
Li Hongmei stepped forward and stopped beside the mushroom.

"I'm also looking for mushrooms, but I haven't seen them for a long time. Do you mind if I pick mushrooms with you here?"

When Yun Hao saw Li Hongmei, he was surprised for a moment, then he reacted and said immediately: "Of course."

The things in Daqingshan are not his, anyone who wants to pick them can pick them.

Li Hongmei was overjoyed, and immediately squatted down and started picking mushrooms.

While picking it, he secretly looked at Yunhao.

It has to be said that although Yun Hao's face is not as good-looking as Leng Yuan's, he has the bookish air of a cultured person, gentle and gentle, which makes people feel good when he looks at it.

She was really blind in the past, she didn't like this kind of people with poetry and books, but she actually likes rural rough guys like Leng Yuan, it's just sick.

Fortunately, she is cured now and back to normal.

Li Hongmei, who previously complained that she gave Gu Jiaojiao a bad idea and bound Gu Jiaojiao and Leng Yuan together, is now extremely glad that she came up with such an idea.

If Gu Jiaojiao hadn't married Leng Yuan, she would still pester Yun Hao now, wouldn't she have another competitor.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but give her a thumbs up for her ingenuity.

Li Hongmei, you are awesome.

On the side, being stared at by Li Hongmei with inexplicable eyes, Yun Hao felt uncomfortable all over, so he stood up directly.

"I've picked it, let's go first."

After speaking, he left quickly.

Li Hongmei: ...

You just cheered yourself up and were about to take Yun Hao down, but the other party just ran away?

Looking at the mushrooms all over the place.

Forget it, let's pick mushrooms!
Everyone lives in the educated youth spot, and there are plenty of opportunities.

Thinking of this, Li Hongmei picked all the mushrooms, but there were not many. After picking half of the basket, she walked inside.

Gu Jiaojiao picked some chestnuts, but she could only pick the bottom ones, and she couldn't help the top ones if she couldn't climb trees.

But her bag was almost full.

Leng Yuan knew that she was weak, so she installed four wooden wheels on the sack floor. The wheels were diamond-shaped and with such a big head, they could walk smoothly even on uneven mountain roads.

Now she is dragging two hundred catties of chestnuts, and walking is not difficult at all.

In addition to chestnuts, she picked some mushrooms, and found two nests of wild eggs in the grass, a total of thirteen or four, and a sweet and sour egg could be added at night.

It's delicious for dinner.

While thinking about it, she was preparing to go down the mountain, and happened to meet Li Hongmei who was coming up.

Gu Jiaojiao turned around and was about to dodge, but Li Hongmei changed her previous attitude and smiled all over her face.

"Jiaojiao, let's make up!"

"I was wrong about the previous thing, I have already regretted it, and I apologize to you."

Gu Jiaojiao had a strange expression on her face.

She felt that Li Hongmei was sick, and it was not serious.

"Li Hongmei, go see a doctor if you are sick, I am not interested in reconciling with you."

"Borrowed, thank you."

After finishing speaking, Gu Jiaojiao pulled Chestnut and walked past Li Hongmei.

Li Hongmei didn't care too much.

In the past, he was jealous of Gu Jiaojiao, not only for her beauty, but also for marrying Leng Yuan, that's why she was always against her.

Now she has a higher pursuit, Gu Jiaojiao is married to a country mud leg, no matter how beautiful she is, she will not be from the same world in the future, she is not self-deprecating if she cares about Gu Jiaojiao.

With a cold snort, she happily went to pick wild vegetables.

She has to take good care of herself and dress up beautifully on the day she marries Yunhao.

She also wanted to specially notify Gu Jiaojiao to come over for dinner, and her expression would definitely look very good when the time came.

Thinking of the man Gu Jiaojiao wanted but couldn't get, finally fell into her hands, she was extremely beautiful.

"Water in Honghu Lake! The waves beat the waves..."

Gu Jiaojiao hadn't gone far when she heard Li Hongmei's singing behind her.

For a moment, she felt that the mountain might not be very clean, so she pulled the chestnut and hurried away.

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