The village chief was also happy. He followed the example of the captain and went to the pig pen every day.

It can be said that the village chief knows very well how many piglets and sows are in the pig pen, how they are eating, and when they are due to give birth.

No, today he went to the pig pen again, just because there were five sows giving birth together today, and the village chief also stepped forward to help.

Among these, two have huge bellies and look heavy, and the other three are normal.

The people supporting these sows didn't dare to rest at night. They just waited in the pig pen, waiting for the sows to give birth.

The sows were started at two o'clock in the evening. Two big-bellied ones gave birth to twelve piglets each, and the other three gave birth to eight piglets. This made everyone very happy.

Gu Jiaojiao got the news the next day. Chen Xiaoli came over specially to tell her.

Gu Jiaojiao looked at Chen Xiaoli's smiling face. She was happier than having a happy event at home.

But she also understood that the pig was equal to work points, money and food, and was the hope of the whole village. Everyone would be happy to see the piglet.

In this way, these eighty sows gave birth to quite a few piglets.

The field work here is basically done, so everyone just goes up the mountain to hunt pigweed.

There are so many little piggies who need to eat in winter, and they can't do it without enough food.

But there was only so much pigweed on the mountain. Chen Beiguo felt that it was not enough for your piglets. After thinking about it, he went to Leng Yuan's house.

Gu Jiaojiao brought two cups of tea and went back to her room to read, leaving the two of them to chat in the yard.

Chen Beiguo took two sips of water before speaking out his intention.

Leng Yuan gave advice.

"Aren't the other brigades coveting our machines? Let them get something in exchange."

Chen Beiguo realized it.

This move is really brilliant.

Chen Beiguo had concealed this information before, for fear that others would find out. Although he could not hide it, it was still far away and the distant brigade did not know yet.Chen Beiguo simply wrote the application and submitted it.

As soon as the superiors heard that there was such a good thing, they immediately sent people down. When they saw that the farming work of Qingshan Brigade was over, they were dumbfounded.

Usually, we have to work continuously for more than a month, rush to harvest and plant seeds, and have to go to the river to carry water for irrigation.

But for the Qingshan Brigade, it only took ten days to finish the work, and the work at the threshing floor was gone.

When the young leader saw that this matter was serious, he immediately went to the brigade and called the county. Now, the top leaders were alarmed.

Zhang Tianming looked at the machine and nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, who made this thing?"

"It's Gu Zhiqing and Leng Yuan."

Zhang Tianming was not surprised at all. Apart from these two people, he really couldn't think of anyone else.

"Okay, I will write a report on this matter immediately. The Qingshan brigade performed well. I will follow what I said above and work hard. You will continue to work hard to make progress this year."

"But since we have such positive thoughts, we might as well inspire other brigades. Your brigade's busy farming season is over. We might as well lend these machines to them. It can be considered as your brigade's contribution."

A leader must want every village to be well and prosperous.

Since Chen Beiguo sent the news, he naturally took this into consideration and immediately flattered him.

"I've also considered this. It's not like I just tell the leaders after I'm done. There are more villages down there, and I can't distribute it well if I give it to others. It's better for the leaders to distribute it, so they can't say anything else."

"But these machines of mine have been developed through hard work and are personal property. I just let them use them..."

Zhang Tianming also heard that there was a request.

But it doesn't matter, the request can be negotiated. (End of chapter)

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