiaojiao. If you hadn't flattered Gu Jiaojiao, would you have gotten this teacher's job? Now that Gu Jiaojiao is not here, everything you have done, others can not see."

The educated youth instantly became quiet.What Li Hongmei said was too much.

Chen Ruoyu suddenly laughed: "I can flatter Gu Jiaojiao, can you? You are like this. If you want to flatter others, they won't give you a chance."

"Didn't you just fawn over Gu Jiaojiao all day long? Unfortunately, you didn't get anything. At least I got a job as a teacher."

Li Hongmei: ...

Damn, why is this woman so shameless?

She couldn't take it anymore.

Li Hongmei waved her hand and rushed towards Chen Ruoyu.

Fortunately, there were many educated youth around him, so he immediately pulled them away.

But this hasn't changed, it's the result of Li Hongmei being squeezed out.

Li Hongmei sat on the ground and started crying, crying so pitifully.

Hu Ziqiang couldn't help but frown when he thought that Li Hongmei was so kind to him.

"What you did went too far. Li Hongmei just said the wrong thing..."

Before he could finish his words, the food was thrown out.

"You were sorted out too."

Hu Ziqiang: ...

"No, I won't just..."

The next moment, Hu Ziqiang was pushed out of the kitchen and locked out.

Hu Ziqiang.

No, this Gu Jiaojiao is really so powerful, can't he even be a peacemaker?
Unlike Hu Ziqiang's anger, Li Hongmei's eyes lit up instantly when she saw Hu Ziqiang coming out with food. She got up from the ground and jumped on Hu Ziqiang.

"Self-improvement, I know you love me and you are the best to me."

(End of this chapter)

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