Just when everyone looked embarrassed.

Gu Jiaojiao suddenly spoke.

"How about I try and see if I can wake someone up."

Chen Bing had no doubts about his idol's words.

"Excuse me, Gu Zhiqing. Gu Zhiqing is such a good comrade. He can think of solutions at critical moments."

Gu Jiaojiao smiled sheepishly.

The next moment, I took out a bamboo needle from my hand. I don’t know when I took it in my hand.

Seeing that Gu Jiaojiao was about to take action, Leng Yuan stepped forward and stopped Gu Jiaojiao's movement.

Then he took the bamboo needle and asked, "How to do it?"

Gu Jiaojiao watched the bamboo needle in her hand run into Leng Yuan's hand, and without any other thoughts, she immediately told the method.

That is to bleed the fingers.

As the saying goes, ten fingers are connected to the heart. When this bamboo needle is poked on your finger, the feeling must be very ecstasy.

She learned this trick from Grandma Rong, the originator of acupuncture.

After listening to Gu Jiaojiao's words, Leng Yuan raised a hand and plunged it into her.


Yang Peng screamed.

Leng Yuan was very fast and was able to prick all five fingers.

He glanced at Yang Peng, then at the hand in his hand, expressionless: "I'm sorry, I pricked the wrong one."

Yang Peng couldn't help but curse: "I've blinded you, ah..."

Yang Peng's leg was broken by the kick, and now his hands are burning and hurting, wuwuwu!

His fingers.

Leng Yuan glanced at his hand: "Sorry, I tied it wrong again."

Yang Peng was scolding his mother in his mind. Even if he got it wrong once, how could he get it wrong every time? This person clearly did it on purpose.But Yang Peng didn't dare to scold him anymore.

Fingers connected to the heart, he hurts so much now, woo woo woo!
Yang Peng, a grown man, actually cried in pain at this moment.

He is so unlucky today.

Leng Yuan didn't care what Yang Peng did, and quickly pricked the hands of the next few people.

Others prick the person once to see if they wake up, but he picks up his hand and pricks the person ten times before the person's brain receives the pain, and then it's the next moment's turn.

When Leng Yuan stood up, a scream came from the side.

This is too cruel.

But no one sympathizes with these bad guys.

In the end, the fingers of the unconscious people were pricked by bamboo needles, which hurt them beyond recognition.

These people woke up, saw the staff, and honestly helped their companions down the mountain.

Leng Yuan and Gu Jiaojiao naturally had to go with them to record a confession.

When he came out of it, it was already midnight. Leng Yuan was not in a hurry to go back, but found a place to make a phone call.

Most of the night.

Xia Qiuming was sleeping soundly when the phone at home rang and he opened his eyes almost immediately.

Glancing at his wife who was still sleeping soundly next to him, Xia Qiuming covered her with a quilt and then walked out quietly.

Alertness is a habit developed in the army. He still maintains vigilance and wakes up at the slightest movement.

Picking up the phone, Xia Qiuming said in a serious tone: "I'm Xia Qiuming, who are you looking for?"

On the other side of the phone, Leng Yuan took the phone and shouted: "Uncle."

When Xia Qiuming heard her nephew's voice, her stern eyebrows softened immediately. The next moment, she thought about why her nephew suddenly called so late, and her tone couldn't help but become nervous.

"Xiaoyuan, what's wrong? Is there something wrong when you call so late?"

"No, something must have happened if you called me so late. Don't be afraid of my brain. Just wait where you are. I'll drive there now!" (End of Chapter)

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