Chapter 8 Give the Key

The team leader did not let these people go, "If you are late for work, everyone present will be deducted centimeters."

When everyone heard this, they were immediately unhappy, and shouted one after another.

The team leader directly asked the scorekeeper to deduct two centimeters from each person, and beat everyone up: "If you are not convinced, you can report to the higher authorities, and go to work for me now, otherwise, half a day's centimeters will be deducted directly." .”

It's okay, the crowd didn't dare to delay, they immediately dispersed in a hurry.

The educated youths were also deducted centimeters, and they all looked at Li Hongmei with something wrong.

It was Li Hongmei who cried and said that Gu Jiaojiao was being bullied, so they came with them, but they all got their certificates, then something happened, and it was also an internal family problem, and their meddling was meddling.

Li Hong has not yet reacted to the matter of Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan's marriage.

Is this married?
Li Hongmei's cheeks were stiff, but she knew that Gu Jiaojiao loved Yun Hao wholeheartedly, and even did so many stupid things for Yun Hao, how could she marry Leng Yuan?

But she responded quickly and immediately apologized to everyone.

"Captain, I, I'm just too worried about Jiaojiao. She didn't come back all night, so I was worried."

Gu Jiaojiao immediately showed emotion: "Hongmei, what are you talking about? Didn't I tell you specifically when I came out that I would go to Leng Yuan to express my feelings?"

After she finished speaking, before Li Hongmei could speak, she looked at Li Fenggu and the people at the educated youth's order: "Brother Li, I made you worry. Later, Leng Yuan and I will treat everyone to a wedding candy."

Leng Yuan pushed the bicycle and walked over, just in time to hear Gu Jiaojiao's words, and glanced at Li Hongmei with his deep eyes, just this one glance made Li Hongmei's scalp tingle.

She came to the Qingshan Brigade two years earlier than Gu Jiaojiao, and she knew that Leng Yuan was in good condition, good-looking, and high-minded, but she was very confident, thinking that she was from the city, and with a country mud leg, she was naturally worthy of it of.

But when she confessed to Leng Yuan, the other party directly refused.

It was because of Leng Yuan's refusal that she harbored resentment. After Gu Jiaojiao came to Qingshan Brigade, she played around with it and let Gu Jiaojiao seduce him.

The purpose is to ruin him.

But she never thought that the two would really get married.

Now being watched by Leng Yuan, Li Hongmei couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Gu Jiaojiao, on the other hand, had a sweet smile on her face, with the joy of newlyweds, and even thanked Li Hongmei specially.

"Hongmei, thanks to you reminding me last night, otherwise I wouldn't have dared to say those words!"

Gu Jiaojiao's voice was soft and sweet, with obvious happiness.

Li Hongmei's eyes fell on Gu Jiaojiao's face, and then looked at Leng Yuan behind her. The two stood together, one tall and the other delicate, and they looked very right, but it was this beautiful scene that fell into Li Hongmei's eyes. Very dazzling.

Li Hongmei, who was jealous, didn't notice that the eyes of the educated youths looking at her changed.

But the captain over there had already urged them, and they didn't dare to delay any longer, for fear of being deducted half a day's centimeters, they all left one after another.

Seeing that Gu Jiaojiao was fine, Li Fenggu felt relieved, greeted Leng Yuan, and left.

After everyone left, Leng Yuan opened the door and entered the house with Gu Jiaojiao.

He didn't enter the house, and handed the house key to Gu Jiaojiao: "You go to the house to rest for a while, I will return the bicycle and go to work."

Gu Jiaojiao took the key, feeling warm in her heart, she also had a place in this world, and immediately told the man in front of her.

"Then you come back early tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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