The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 17 017 The Great Abyss Demon City

"Yes, let's go back to the Great Abyss Demon City!"

Speaking of Dayuan Demon City, Ye Ke raised his eyebrows and raised his chin, and the animal form of the nine-tailed fox was full of arrogance.

Before Jiang Yingying had enough rest, Ye Ke started to hurry up, "If you want to travel back, hurry up and follow!"

"Can your four-legged one wait for my two-legged one!"

Jiang Yingying thought of Ye Ke saying that his master knew the way to travel back. In order to solve the puzzle, she could only run and follow Ye Ke.

Walking through the bluestone road, crossing the fields and hills, walking through the dense forest...

After two or three days of eating and sleeping in the open air, Jiang Yingying was exhausted, and Ye Ke, who was running in front of her, had a double image, and her nine black tails were dazzling.

"Wait... I don't feel so good!"

Jiang Yingying stopped, eyes were flickering, and her ears were buzzing!

"Sister!" Wang Haoran was the first to notice Jiang Yingying's state, and saw that she was about to fall down in a trance, but he couldn't help her.


Jiang Yingying heard Li Li's voice, as if it came from far, far away!

Li Jintao shouted loudly, and grabbed Yingying who was running with her head against the wall, and other nurses helped to wrap Jiang Yingying with a restraint belt.

Jiang Yingying was tied to the hospital bed, and her shortness of breath gradually stabilized.

Li Jintao picked up a cotton ball and helped her wipe the wound on her forehead from hitting the wall, "Yingying!"

"Jiang Yingying!" Ye Ke patted Jiang Yingying's forehead with his paw, "Why did you lie down? Dayuan is just ahead, and we will be there in a day's walk!"

Jiang Yingying turned her face to the sky, with blood gurgling from her mouth!
Ye Ke supported her head from behind, don't let the blood choke this fool to death.

"Hey!" Jiang Yingying vomited a pool of blood-colored mixture, and at the same time her mind became clear.

Jiang Yingying picked up a blood clot from the vomit, rubbed off the blood on the outside, and wrapped a capsule pill in it.

Wang Haoran was puzzled when he saw it, "Sister, why did you spit out the capsule?"

"What is this?" Ye Ke didn't recognize the capsules in Jiang Yingying's hand.

Jiang Yingying wiped the blood from her mouth, "Keep going, you will find the answer when you find your master!"

In order to take care of her, Ye Ke slowed down the rest of the trip.

They arrived when the willows were on the top of the moon, and the words "Dayuan Modu" on the city gate were submerged in the lingering night fog.

"I'm finally back!" Ye Ke sat in the center of the city gate, with Nine Tails waving behind him.

Jiang Yingying passed him, walked to the front, turned her head and said, "Let's go! Waiting for the eighth sedan chair to carry you?"

The beard on Ye Ke's mouth trembled angrily, "You don't know my identity yet, do you! I am the Dayuan Demon Capital, a well-known young city lord!"

"Oh! That's amazing~" Jiang Yingying taunted deliberately, "Why did the young city master almost fall into the black water and die!"

Ye Ke was taken aback in embarrassment, then pretended to be nonchalant, and walked into the city gate swaggeringly, "It should be because my parents don't know that I'm back, otherwise they must come to welcome me in a big way!"

"Are you really the Young City Lord? Then your father is the City Lord, the one who manages the entire Great Abyss Demon City?" Jiang Yingying stopped joking and asked a serious question.

"Of course, my father, King Wei Ping, led his people to defend the Great Abyss and fought bloody battles. Only then did the Great Abyss Demon City become prosperous today! It gave the monsters in the world a home!"

Jiang Yingying's eyes widened, and she squeezed out a sentence, "Dayuan is really a sanctuary for monsters!"

Looking along the eyes, I saw a group of demons dancing wildly on the street, bustling with people, the red lanterns of small vendors hung high, and the sound of hawking was endless.

But sellers and buyers are not human beings, but strange monsters!
"Get out of the way!" The man with the wild boar's head pushed Jiang Yingying away from behind, and the stiff needle hair on the back of his hand stuck into Jiang Yingying's arm.

"Ah, it hurts!" Jiang Yingying plucked out the needle hair and threw it on the ground. She looked up and saw the wild boar's fangs, and smiled politely, "Mr. Pig, please!"

The wild boar spewed out two balls of white gas from its nostrils, swung its arms and walked away, leaving behind a sentence: "Humph, maid!"

Servant... Pu girl?You scold again!
Jiang Yingying said to Ye Ke: "Aren't you the young city master? So many monsters don't respect you!"

"Maybe it's because I've been away from Dayuan for many years, and they don't even know me!"

Even Ye Ke couldn't convince himself of this reason. Although he was sent to the palace as Emperor Zhengxi's hostage to check and balance Dayuan, it's normal for the people of Dayuan not to have seen him, but they should also be able to see that he is a nine-tailed fox.

Because the lord of the city is from the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, the people of Dayuan are very respectful to the Nine-Tailed Fox, and they will take the initiative to give way when encountering them.

Jiang Yingying shielded her eyes with her hands, not looking at the scary-looking monsters, and followed Ye Ke to squeeze around among the monsters.

"Ye Ke, you still look good!"

Jiang Yingying's words were heard by the passing Green Snake Girl, who tripped her with a sweep of the snake's tail, "Yo~ I don't like to hear these words, am I not beautiful?"

The Green Snake Girl has a picturesque female head, but from the neck down is a thick green snake body.

Jiang Yingying's nose hit the ground and she bleeds. Before she could react, she was wrapped around her neck by the Snake Girl.
Ye Ke said coldly, "Let go of her, she is my slave."

Jiang Yingying patted the icy snake skin, "Release me quickly! He is the Young City Lord of your Dayuan!"

The onlookers all laughed when they heard this, "Oh ha ha ha...the fox clan is all gone, and he still pretends to be the young city lord!"

The Green Snake Girl threw Jiang Yingying away and cursed, "It turns out you're a servant of the Nine-Tailed Fox, what a bad luck!"

Ye Ke helped Jiang Yingying up, and when he went to question what they said, the crowd of onlookers had already dispersed, and the Green Snake Girl also wandered away shyly.

"I'm so disgusted!!" Jiang Yingying blew out the remaining saliva in her nostrils.

Pointing at Ye Ke's nose, "You must be lying to me, you are not the young city lord of Dayuan at all! No, you are not, why are you pretending!"

"I am!" Ye Ke replied firmly, "I'll take you to Dayuan Mansion, and you'll know when you see my father, the city lord!"

Ye Ke held his head high and walked lightly to Dayuan Mansion, which is the residence of the city lord and his home.

"Come in with me. I'll let you take a hot bath and give you a big meal!" Ye Ke said to Jiang Yingying while walking inside.

Snapped!Two guards crossed their spears to block Ye Ke, "Dayuan Mansion, outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

Jiang Yingying had expected such an expression.

Ye Ke was a little angry, "Look clearly, it's me! Nine-tailed black fox! Young city lord Ye Ke!"

"We don't have a young city lord, leave quickly! If you continue to mess around, we will attack!" The guard pointed his spear mercilessly at Ye Ke, almost poking him in the face.

Jiang Yingying lifted Ye Ke by the back of her neck, "Let's go!"

Ye Ke bared his teeth angrily, "Call my father, King Wei Ping, out! I don't believe he doesn't even know his own son!"

Jiang Yingying walked away with Ye Ke in her arms, "Okay, okay, I admit that you are very powerful, your status is noble, and no one can match you, okay?"

"I, Ye Ke, are really the Young Master of Da Yuan!" Ye Ke gritted his teeth and emphasized every word.

Jiang Yingying didn't care about his identity, she only thought that the purpose of coming to Dayuan was to find a way to travel back, "Then please take me to your master first, Young City Master!"

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