Gu Jiaojiao's eyes lit up: "You want to give me a lot of money, how much? One hundred million?"


What, how much is [-] million?
In Boss Yang's limited knowledge, he knew that the maximum amount was ten thousand. He really didn't know how much one hundred million was, and he didn't dare to think about it.

At this time, even households with a thousand yuan were rare, households with ten thousand yuan were rare, and Gu Jiaojiao had a mouthful of [-] million yuan.

Let’s see if we can get [-] million by selling these people.

Mr. Yang was so angry that he vomited blood and suddenly felt that he had a bad idea.

However, in order to attract Gu Jiaojiao's attention, Boss Yang resisted the urge to vomit blood and spoke with a smile on his face.

"Gu Zhiqing, don't be kidding me. It's not even worth [-] million even if you sell me."

Gu Jiaojiao couldn't quite see Boss Yang's expression at this time, but she could hear the gritted teeth in his voice.

This is not enough.

"It's good that you know. For a guy like you, ten yuan is enough, no more."

Boss Yang covered his heart, his eyes full of viciousness.

No, he couldn't stand it anymore. It was the first time he was insulted like this.

Waiting, waiting for his younger brother to go over and catch the two people, he would torture them severely, in front of Leng Yuan...

Before Boss Yang could say anything, a miserable scream came from the distance.


Then came the screams one after another.

"Ah... help..."

"what happened?"

Boss Yang looked not far away. Those screams just now should have come from his men.

Everyone looked at each other in shock, not knowing what was going on. It was this scream that was particularly penetrating in this deep mountain.

"Boss, could it be that we encountered a wild boar?"

This place is already very deep. No one usually comes here. If they hadn't chased Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao this time, they wouldn't have been able to go deep.Who knows if there are wild boars here.

Boss Yang turned his eyes and looked at the two leisurely people opposite him, and suddenly understood something.

"You already knew my plan?"

Therefore, he thought he was holding two people back, but it was actually the two people opposite who were holding him back.

Gu Jiaojiao smiled.

"It's not too stupid. Why do you think we brought you here? In fact, we did it on purpose. Guess why we did it on purpose?"

Boss Yang and his group's expressions suddenly changed.

They looked around, fearing that a wild animal might suddenly appear.

Boss Yang was calmer than others. He looked at Leng Yuan: "If a wild beast really comes out, you won't be able to run away."

Leng Yuan ignored Boss Yang's shouting and got up and left with Gu Jiaojiao. Boss Yang and his group immediately chased after him. This time Leng Yuan walked faster, and the group chased them in an unorganized manner. They didn't go long before they stepped on someone. Into a trap.

Inside the trap are polished bamboo thorns that can be penetrated depending on where they land.

For a moment, wailing sounded.

Boss Yang saw something bad and immediately led the people to the trap.

This trap is very large, and the surrounding earthen wall is more than two meters high and is polished very smooth.

Setting up traps at the edge of the depth must be to catch some big prey. If the hole dug is too small, the prey will escape.

When Boss Yang saw this, he also understood that there should be many traps arranged here. Leng Yuan was obviously familiar with the surroundings, so he could easily avoid the traps, but they didn't know that, so they fell in.

In this way, more than half of the people were lost.

The frustration in Boss Yang's heart has almost reached its peak.

It didn't matter that he didn't catch anyone, but he fell into the other party's trap, which made Boss Yang feel as uncomfortable as a cat scratching him.

Back then, he skinned the puppy and broke the legs of the big tree, which clearly gave him a sense of satisfaction. Today was the most frustrating day for him.

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