The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 1 Is 001 just a nightmare?

Chapter 1 Is 001 just a nightmare?
A dark and eerie dungeon.

Jiang Yingying shivered in the corner and covered her ears, but she still couldn't block the piercing screams!
Two guards carried the boy who had been cut in half, bloody all the way to Jiang Yingying's cell, and threw the half body at her feet.


The boy grabbed her ankle and yelled while spitting blood: "It hurts! I hurt!"

A quarter of an hour ago, the boy was chatting with Jiang Yingying lively.

"Odd and even change?"

"Symbols look at the quadrants!"

"You are also a time traveler!"

Both of them traveled to different worlds, but they didn't become dragons and phoenixes with modern knowledge as written in the novel.

They are weirdos in this world!It is good medicine!

"Don't grab me! Don't!"

The two guards will then drag Jiang Yingying away, and there is a high probability that she will be treated the same as the teenager.

"I beg... let... let me go..."

Jiang Yingying was dragged on the bloody road, her teeth chattered uncontrollably, and her body was completely paralyzed from fright.

Through the long corridor, she was handed over to boys in priest robes.

Jiang Yingying knew that she was going to see the Taoist priest Zhang Guzi again, so she struggled to run away.

The Taoists forcibly clamped her hands and feet and carried her into the alchemy room.

Seeing Jiang Yingying, Zhang Guzi's eyes lit up, "Oh! A strange baby! A rare baby!"

"Let... let me go, please..."

Jiang Yingying's face was covered with tears. She knew it was useless to ask for help, but what else could she do?

There is still blood dripping down the rectangular chopping board on the west side of the alchemy room.

The fire in the alchemy furnace in the middle was raging, no need to think too much, there must be the lower body of the boy inside, and because of the moisture in the body, there was a crackling sound.

Zhang Guzi picked up Jiang Yingying's hand and looked at it carefully, "The newborn's hand can't be seen to have been cut off at all, and there is no trace of the connection. It's amazing! Strange!"

"Master, where did you kill her this time?" Daotong asked.

Zhang Guzi circled the alchemy furnace a few times, thinking about how to deal with Jiang Yingying.

He really wanted to throw such a strange fetus into the alchemy furnace, but he was afraid that it would be violent.

"Then try using earth technique this time!"

Zhang Guzi pointed with his whisk, and the top cover of the three to four meter high cauldron to the east was blown off and fell to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The Taoist boys understood, and carried Jiang Yingying up the steps to Dingkou.

"do not want!"


She was still thrown into the cauldron, which was empty.

Then there was loess falling from the mouth of the tripod, and the amount of soil was getting bigger and bigger!
It turns out that the earth technique is to be buried alive!

Jiang Yingying's limbs were quickly buried by the loess, unable to move, and then buried up to her neck, mouth, nose, and eyes...

The air is getting thinner!
The chest undulated violently!

She needs to breathe!To live!oxygen!

Jiang Yingying sat up from the bed all at once, gasping heavily, and beads of sweat dripped down her forehead.

"Yingying, what's the matter? Are you having nightmares again?"

Her boyfriend Li Jintao, who shared the same bed, also sat up, unable to open his eyes in a daze.

He hugged Jiang Yingying in his arms and coaxed her affectionately, "Yingying is not afraid! Be good! It's all a nightmare, and dreams are all reversed!"

"But... I dreamed of Zhang Guzi again, wearing a yellow Taoist robe with a large collar and holding a white dust whisk in his hand. He can decide a person's life and death casually!"

Is this really just a nightmare?

It was not the first time Jiang Yingying dreamed of that prison cell, that alchemy room.

She was tortured inside every time.

The physical pain is really felt!

It's just that she would wake up every time she was on the verge of death, and then realized that it was a dream!

Li Jintao wiped her sweat with the sleeve of his pajamas, and brushed away her sweat-drenched hair.

"What did baby Ying dream about this time? Zhang Guzi, the big villain, did he chop off my baby's hands or goug his eyes?"

"It's actually okay this time, no knife was used, it was buried alive."

Li Jintao stroked Jiang Yingying's back, trying to comfort her, but found that her back was completely soaked.

"Yingying! Are you putting too much pressure on yourself? Take it easy, postgraduate entrance examination and World War II are nothing."

Jiang Yingying failed the postgraduate entrance examination last year, and this year she is preparing for the exam full-time at home, which is indeed quite stressful.

Not only the study, but especially the economic pressure of life.

"Well, maybe."

"My dear, it's okay, relax!" Li Jintao hugged Jiang Yingying and lay down.

Jiang Yingying, who was lying down, still had lingering fears.

Every time she went to another world in her dream, she didn't know when she would wake up from the dream, she just thought it was really time travel.

Now it seems that she is a little luckier than other traversers.

At least she can wake up and return to the real world after dying in the dream.

The boy who was cut in half, he...

"No!" Jiang Yingying thought of something, turned around and picked up the cell phone beside her pillow.

Li Jintao watched her search for missing person notices in a certain province.

"Yingying, what's the matter?" Li Jintao had to go to the morning shift the next day, so he woke up in the early morning, very tired.

"Li Li, look!" Jiang Yingying zoomed in on a missing person notice photo.

"I've seen this person before. In my dream, he also traveled to another world. It's true. He really exists! He told me that he ran away from home and committed suicide before going to another world. Of the world, he..."

Jiang Yingying spoke incoherently, and the more she spoke, the more she thought about it, and she became more and more frightened!
Since that boy really traveled from the real world to another world, how could she, Jiang Yingying, have dreamed about it?
Could it be that... the different world in the dream also exists?

"Could it be that you have seen this missing person notice before, then subconsciously remembered it, and it appeared in your dream? It should be a coincidence!" Li Jintao tried to explain it scientifically.

"No, I've never seen it."

"Yingying, calm down first!" Li Jintao calmed her shortness of breath.

"Woo... I'm scared, I'm really scared!" Jiang Yingying covered her head with the quilt, crying uncontrollably.

"Yingying, listen to me, it's just a dream, don't think about it when you wake up, just forget about it, everything in the dream is fake..." Li Jintao coaxed softly.

When Jiang Yingying's crying gradually subsided, Li Jintao simply stopped sleeping, got up and dressed, prepared a soy milk sandwich and put it on the bedside.

"Yingying, eat something first, and then sleep for a while after eating."

Jiang Yingying pulled back the quilt and showed a guilty face, "I'm sorry, you didn't sleep well, and you have to catch the morning shift. You are too tired, I'm sorry!"

"No, what are you talking about? You're still so polite to me. You don't need to apologize. If you really think I'm tired, get up and eat up the love breakfast!" Li Jintao smiled softly.

Jiang Yingying slowly sat up and ate a sandwich.

She and her boyfriend have known each other for more than ten years, and they can be regarded as childhood sweethearts.

In high school, Jiang Yingying's parents died in an accident. Li Jintao persuaded her parents to take her to live in his home and take care of her like a big brother.

The two went to the same university, so it was logical to be together.

After graduating from university, Li Jintao chose to work directly as a male nurse in a large hospital, while Jiang Yingying wanted to go on to further studies, but her literature major was too heavy, so she didn't go ashore immediately.

Now the two live together, and Li Jintao's living expenses depend entirely on Li Jintao's salary as a male nurse. He also supported Jiang Yingying during World War II.

"Li Li, why are you so kind to me!" Jiang Yingying choked up.

"You are my wife! If I am not good to you, I am good to whom."

Li Jintao looked at the time, it was time to go out to squeeze the subway, "Yingying stay at home, don't think about it, drink the soy milk while it's hot, I'm going to work!"

Jiang Yingying nodded and watched Li Jintao leave.

The room suddenly became quiet. Jiang Yingying drank soy milk and picked up the phone again. The page was still stuck on the photo of the boy...

(End of this chapter)

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