Gu Jiaojiao has become the envy of the entire village.

Chen Xiaoli felt that her life was already very good, but she couldn't compare with Gu Jiaojiao.

First of all, she doesn't have parents-in-law, and she doesn't mean that her parents-in-law are bad, but it means that without parents-in-law, the feeling of being the master of the family is different.

Then there are no children, so you don’t have to worry so much. You can just take care of yourself, earn some salary, and spend it how you want.

You can tell by looking at the complexion of the two people. Most rural people have rough skin. This is because they work hard and don't eat well. But Gu Jiaojiao's little face is fair and tender, with a rosy complexion. It's so healthy.

Sometimes when looking at it against the rays of the sun, Gu Jiaojiao's face seems to glow, so beautiful.

In addition to two people having jobs, eating and drinking are also one aspect.

The other thing is making money. Both of them can make money. They have their own salary, and there are many rewards from above. Leng Yuan can still earn income from hunting occasionally, which is simply enviable.

However, Chen Xiaoli only made some jokes and was not jealous.

Not to mention that Leng Yuan often took her men to the mountains to hunt, and they also took advantage of it. Let's just say that everything she owned was earned by herself.

Not to mention anything else, as for water pumps, if someone can research it, that’s their ability. Let others research it. Do others have the ability to make that kind of money?

So the teasing was there, but Chen Xiaoli had no other thoughts at all.

Gu Jiaojiao was able to make good friends with Chen Xiaoli because Chen Xiaoli understood the truth, had upright views, and was comfortable getting along with her.

Yu Fangfang is also gentle and gentle, but she can also distinguish right from wrong. She doesn't have pink eye or all kinds of little thoughts just because someone else's family is better off.

Gu Jiaojiao liked this way of getting along very much. When she saw two people making fun of her, she also fought back directly.

"You all know how to talk about me, isn't Brother Xu treating you badly? And Brother Xu, why did I hear that he washes your feet every night?"

Yu Fangfang looked a little unnatural when she was teased by Gu Jiaojiao, but after all, she had given birth to two children, so she was still stable.

As for Chen Xiaoli, her expression was even calmer. She even said back to Gu Jiaojiao: "I didn't say that our men are bad. What I'm talking about now is your men. Your men are so strong. When they love you, Can you bear it?"

Gu Jiaojiao: ...

Sister-in-law, what are you talking about?

Although Gu Jiaojiao has been married for almost a year, she is still thin-skinned. After Chen Xiaoli finished speaking, Gu Jiaojiao's face turned red.

"Sister-in-law, what are you talking nonsense about?"

Her tender white skin was stained with a touch of red clouds, and her sparkling eyes were shy and timid. Chen Xiaoli couldn't help but stare at that look.

"Jiaojiao, with your appearance, no wonder your man is so kind to you, it's so attractive."

Can such a delicate and frail person be able to withstand Leng Yuan's strength?

Yu Fangfang was also shocked by Chen Xiaoli's words. She glanced at Gu Jiaojiao sympathetically, and when she saw Gu Jiaojiao blushing, she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Jiaojiao, you have been married for so long, why are you still so shy?"

Like a newly married girl.

It was only when she was first married that she felt uncomfortable hearing such words. Later, when people in the village gathered together, she heard such words often and became immune to them.

Gu Jiaojiao couldn't bear this, and the heat on her face couldn't go away from the joking looks of the two people. In the end, she could only stuff a handful of melon seeds into each other's mouth before dropping the topic.

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