Chen Jianshe reminded Li Dazhuang, and Li Dazhuang suddenly realized.

Controls on all aspects are now very strict. Without a letter of introduction, if you want to go somewhere else, you cannot take a car or stay in a hotel, so you can only leave on two legs.

If his wife eloped, there would always be some clues.

"At this time, it doesn't matter whether your wife eloped or not. What matters is that you don't get blackmailed by your mother's family."

Chen Jianshe made another point.

Otherwise, he was really afraid that Li Dazhuang would come to the mountain again and hang himself with a rope.

He often went up the mountain. One day when he came up, he saw a body floating in the woods. Just thinking about that scene gave him nightmares.

"By the way, how did you know that your wife ran away with a man?"

Li Dazhuang sighed: "She often scolded me for being useless and not as good as other men. When she left, she drove me away first, and then took away all the valuable things in the house. When I came back, she would She disappeared, and someone said they saw a man come and pick up my wife."

If not for this, he would not suspect that his wife had eloped.

Chen Jianshe nodded: "Very good, just go ahead and report the crime!"

Li Dazhuang felt that what Chen Jianshe said made sense, so he stood up and walked towards the county.

As for the wild boar, Li Dazhuang had no intention of wanting it.

His life was saved by others. If he hadn't met Chen Jianshe and others, he would have died. This wild boar had nothing to do with him.

Li Dazhuang left, and everyone looked at Chen Jianshe with some surprise.

"You kid can do it. You can actually come up with such a method. It's really good."

This alerted the authorities, and no matter whether the person came back or not, the people from her parents' family would not dare to come back again.

But people nowadays are not used to alerting official people, so many people rely on their own family members to solve problems.

At this time, you can see the benefits of having more sons.Several people tied up the wild boar while talking.

It's summer now, it's hot, and they can't finish a big wild boar. Leng Yuan finally made the decision: "Hide the wild boar first, and after dark, Chongshan will go to his house to push a cart and build a house to transport the wild boar to the county for sale. Divide the money when you get back."

The remaining people will go home first. It doesn’t require so many people to send the wild boar.

After hearing the words, several people nodded, and Leng Yuan went back after the wild boar was hidden.

As for others, they did not go back, but watched nearby.

They finally caught a wild boar, but they couldn't let it be taken away by other animals. They had to watch it here.

When Leng Yuan returned home, Gu Jiaojiao walked out of the room and brought a cup of herbal tea.

"Drink some water to cool down first, Miss Xiaoli has just returned."

Leng Yuan took the water glass and his eyes couldn't help but fall on Gu Jiaojiao's belly. His eyes moved for a moment, but he quickly looked away. The change in his expression just now was so fast that no one could notice it.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't notice Leng Yuan looking at her belly, but she felt that the man seemed a little unhappy when he came back today, and her whole body felt heavy.

"What's wrong? Didn't you catch the prey?"

Speaking of which, Leng Yuan never came back empty-handed when he went up the mountain. He brought something down with him, at least some pheasants and eggs.

However, Leng Yuan is not diligent in going up the mountain, so Maodong is more diligent in going there in winter. In the first half of this year, he only went there a few times, most of them being dragged there by Chen Jianshe.

Leng Yuan shook his head: "I shot a wild boar today, so I'm a little tired."

"Then you go to the room and rest quickly!"

Gu Jiaojiao had never heard the word "tired" from Leng Yuan's mouth. This man was as tough as iron. He didn't know how tired he was, which was particularly rare today.

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