"Boss, they are right in front. They probably can't run away. I'll go over and catch them now."

The speaker had a hot temper. He had been teased by Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao for a long time on the mountain. He was already furious. When he saw Leng Yuan standing not far away, he immediately got angry.

Boss Yang didn't stop him.

The group of people continued to rush towards Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao, shouting as they ran: "Comrade Leng, I advise you not to hide, you can't hide."

Gu Jiaojiao sneered: "It's as if you caught us."

"Brother Yuan, let's go."

This was the second time Gu Jiaojiao called him this. Leng Yuan's eyes darkened and he couldn't help but use some strength to hold Gu Jiaojiao's delicate hand.

Gu Jiaojiao looked over suspiciously until Leng Yuan came to his senses.

"Follow me."

After running for more than three hours, they have entered the edge of Daqing Mountain. This is a place where ordinary people dare not come and where hunters often come. There are definitely a lot of traps set here.

Not to mention others, even Leng Yuan himself, there are twenty or thirty traps in these hills.

In addition to Leng Yuan himself, Chen Jianshe and Xu Chongfeng all have traps.

On weekdays, Leng Yuan is at school and has no time to go up the mountain. Chen Jianshe and others will organize themselves and go up the mountain together to see if there is anything in the trap. If they are lucky, they can also catch pheasants and rabbits.

In addition to those from the Qingshan Brigade who catch prey, people from other villages will occasionally come here. Daqingshan stretches for dozens or hundreds of kilometers. It is too deep and too big, and the boundaries are not so clear. The villages around the Qingshan Brigade will dig up the mountain. Picking wild vegetables and fruits.

However, ordinary people will not go deep, so there are only a few hunters walking here.

Leng Yuan and his party are not overbearing enough to prevent others from hunting here. Whether they can catch prey depends on their ability, so besides Leng Yuan and the others, there are many traps here.

Every hunter sets a trap and puts a mark on the side to prevent others from entering by mistake.

This was agreed upon before. The hunters around knew whose mark was whose prey, and no one took it randomly. This was also the reason why the hunters maintained peace.Leng Yuan's visit to Daqingshan is no different from visiting his own backyard. He knows how many traps there are here.

So he didn't pay much attention to the marks on the ground, and just led Gu Jiaojiao through the woods full of traps.

Gu Jiaojiao did not forget to provoke the other party: "If you have the ability, just chase him, you idiot."

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"Boss, let's chase him."

The hot-tempered boy ran out without saying a word.

"Damn it, don't let me catch you, or I'll kill you."

Although he has never killed anyone, these two people today really pushed his bottom line. They teased him and insulted him. What kind of man is he if he doesn't catch these two people?

Gu Jiaojiao looked at the group of people on the top of the mountain and couldn't help but roll her eyes and quietly complained to the people around her.

"You said they are so brainless. How can An Mingjiang trust them to handle the matter without fear that if he fails, he will be hurt later."

Leng Yuan said even more: "Because stupidity is contagious, ignore those idiots, be careful they infect you."

Gu Jiaojiao deeply thought so.

Those people behind:...

No, can these two idiots chat lower down? There are only two of them in such a quiet forest, so they can hear their nonchalant conversation!

Besides, they are not stupid, they are smart!
Boss Yang was also greatly stimulated. An idea flashed in his mind and he thought of a way. He suddenly called Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao: "Comrade Leng, wait a moment, let's talk."

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