A coquettish and book-worn man lives by a rough man

Chapter 911 Inviting Shen Lang to Qingshan Brigade

"Yes, I am Shen Lang."

Shen Lang gave Chen Jianshe a friendly smile with a pleasant voice.

Chen Jianshe thought it was incredible, but after just reading a few sentences, he realized that Shen Lang was different from what he thought.

That is, very obedient.

Shen Lang has always lived alone and relied on intuition to do things. He is a bit ignorant and just a fool.

Chen Jianshe took a look and found that his IQ had no influence on him at all.

In the end, he put down his guard and even introduced others to him. The young people quickly became familiar with him.

Everyone stayed in the mountains for a day and caught a lot of prey.

When leaving, Leng Yuan suddenly said: "Do you want to transfer your household registration to Qingshan Brigade?"

Shen Lang's eyes lit up immediately.

He has no bad luck now. He has come into contact with many people and has not affected others. If possible, he does not want to live alone in the mountains.

He was used to it before, but after he came into contact with the lively crowd, he could no longer accept being alone.

"is it okay?"

"I can go back and ask for you."

Leng Yuan went back and dropped his things, so he took a hare to the captain's house.

When the captain's wife saw Leng Yuan, she immediately let people into the house. The captain was also at home with Maodong recently. There was nothing going on in the village recently. There were people patrolling the pig pen, so he felt relieved.

Seeing Leng Yuan come in, he immediately asked people to sit down.

Leng Yuan handed the hare to the brigade captain's wife. The brigade captain's wife glanced at Chen Beiguo. Chen Beiguo was not polite to Leng Yuan and asked him to accept it directly.

"Tell me! What's the matter."

Leng Yuan told what happened to Shen Lang, and then said, "Can Shen Lang move to our brigade?"

The captain's voice suddenly rose: "You want me to bring that unlucky guy to the village?"

Zhou Wanxia came in with water while the captain was blowing the horn. She looked at Chen Beiguo strangely, but didn't say anything. She was just curious.

Chen Beiguo had never shouted so loudly in front of Leng Yuan. This was the first time.

But she didn't ask the two of them what was going on, put down the water glass and went out.

The captain then lowered his voice: "Are you serious?" Leng Yuan nodded and told the story about several people hunting together. The captain glanced at Leng Yuan for a few times to make sure that the other party was not joking, and then he spoke hesitantly.

"I don't have any objection, I just don't know whether the people in the village agree or not."

"In this case, you bring the person over first and let me take a look. If there is really no problem, I will think of a solution."

The captain decided to look at the people first.

In fact, he was unwilling in his heart. After all, Shen Lang's reputation was famous all over the country.

Anyone who encounters him is unlucky. Many people do not believe in evil and have tried it themselves. Later, they have no choice but to drive people to the mountains.

When he brings people over, it's like adding another crisis.

But Leng Yuan has done so many things for the village and has never made a request. Just this once, it was difficult for the captain to refuse.

Two days later, Leng Yuan brought the person over.

The captain was a little scared at first, but later he discovered that Chen Jianshe and Shen Lang were shoulder to shoulder, and nothing happened.

The captain was also relieved.

Not only did he touch Shen Lang himself, he also took Shen Lang out for a spin, and no one was unlucky.

However, the gossipy eyes of those in the village kept falling on Shen Lang, making Shen Lang blush as red as a monkey's butt and feel uncomfortable all over.

The captain went around for several times, and finally settled down. He went to deal with Shen Lang's household registration.

Chen Beiguo approached the captain and village chief of Shen Lang's brigade and proposed his intention. When the other party heard that Chen Beiguo wanted Shen Lang's household registration, he planned to move to Qingshan brigade.

Oh My God.

The village chief and captain immediately stood up and surrounded Chen Beiguo.

Chen Beiguo: ...

No, this doesn’t mean I’m going to hit someone!

The next moment, the two people cried with joy. After so many years, they could finally send this plague god away.

They were just in tears.

Finally, I wrote the note as fast as I could in my life, stamped it, and asked the team leader to take it to the commune for processing. (End of chapter)

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