Among the educated youth, everyone is discussing what Gu Jiaojiao did.

"I really didn't expect that Gu Jiaojiao would donate just as she said. It was only 500 yuan. If it were me, I wouldn't necessarily have that much determination. I was really wrong before."

This educated youth had looked down on Gu Jiaojiao before.

Gu Jiaojiao just went to the countryside. She couldn't carry it on her shoulders or lift it, which made her feel annoyed.

Now, she still can't carry it with her shoulders or lift it with her hands, but it's different. Now Gu Jiaojiao is like a light, so great, so powerful, so perfect, she is simply the object of her admiration.

At this time, there is no word idol, otherwise she would think it is very appropriate.

Although Li Hongmei was separated, she still lived in the educated youth area. It was very harsh to hear everyone praising Gu Jiaojiao.

"What do you know? Gu Jiaojiao is a hypocrite. If she is so kind, why doesn't she know how to help us?"

Crowd: ...

This person has been sick for more than a day or two. They are too lazy to argue with Li Hongmei. No one can tell that Li Hongmei is jealous of Gu Jiaojiao.

After Li Hongmei finished speaking, no one answered her.

Not to mention being ignored, Li Hongmei was completely ignored.

She was so angry that she almost cried.

Why are these people so partial to Gu Jiaojiao?

Everyone looked at her depressed look with smiles in their eyes.

After living together for a long time, they have figured out Li Hongmei's temper. The more you talk to her, the more energetic she becomes. On the contrary, the more you ignore her, the more frustrated she becomes.

They just like to see Li Hongmei feel aggrieved.

The Qingshan Brigade is in harmony.

The storm that had been stirred up before quickly subsided after Gu Jiaojiao came back.

There is only one person, whose heart is not up and down. He is restless in the room and feels very guilty.

Leng Qingtian discovered something was wrong with Sun Yeshu during the meeting. Seeing her lost look after she came back, he immediately noticed something.

He decided to talk to Sun Yeshu.

"Yes Shu, did you do the recommendation letter?"

Sun Yeshu opened his mouth and wanted to deny it, but saw Leng Qingtian's calm face: "You were inexplicably happy when you came back from the last time you went to the county. You didn't seem to be surprised at all that Gu Jiaojiao didn't come back. Later I said Leng Yuan Nothing will happen, but you started to panic, and today Gu Jiaojiao came back, and you were restless."

"Yes Shu, I don't understand, why are you doing this?"

Sun Yeshu gritted his teeth: "Why, it's not because of Gu Jiaojiao. She can't even conceive a child, so why is she living so comfortably?"

"Leng Yuan is also a member of the Leng family. I asked them to help arrange a job for you. They are not willing to help with such a small task. Why can't I write a letter of recommendation?"

Leng Qingtian was so frightened that he sat up from the bed: "You are crazy. Leng Yuan has severed ties with us a long time ago. Don't you know?"

Sun Yeshu didn't take it seriously: "Although the relationship has been severed, the same blood flows from your body. Broken bones are still connected with tendons. Why did you just break them off?"

Leng Qingtian was furious and slapped Sun Yeshu on the face.

"Because of you, my eldest brother lost his job raising pigs, and Gu Jiaojiao was offended. The whole family can't use the water pump, and everyone has to carry water for irrigation, just because of you."

Sun Yeshu's eyes turned red after being slapped. She had been pampered at home and grew up. She couldn't bear the slap and rushed towards Leng Qingtian.

But Leng Qingtian grabbed his wrist.

"You still want to hit me, I tell you, I will go to Leng's house with me later to apologize."

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