outside the interrogation room.

Chen Bing, who was in charge of the interrogation, looked at his leader and couldn't help but frown.

"Leader, according to normal procedures, the three people should be interrogated separately."

"No need, just do as I say. You don't need to make your own decisions."

What else Chen Bing wanted to say was taken away by his colleagues.

The three people in the interrogation room had stayed up all day and all night, and now they all had dark circles under their eyes.

But the staff didn't let them rest at all. As long as they closed their eyes, they immediately opened them.

Although the three of them had only experienced one night, they looked more haggard than those who had not slept for several days.

"Okay, you guys are quite able to resist. That's just right. I also have time. Let's see which of us has the patience in the end."

The person in charge of the interrogation took a sip from his tea cup, then turned around and went out.

After the interrogator went out, the third child couldn't help but speak.

"Brother, how about we explain it to you! This is really too difficult."

Not only did these people not let them sleep, they also turned on lights and shined them in their direction. The lights stung his eyes and made him shed tears. He really couldn't bear it anymore.

A ruthless look flashed across the boss's face, and he was filled with anger: "If you can't help it, just bear with it. If you confess, have you thought about the consequences? Can Mr. An let us go?"

Thinking of An Mingjiang, several people felt a little scared and did not dare to talk about what they had confessed.

Seeing that the two people were honest, the boss softened his tone.

"Okay, don't worry. Mr. An will definitely find a way to save us if he knows we are being held here. After all, we are his people."

"Even if Mr. An doesn't come, people from the Nursing Committee will come. After all, we are also members of the Nursing Committee. If anything happens, we can't escape our involvement with them."

The boss has a good idea. Whether it's An Mingjiang or the Protection Committee, as long as one comes, they can get out.

The remaining two people thought about it and felt that what the boss said made sense, and they felt a little more energetic.Throughout the whole day, the three of them did not wait for anyone to bail them out.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't know this. Now, she was fiddling with the big package in her hand!
"Is this something my aunt has sent me again?"

Gu Jiaojiao didn't need to look to know that it was from Aunt Leng Yuan.

Ever since her family sent a marriage letter back, but she ignored it, there are no more letters, and there has never been a package.

Leng Yuan's relatives are all in the Qingshan Brigade and there is no need to send packages. Normally, the only correspondence is between the newspaper office and his uncle. The only one who can send packages is Aunt Leng Yuan.

After Xia Qiuming came last time, some time passed before he received a package from the capital.

Later, it became a habit to send it once a month. Gu Jiaojiao was somewhat used to it, but she would also prepare some things here and send them as a return gift.

Leng Yuan nodded and asked Gu Jiaojiao to open the package while he unfolded the letter.

There are two letters this time, one from my aunt and one from the newspaper.

I saw that the letter paper was full of pen calligraphy, and the fonts were beautiful and elegant. A person's handwriting represents a person's character. From these words, it can be seen that my aunt is a very gentle person.

My aunt is not only gentle, but also gentle and gentle in her instructions.

Leng Yuan glanced at it and then spoke.

"Auntie specifically asked that the two sweaters in the package belong to you. They were bought from Kyoto. I hope you like them."

Gu Jiaojiao happened to open the package at this time. The top ones were three sweaters, one white, one light pink, and one gray.

The gray sweater was slightly darker in color, wide and big. When Gu Jiaojiao picked it up, it was as big as pajamas. At a glance, she knew it was for Leng Yuan.

In addition to the three sweaters, there were two military coats underneath. Gu Jiaojiao stretched out her hand and touched the military coat. At this time, it was a very honorable thing for anyone to own a military coat.

After all, this is something money can’t buy.

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