A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 757 The more I think about it, the more it makes sense

Grandma was still restless when she returned to her room. The men were still working in the fields!She still doesn't know what happened at home, and if her man knew that her sister-in-law was going to separate the family because of her daughter's incident, she might not be able to live in peace again.

Thinking of this, Sun's mother couldn't help but accompany her smiling face to the door of the big room.

"Sister-in-law, don't be angry. I won't go looking for trouble with Gu Jiaojiao. My parents are still here, so how can we say we are separating?"

There was no sound from the main room.

Li Cuilian was also in a hurry just now, and she just mentioned the separation of the family.

The main reason was that Sun's mother wanted to find Gu Jiaojiao, but she angered them and refused to let them use the machine, which affected their eldest family.

But when she walked into the house, she thought about it carefully and felt that it was necessary to separate the families.

Just say that she stopped me today, but what about tomorrow?

What about the day after tomorrow?
Who has time to look at the second bedroom person at home every day?

With Sun Yeshu's spoiled character, he might one day do something that would affect the whole family.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

Li Cuilian felt that it was necessary to separate the family.

She doesn't care if she is tired, but she has been doing it for her children all her life. Why should Sun Yeshu have to work hard for her son who is also involved?
When the uncle of the Sun family came back from work, he was just about to wash his hands when he was called into the room by Li Cuilian.

When grandma looked at it, her expression turned cold.

I feel that this sister-in-law is used to making fuss out of molehills. She is looking for trouble with Gu Jiaojiao, not her relatives, so why does she care so much.

When the second son of the Sun family came back, he sat in the yard and started smoking.

Not to mention, after having the tools, working is not tiring at all.

The main room murmured for a long time, and when they came out again, Boss Sun's face was stern, while Li Cuilian's expression had softened a lot.

At noon, the Sun family proposed to separate the family.

When Sun Laoer heard this, he was so frightened that he almost jumped up from his stool.

The two brothers had a quarrel.The old couple were getting older and some didn't want to separate, but the eldest son was determined. The old man thought that he still had to rely on his eldest son to take care of him, so he finally had to agree.

Just like that, without even eating lunch, they called the team leader and the village chief over.

The news that the parents were separating soon spread out, and the neighbors came to watch the excitement.

Someone came close to the Sun family's neighbor and asked in a low voice: "What's going on? Why is the family suddenly separated after everything is going well?"

The neighbor listened to the whole story and didn't hide anything at the moment.

"It could also be because Sun Yeshu was bullied when he went out. It must be Gu Zhiqing's fault. Cuilian said something fair and was ridiculed by the mother and daughter."

"One dislikes her for not loving her younger generation, and the other says she is not blessed. I think this daughter of the Sun family is really spoiled. My sister-in-law wants a divorce because of her, and now her parents' family wants to separate the family because of her. She is really a troublemaker in the family."

Sun Yeshu didn't expect that the family would really be separated, but it didn't matter, she didn't like her eldest aunt anyway.

It's just that the eldest aunt wants to separate the family, why does it become her fault?

Sun Yeshu couldn't bear it anymore and yelled at his neighbor.

"Stop talking nonsense. You are the troublemaker in the family. It is the eldest aunt who wants to separate the family. I didn't say anything. How can you say that?"


I was still feeling a little guilty, but now I have calmed down.

The eldest aunt said with a cold face: "I'm the one who wants to separate the family, so hurry up. From now on, the first bedroom and the second bedroom will have nothing to do with each other."

She was completely chilled.

She has no daughter. She always loved her niece more when she was a child. However, since she was a child, her niece was instigated by her own mother to not get close to her. That's okay. Now she has become more and more unruly.

Good morning.

The first bedroom is not ready to stay in the same yard as the second bedroom and wants to move out.

But whoever wants the old house will live with his parents.

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