The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 19 019 Golden Elixir, Must Awaken

Jiang Yingying sat up straight, "Li Li, what did you say?"

"I ordered you to look for the elixir of longevity, and you found it here!" Li Jintao tilted his head impatiently, moved his wrists, and slowly approached Jiang Yingying.

In a hurry, Jiang Yingying took a banana on the bedside as a sword and pointed it at Li Jintao's chest.

Suddenly, the objects in the ward disappeared one by one, and the sky and the earth suddenly went dark!
"You are not Li Li! You are Emperor Zhengxi!" Jiang Yingying held the long sword and pointed at Li Jintao in the stone room.

Master Hongyi stood in Dr. Zhao's position, holding the wine jar in his hand, watching with gusto!

Li Jintao clasped the blade between his fingers, and stared fiercely at the sword-wielder, "Anyone who dares to point a sword at me will be crushed to pieces!"

After speaking, the strength of the two fingers tightened, and a long sword was shattered into pieces from the blade to the hilt!
Jiang Yingying opened the hand holding the sword, and it was covered with rotten banana puree!

"This is……?"

Looking up again, only Master Hongyi was left in the stone room with a hearty laugh, "Hahaha..."

Jiang Yingying felt lost in her heart!

"Master, isn't what I saw just now real?"

"Yeah!" Master Hongyi stroked his beard and stopped laughing, "If you think it's real, it's true, if you think it's fake, then it can't be true!"

No matter what, the old man with the white beard was able to let Jiang Yingying see Li Li again with a few sips of wine, there must be two tricks!
Jiang Yingying cupped her fists and saluted, "Master Hongyi, I really want to go back, please teach me how!"

Master Hong Yi shook the wine jar, there was still half of it left, which was just right for Xiao Yeke.

"You want to go back, it's not a question of whether I will teach you, but whether you are willing or not." Master Hongyi raised his hand and interrupted Jiang Yingying, who was eager to express his opinion, "Don't worry! I've been waiting for you for most of my life, don't worry At this moment, let's go out and say, I will solve the problem between you and Xiaoye together!"

Opening the door of the stone room, Wang Haoran waited outside, "Sister, is there a way?"

Maybe after Jiang Yingying finds a way, Wang Haoran will also have the opportunity to go back to the real world. Even if he can only visit his mother in the form of Ah Piao, he will be very satisfied.

Jiang Yingying nodded affirmatively.

Master Hong Yi asked Ye Ke to drink the remaining half jar of wine, "It's cheap for you boy, this is what Xiao Jiang left for you, you can grow some spiritual power after drinking it, and you can change back to your human form, you are like this now, As a teacher, I can't help but want to lick you!"

"Uh..." Ye Ke drank the wine for no apparent reason, and he really felt that his tendons and veins were unblocked, and his spiritual power flowed all over his body, and he had the support of spiritual power to transform into a human form.

"Master Hongyi, tell me quickly!" Jiang Yingying urged.


Three pairs of eyes stared at Master Hongyi at the same time, waiting for the answer to be revealed with full concentration!

"Where do we start?" Master Hongyi put his hands behind his back, making a deep expression, "I think back then, when I took over the decree from my father, it was a symbol of the inheritance of the prophets of the fox clan. All the white fox spirits came to see my beauty!"

"Hey! Master, I'm digressing!" Ye Ke reminded, "Tell me how to get back my spiritual power!"

"Oh, after I received the decree from the gods, I realized that my mission is to help the golden elixir come to the world. What is the golden elixir? I asked my father, and my father shook his head. My father asked my grandpa, and my grandpa shook his head... ..."

"Prohibition of nesting dolls! Get to the point, the point!" Jiang Yingying hammered the table.

"I'm lucky. I met Jindan in my lifetime," Master Hongyi pointed at Jiang Yingying, "It's you!"

"Ah? What is Jindan?"

Jiang Yingying asked Master Hongyi, Hongyi shook his head.

Ye Ke also asked: "Is this golden elixir related to the spiritual power that slipped away from me?"

"Yes! It's because Xiaojiang has a golden elixir to protect her body, so if you hurt her life, she will steal your spiritual power to achieve balance!"

Jiang Yingying rested her chin and thought: "One life for another, he killed me once, shouldn't he also die, is it a balance?"

"Hey! Do you want to be so ruthless, woman!" Ye Ke sat a little further away from Jiang Yingying in shock, "You didn't die anyway, and all the spiritual power I cultivated to the mid-heaven was gone, which is the same as dying once. What a difference!"

"Now Xiaojiang's golden core is still hidden, that is to say, it can't generate spiritual power by itself, and can only rely on absorbing spiritual power from the outside world to balance it. At least before the golden core is awakened, it must ensure that the body does not die."

Jiang Yingying rubbed her swollen temples, listening in a blur, suddenly saw her clean hands, and thought of the bananas in the ward. When did the mashed bananas disappear, but she didn't even notice.

"Master Hongyi, tell me directly, is this golden elixir the key to my return?"

"After the golden core is awakened, you will naturally have the ability to eliminate the supernatural power, that is, lose Xiaoye's spiritual power to him. However, I must solemnly inform you of the two results of awakening the golden core according to the divine order."

Master Hongyi's expression was serious, "If you can't control its power after the golden core is awakened, then everything you own will cease to exist; but if you can control its power, then you can do whatever you want and do whatever you want!"

Unscrupulous nonsense!
Jiang Yingying asked excitedly: "Then can I resurrect the dead?"

For example, resurrect Wang Haoran and let him go home to support his elderly mother.

"Well, you can do whatever you want!"


Jiang Yingying smiled at Wang Haoran, my sister got the gold finger to change your life against the sky, and she is waiting for her to bring you back to life!
"This golden elixir must be awakened today, I told you! Even Jesus can't keep it!" Jiang Yingying slammed the table when she got excited.

Of course Ye Ke also supported, "Master, then you should teach her how to cultivate her own golden core, so that you can return my spiritual power to me quickly."

"Xiao Jiang, think about it. After the golden core is awakened, you will either be able to travel through it at will, or you will never see the person you want to see." The decree passed down by Master Hongyi made him have to clarify the pros and cons, and let the host voluntarily conceive the golden core. Dan came to the world.

Jiang Yingying's high arrogance retreated all of a sudden, if she couldn't control Jin Dan, she would see Li Li forever.

Trapped in a different world now, I also can't see Li Li, so what if I take a gamble!
Go for a bike and turn it into a motorcycle!

Master Hong Yi somehow conjured a black spirit stone from there, soaked it in the wine bowl, and ignited blue and blue fireworks. In an instant, the black spirit stone dissolved and the fireworks went out. The bowl of wine looked no different from ordinary wine!
"If you really want to awaken the golden core, then drink this bowl of divine water."

Ye Ke courteously brought the drink to Jiang Yingying, and the floating Wang Haoran also looked at her eagerly.

"Okay!" Jiang Yingying picked up the wine and drank it all in one gulp. It's sweet!
"How is it? How do you feel?" Ye Ke observed Jiang Yingying's changes curiously.

Jiang Yingying also felt her body from head to toe, "It's nothing special!"

Ye Ke sighed, "Master, you are not playing tricks on us, are you?"

"Hahaha... the time, just wait until the time is right!" Master Hongyi saw the divine decree water being drunk, the burden on his heart was finally lifted, and he was still a little bit uncomfortable!

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