"If you move faster, you might be able to beat my rocks."

Leng Yuan's words sounded from behind, followed by the sound of stones colliding together.

The two people's scalps were numb. They didn't understand why Leng Yuan let them leave since they had seen their intentions.

Hu, who was dragging his companion, had already run a certain distance. By a few steps faster than his companion, he could run 30 meters away in an instant. He didn't believe that Leng Yuan's stone could come over from such a distance.

When the two people stepped forward and pretended to squat down to help someone, they were actually in a standard running posture. As long as their feet exerted force, their figures could leap out.

But accidentally, through the bright moonlight, the two of them saw their companion's injuries.

I saw a long stone inlaid on my companion's calf, which broke through his pants and was submerged in his flesh and blood. At first glance, it seemed that the stone had nailed the pants to his leg. The black pants and the white stone were extremely dazzling.

The two people just glanced at each other, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Fortunately, the stone was hit on the leg. If it was hit on the forehead, the stone might directly penetrate the forehead.

what to run.

Lives matter.

They dare not gamble.

For a moment, both of them were frightened.

They honestly helped their companion up and helped him to Leng Yuan.

At this time, Gu Jiaojiao was also beside Leng Yuan.

Just now, he just took the people behind the tree and hid them without letting these people find them. Now that everyone has been taken care of, there is no need to be afraid.

Leng Yuan did not directly fight with more than a dozen people because he was afraid that the other party would attack Gu Jiaojiao.

When Gu Jiaojiao is in the hands of these people, they will become passive.

Seeing two people dragging their injured companion over, Leng Yuan still had no expression on his face.

Gu Jiaojiao was very satisfied with the two people's understanding of current affairs. She directed the two people to tie up the unconscious people on the ground and then teased them. "Actually, you were almost able to escape just now. The longest distance of the stones in our hands is 30 meters. As long as you work harder, you can exceed 30 meters."

One of them ran more than ten meters, and the other held his breath and rushed more than ten meters. It was not impossible.

Gu Jiaojiao's words stunned the two people working.

30 meters is obviously not the limit for two people. The two people immediately regretted what they had just thought. They actually brought the person back because of fear and timidity. They should have escaped.

"Don't be sad. Although you can run 30 meters, we can break your legs when you run one meter. So, congratulations, you made the right choice."

Two people:……

Could you please shut up?

Please shut up.

They didn't feel happy about this choice at all.

Although they have been captured and are prisoners, they still have human rights. It is not advisable to abuse prisoners, especially mental abuse.

Gu Jiaojiao didn't care about this and looked at the two people: "You seem to be very unhappy. Do you think you made the wrong choice?"

The two people quickly waved their hands: "No, no, no, we are in a hurry to work, we are happy, very happy."

As he spoke, a smile that was even uglier than crying immediately appeared on his face.

They felt bitter, wondering what kind of devil they had messed with.

so horrible.

Gu Jiaojiao couldn't help but complain.

"How come you two don't have any ideas of your own? You have to express yourself bravely. If you're unhappy, you have to say it. Even if you say it, it's useless."

Two people:……

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