"Mom, look at big brother, how could he say that to me? Look at him!"

Chen Yu burst into tears and complained directly to my mother.

Chen Jie was not afraid at all: "Mom, if you continue to spoil her, she won't be able to get married, so just keep her!"

When Chen Jianniang heard this, she was startled. She looked at her son and daughter, and couldn't help but say, "Isn't it okay if I don't go?"

She was too impulsive before, but now that she thinks about her son's words carefully, it still makes sense.

Chen Yu's grades were not very good when she was in school. She was really not the right person to be a teacher.

Seeing that his own mother was not going, Chen Jie softened his expression and said, "Mom, I admire Leng Yuan. We are good friends now. During this time, I went to the mountains to hunt. Didn't you eat enough?"

"We can't eat the prey that others helped to hunt and at the same time find trouble for others. If you have such thoughts again, you might as well pretend that you don't have me as your son in the future."

Chen Jianniang was startled and almost angry to death. She stretched out her hand and slapped Chen Jie hard on the back: "You bastard, what are you doing?"

Chen Jie remained motionless: "I put my words here. If Chen Yu dares to stir up trouble for me again, get out of the house. Otherwise, I will leave, and you can take care of it!"

"I just don't know if this daughter who only knows how to eat and doesn't know how to do any work can support you in your old age."

Chen Jianniang couldn't say anything. It was the first time she saw her son lose such a temper, and she felt guilty.

At the same time, she was also glad that she had not had time to cause trouble, otherwise, her son might really be separated from her.

Chen Jianniang has given birth to a son and a daughter in her life. She has fewer children, so she naturally loves her more, especially her younger daughter, so she loves her more.

As a result, the child was spoiled rotten, and he was jealous of this and that every day. It was only because of Chen Jie's pressure that no trouble was caused.

Otherwise, behind Xu Wenwan and Sun Yeshu, there would still be a place for Chen Yu.

Many people in the village are not stupid. On the contrary, they are very smart. With Gu Jiaojiao's abilities, there is no way they can cheat.

However, some people pretended not to see Gu Jiaojiao's results. Anyway, they felt that because Gu Jiaojiao didn't come back yesterday, there was something wrong with the assignment. In this case, the teacher's position would be vacant again.

They think their children are suitable!

In the county town, Leng Yuan took Gu Jiaojiao to where Zhang Tianming worked. Zhang Tianming welcomed the two people's arrival.

"I invited you here before, but you never had time, but you gave me a surprise today."

The water pump developed by Gu Jiaojiao is of great research value, as are other machines.

There is a lot of commotion here in Qingshan County. Now that the superiors know about it, they want to spread the water pump quickly so that more people can benefit.

The water pump was in the experimental stage before, but now he found that it worked really well. He was about to go to the Qingshan Brigade to hire someone in person, but he didn't expect Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan to come.

Inside the office.

The three of them sat down, and Leng Yuan told them everything about the commune.

Zhang Tianming was silent for a while, then looked at the two of them: "I'm just saying, you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, just tell me! What do you need me to do?"

He said how could Leng Yuan be so kind and come to his door to do something for him? It turned out to be something else.

Leng Yuan did not hide anything, and directly asked him to issue a technician transfer order, that is, if something happened, Gu Jiaojiao would be transferred from the commune, and the commune would not announce it to the public for the time being, and it was best not to let anyone know the situation.

Let’s just say that this technology is confidential. (End of chapter)

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