Zhu Wanqi was really sad and burst into tears.

Ever since Zhu Wanqi started using Gu Jiaojiao's skin care products, she has simply grown in reverse. Her face is so hydrated and white, and her colleagues are extremely jealous when they see her.

If it weren't for her good brand name, people wouldn't spend so much money on such expensive skin care products.

When she thought that she would never be able to use such good skin care products again, she felt like her heart was pounding and she felt bad all over.

Gu Jiaojiao: ...

"Don't cry. When you have no use for it, just write me a letter and I will send it to you then."

"If you have friends who need it, you can also write to me. You can decide the price. If you buy it from me, I will still give you 200 yuan, but you can only make up to five sets in a month. No more. "

Gu Jiaojiao's skin care products use very good medicinal essences. She earns more now because she picks all the medicinal materials, but when converted into purchased medicinal materials, the profit is not too much.

If Gu Jiaojiao sells it to others in the future, 200 yuan will not be enough.

In her previous life, this bottle of hers cost tens of thousands, and the capacity at one time was about the same. It was something used by really wealthy people, and the effects were visible to the naked eye.

It is precisely because of its good effects that she is sought after and some people want to snatch her formula.

In this life, Gu Jiaojiao plans to return to her old business. This time she wants to occupy her country's market first.

Zhu Wanqi stopped crying immediately. She was pretending just now just so that Gu Jiaojiao could help her send something.

Zhang Tianming also came over in the afternoon. Everyone had dinner together and sent the two of them off.

Gu Jiaojiao began to have nothing to do again. She attended a few classes every day and spent the rest of the time by herself. She also read the high school textbooks several times. Gu Jiaojiao decided to take a break.

What are you doing during this time?

Gu Jiaojiao saw the principal buried in the ground, seeming to be studying something, so she moved closer.

"Principal, what are you doing?"

The principal looked profound: "Did you know you can grow vegetables in winter?"

"Greenhouse vegetables?" Gu Jiaojiao blurted out.The next moment, she saw the principal looking at her in shock: "You know?"

Gu Jiaojiao regretted speaking too quickly.

In the previous life, greenhouse vegetables had become a part of life, it was so commonplace, so when I heard what the principal said, I just blurted it out without thinking about it.

Seeing the principal looking at her, Gu Jiaojiao quickly shook her head: "I don't know, I've heard of it."

Gu Jiaojiao has never grown vegetables in a greenhouse. She has owned a sunny greenhouse and planted many flowers, which bloomed particularly well in winter.

Roses and vegetables should be different!

The principal immediately started explaining science to Gu Jiaojiao non-stop.

To put it simply, the principal has a good friend who is researching greenhouse vegetables. Although it is still in the experimental stage, the success rate is very high.

Gu Jiaojiao nodded repeatedly, and finally her eyelids trembled.

Seeing her like this, the principal stopped talking.

"Okay, it's time to have lunch. That's it for today. Teacher Gu, please come back in the afternoon and we will continue to discuss greenhouse vegetables."

Gu Jiaojiao: ...

Can I not have it?
She felt sleepy after listening to it.

Gu Jiaojiao went back listlessly. Leng Yuan felt a little guilty when he saw her like this.

Last night, after working hard until midnight, it was difficult for Gu Jiaojiao to get up and go to work after five or six hours of sleep.

He stepped forward, helped Gu Jiaojiao prepare rice, and carried it to the classroom. After Gu Jiaojiao had eaten, he took it to wash the rice bowl.

When Chen Ruoyu saw it, she felt envious in her heart: "Jiaojiao, Teacher Leng is so kind. This is the first time for me that a man has taken care of a woman like this." (End of Chapter)

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