Why is Chen Beiguo so happy?
Because the pig pen has expanded.

Originally there were only more than 80 pigs, and the space was relatively spacious. Later, when the sows gave birth to piglets, the pig pen space was not enough. The team leader saw that this was not possible!Have to expand.

So he took his people and built another pigsty.

In the captain's mind, these sows can probably give birth to more than 200 piglets, so the second pig pen should simply be larger, which will be enough.

As a result, things far exceeded the captain's expectations.

These sows were well raised. After more than half a year of feeding, more than 80 sows gave birth to more than 400 piglets.

This made the captain and village chief so happy that they couldn't sleep for several days.

No, he is taking the time to build a pig pen again!
The villagers of Qingshan Brigade are also different. Looking at those pigs, it's like looking at a large group of people, with smiles on their faces!

Can't stop it.

Even Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao also took advantage.

No, when you open the door every day, you can see a lot of fruits and vegetables at the door.

Sometimes even children who go to the mountains to pick some wild fruits will put some on the doorstep of Lengyuan.

Gu Jiaojiao looked at the food all over the place and held her forehead.

"This is how to do?"

There were so many more pigs in the brigade, all because of Leng Yuan's idea. He had made the whole village rich by himself, how could everyone not be grateful.

Leng Yuan couldn't help it. His cold face worked, but everyone was smart and took advantage of the two people not opening the door to drop their things and run away.

Afraid of running too slow, Gu Jiaojiao stuffed her things back.

Finally, Leng Yuan packed up the things on the ground and took them home.

Fortunately, Gu Jiaojiao also knew how to dry vegetables, otherwise all these things would have gone bad.

A third pigsty was nervously built in the village, so that the pigsty was less crowded.

On this day, the captain went back humming an unknown tune and saw Leng Yuan waiting on the road from a distance. The smile on Chen Beiguo's face suddenly became brighter.

"Leng Yuan, why are you here? Are you looking for something from me?"

Leng Yuan looked calm: "Our food is enough, why don't we captain tell everyone that there is no need to deliver food to me."

It turned out that this was the case. The captain knew that the villagers had been delivering food to Leng Yuan’s family recently, but he thought it was good.

Then he smiled and said: "This is everyone's wish, I can't control it!"

He felt that Leng Yuan was capable. If more people in the village delivered food, Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao would have a good impression of the village, so that no matter where they flew in the future, they would still remember the small mountain village of Qingshan Brigade.

If something happens in the village in the future, Leng Yuan might need to lend a hand.

Leng Yuan glanced at the captain and nodded: "It seems that the captain doesn't want to hear what I'm going to say next, so I'm leaving."

After saying that, Leng Yuan turned around and left without lingering at all.

The captain took a look and realized something was wrong!

The things Leng Yuan took the initiative to ask him about were all major matters. Chen Beiguo immediately stepped forward and stopped Leng Yuan, with a look of helplessness on his face: "I'll go and say yes tomorrow!"

This kid has been like this since he was a child. As long as he wants to do something, he will always succeed in the end. He is also very reasonable and everyone is willing to be ordered every time.

What a slippery man.

Leng Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, actually I came here to remind the captain that the sow should be sent back."

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