Behind Leng Yuan, Shen Lang was sweating profusely.

As the system absorbs more luck, Shen Lang's body becomes lighter, as if the mountain pressing on him has been lifted away bit by bit.

In all these years, he has never felt so relaxed.

Originally, he suspected that Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao were deceiving him, but now he completely believed it.

And he also guessed that the woman in front of him was not a good thing at all. He knew that Leng Yuan had good luck, maybe as much good luck as he had bad luck.

This woman was obviously plotting Leng Yuan's luck, which was not something a good person could do.

He was still a little hesitant at first, but now, he doesn't care about others' guilt at all.

Finally, after another 5 minutes, the system was full and even burped.

Xu Wenwan let go of Shen Lang's hand, her body went limp and fell to the ground.

Normally, when she absorbs other people's luck, they always fall to the ground without any strength, but this time it was her.

Xu Wenwan heard a "dong" sound coming from beside her, and Xu Wenwan couldn't help but look sideways.

Leng Yuan's figure was still standing tall and tall.

Xu Wenwan: ...

What was that that just fell to the ground?
She looked behind Leng Yuan. There was only darkness and she couldn't see anything, but she always felt that something was wrong.

The system, after absorbing Leng Yuan's luck, began to test its own energy. The next moment, it discovered that something was wrong.

What it absorbed was obviously good luck, but now, how could it turn into bad luck now?

If he has good luck, his energy will become stronger and stronger. On the contrary, if he has bad luck, it will cause irreversible damage to it.

"no no……"

Before Xu Wenwan could react, the roar of the system blinded her vision and she fainted.

The same goes for Shen Lang. Bad luck has followed him for many years, and it has long been like his flesh and blood. When he came down, he was suddenly stripped off. He couldn't hold it back and fainted.The next moment, the people around him seemed to be frozen, and a burst of white mist floated from the distance. The next moment, the silver-haired main god appeared with a mask on his face. It looked in the direction of Xu Wenwan.

"Xiao Qi, you are really easy for me to find."

The system closed its eyes and pretended to be dead.

The Lord God was not polite to the system at all, and directly used energy to pull the system out of Xu Wenwan, and then drained the energy from it and released it in this world. These fortunes originally belong to this world and the system cannot take them away. .

The system knows that what awaits it will be a very severe punishment.

The main god sent the system back to the main department, waiting for final processing. He looked at Leng Yuan and said in a cold voice: "I promised you that I will not change my mind. Thank you for helping me seize System No. [-]."

If someone helps someone, the Lord God can give him some luck to express his gratitude, but the man in front of him already has the best luck in the world, and there is no room for him to give more.

Leng Yuan seemed to see the Lord God's dilemma, and suddenly had an idea.

"I don't know if Jiaojiao and I can help the Lord God with things."

Lord God: ...

This is the first time I heard someone make this request.

However, he is really lacking some people.

And there is a shortage of smart people.

"In this way, I will give each of you a token. When you need to complete tasks, I will tell you that it is a trial period."

After saying that, two white jade tokens with carved patterns appeared in Leng Yuan's hands.

When he looked up again, the Lord God was gone.

However, in the void, the voice of the Lord God still came: "Put the token between your eyebrows to recognize the Lord. Only after the trial period can you use the token function."

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