Gu Jiaojiao originally just wanted to buy some tofu, but she never wanted to go out for a while. Not only did she exchange fish, shrimps and snails, Leng Yuan also caught two chickens.

Jiang Baishu could tell at a glance that these were domestic egg-laying hens. Most families were counting on these two chickens to lay eggs and sell them for some money. Some families, even when their daughter-in-law was in confinement, were reluctant to kill the egg-laying hens, but would instead know how to kill them. Buy another one.

Now that both chickens had their necks broken, Jiang Baishu was curious about who was so generous.

"Brother Leng, where did your mother come from?"

Gu Jiaojiao explained casually: "On my way to exchange for tofu, Aunt Sun insisted on giving me two chickens, but I didn't even want them. But she was too enthusiastic and didn't want to fall out with me, so I took them back."

Fang Ziying was speechless after watching the whole process.

If she hadn't seen that Leng Yuan had caught the chicken in the yard, she would have really believed it.

Jiang Baishu, on the other hand, showed no suspicion at all and completely trusted Gu Jiaojiao. He even said, "The Sun family's aunt is also very nice."

It's not that he's stupid.

As for Gu Jiaojiao's current status in the village, everyone is eager to hold it up. Although two chickens are a bit much, Gu Jiaojiao is definitely worth it.

Gu Jiaojiao was just joking, and the whole village knew that Sun Yeshu didn't want to deal with her.

However, Jiang Baishu didn't care about the gossip in the village, so he took it seriously.

She touched her nose guiltily.

Leng Yuan gave Gu Jiaojiao a funny look, his deep eyes were filled with soft light, and he was completely different from the murderous god who had attacked the two sons of the Sun family before.

Gu Jiaojiao felt a little embarrassed for a rare moment, so she turned around and went into the kitchen and started to process the ingredients.

Fang Ziying happened to see this scene. Girls are more attentive than boys. Jiang Baishu didn't notice the interaction between the two, but Fang Ziying saw it.

Now, she was even more confused.

There are some things I don’t know whether to tell Jiang Baishu or not.
Jiang Baishu didn't notice Fang Ziying's confusion at all. Instead, he naturally took the two chickens and started handling them. Over there, Leng Yuan entered the kitchen and saw a large table of things prepared inside, and Gu Jiaojiao was there. Cut the tofu.

Leng Yuan stepped forward, held the person aside with one hand, washed his own hands, took the kitchen knife and started handling it.

"You direct and I'll do it."

Seeing this, Gu Jiaojiao smiled sweetly.

If you find a man with eyes, your life happiness index will skyrocket.

Sometimes women don't care about doing more work. The main thing is that the other party must understand the dedication and hard work of the other half.

Gu Jiaojiao directed Leng Yuan to deal with the things she bought. Not long after, there was a knock on the courtyard door. When Gu Jiaojiao opened the door, she saw several children carrying small buckets with fish, shrimp and snails in them.

Gu Jiaojiao had exchanged this for the children before. Everyone promised candy, two pieces per person, and the rest would be settled when the goods were delivered.

Gu Jiaojiao glanced at everyone's bucket and settled the candies fairly according to the amount.

Several children got the candy and ran away.

Jiang Baishu helped Gu Jiaojiao lift the bucket into the house.

Fang Ziying's eyes were even more complicated. Gu Jiaojiao didn't pay attention to Fang Ziying's emotions. She was preoccupied with thinking about how to make these things delicious.

When Jiang Baishu came out, Fang Ziying couldn't help but step forward.

"Cypress, you, didn't you find anything?"

Jiang Baishu, who was plucking the feathers of the chicken, didn't even raise his head and said, "What did you find?"

Fang Ziying really couldn't bear to see Jiang Baishu deceived. (End of chapter)

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