The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 21 021 Electric Shock Therapy

Ye Ke has no home in Dayuan, so he can only return to Master Hongyi's thatched cottage.

"Prince Zhan Cheng doesn't supply Zhuyan Pills. This will not only kill me, but also make Emperor Zheng Xi famous for attacking Master Dayuan. He is treating the people of the whole city like a joke! Bet!"

Ye Ke agrees with his father's view of seeking peace, otherwise he would not be willing to go to the palace as a proton.

Ji Subao covered his heart and said sadly: "Not long ago, King Zhancheng gave the old city lord's fallen demon spirit pill as a tribute to Emperor Zhengxi. The Zhuyan pill extracted from this demon spirit pill is enough for three months. Already!"

Ye Ke looked up to the sky and screamed! !
Father, the boy will avenge you!
Master Hongyi sat and listened, silent, just spilled the wine in his hand on the ground.The things I feared back then will finally happen!
Although Ji Subao was sad and depressed, but his IQ was online, he speculated: "King Zhancheng wants to use these three months to prepare for the war and rebel against Emperor Zhengxi!"

Jiang Yingying pricked up her alert ears, they were going to rebel and kill that brutal Li Li—Emperor Zhengxi!

"Once there is a war, Da Yuan will be defeated!" Ye Ke punched the dirt wall with a heartbroken fist, creating a pothole.

"That's why Lao Zhan imprisoned my junior sister," Master Hongyi's junior sister is Mrs. Jinxia, ​​Yeke's mother, "because my junior sister has a monster dispatch order on her body, and with the power of monsters, the chances of winning against Zhengguo are increased by a few percent! "

Monster?Oh, this is how the demons of the Great Abyss Demon City came from! !

Jiang Yingying listened carefully, for fear of missing important information, she felt secretly refreshed: Emperor Zhengxi, who has been harassing and intimidating her in her head all day, is going to quack!

Ye Ke listened to his master's words and lowered his eyes to think about it. When he was a child, he heard his father tell a little about the dispatch order of monsters, saying that monsters are the last line of defense to defend the Dayuan Demon City, and they cannot be called unless it is absolutely necessary!
Ji Subao echoed: "Yes! The monster dispatch order is our top secret in Dayuan. I don't know what it is, where it is, and how many there are! But since King Zhancheng didn't kill Mrs. Jinxia, ​​he chose Imprisoned, that means Madam must know about the dispatch order!"

"No matter what, the top priority is to rescue my mother!" After Ye Ke finished speaking, he glanced at Jiang Yingying resentfully. The spiritual power was still on her, and it was difficult for him to get into Dayuan Mansion with his current spiritual power.

Jiang Yingying felt chills down her spine when he saw it!
"Well... I haven't felt it yet, but if you want to save your mother, brother Haoran behind me can help find the place where your mother is imprisoned."

Jiang Yingying moved away and introduced A Piao Haoran. Wang Haoran knew that no one could see him, but he still said, "Yes, looking for people through walls is a piece of cake!"

Ye Ke looked at the empty space behind Jiang Yingying, "Are you sick again?"

Master Hong Yi laughed to moderate the atmosphere, "Xiao Jiang can really help a lot!"

"Master, you still trust me!" Jiang Yingying smiled and gave Master Hongyi a thumbs up.

As a result, in the next second, someone grabbed my thumb tightly!

The curled fingers were broken one by one!

Li Jintao snatched the armor-destroying knife from Jiang Yingying's hand and threw it at the far end of the hospital corridor.

"I believe you! Yingying, I believe you are not crazy, I believe it!" Li Jintao said, twisting Jiang Yingying's two hands behind her back and pressing them against the wall.

The female nurse who was pulled by Jiang Yingying's hair and stabbed with the armor knife got up from the ground, "Damn it! After polishing her nails at noon, she put the armor knife in her pocket and almost killed herself!"

Who works as a nurse in the psychiatric department has never been beaten by a patient!
The female nurse said angrily, picked up the syringe in the tray, and pushed out the air in the needle hole, "Nurse Li, hold it down, I'm going to be anesthetized!"

"Let go of me!" Jiang Yingying struggled, "Li Li! Let me go, I'm not crazy!!"

Li Jintao grabbed her hands vigorously and watched as the nurse injected the anesthesia needle into Jiang Yingying's body.

Dr. Zhao also ran over with a group of medical staff, "Xiao Li, is nothing wrong? Jiang Yingying ran too fast!"

"I'm not crazy, I'll go back..."

The general anesthesia took effect very quickly, and Jiang Yingying fell asleep in less than ten seconds.

Li Jintao picked up Jiang Yingying and repeatedly confirmed with Dr. Zhao: "Is the electric shock therapy harmful to the human body? I went back and checked the information. A short-term brain spasm may cause amnesia."

Dr. Zhao kindly explained: "Convulsion-free electroconvulsive therapy is the fastest and most effective method for us to treat mental illness. I have already told you about the risks. This is currently the most suitable therapy for Jiang Yingying."

Li Jintao nodded, walked into the operating room and put Jiang Yingying down, stroked her face and said, "Yingying, get well soon!"

"Master, I said she was sick, but you still don't believe me, look!" Ye Ke pointed to Jiang Yingying, who was lying on the ground, and helped her up helplessly. When her fingers touched her, she shrank back from the electric pain.

Inside the hut, static sparks crackled!
Master Hongyi stared wide-eyed, as if he was facing a formidable enemy, "Not good! Someone wants to stop Jindan from coming to the world!"

He quickly brought Jiang Yingying to the stone room, and told Ye Ke: "Don't act rashly about your mother, wait until I come out of retreat!"

"Jiang Yingying?" Dr. Zhao called softly, while paying attention to the ups and downs on the monitor.

Li Jintao also swallowed nervously, "Yingying, do you still remember me?"

Jiang Yingying opened her eyes, and the bright sunlight shone into the windows of her soul, and she felt an indescribable sense of relaxation and joy in her body!

"Li Li, of course I remember you, Li Jintao!"

Li Jintao showed a reassuring smile, "Great! Dr. Zhao, is Yingying normal?"

"Well, the indicators are all stable, be careful not to stimulate the patient's emotions."

"Yingying, this is really great!" Li Jintao excitedly grabbed Jiang Yingying's hand.

Dr. Zhao and the other escorts left the ward with a sneer, leaving a world for the young couple.

"Li Li, I'm really not crazy, you help me get out of the hospital, let's go home!"

"I also want to take you home quickly! But let's listen to the doctor and stay in the hospital for observation for a few more days."

Li Li raised his hand and pinned the broken hair in front of Jiang Yingying's eyes behind her ears. I couldn't get enough of such a normal and quiet Yingying!
Jiang Yingying said to the affectionate Li Li: "Well! I will never go to another world again after traveling this time. What did the police do with the things I brought back a few times? Did they leave us a few million? "

Hearing this, Li Jintao re-examined Jiang Yingying, "Why are you talking nonsense again? Yingying, the other world you mentioned is fake, it was imagined by you, it doesn't exist at all, can you come out of that world! "

"Fake?" Jiang Yingying raised her voice, "It's fine if others don't believe it. Haven't you seen the jade pendant I took out? It was exchanged for 200 million, you forgot?"

"Yingying, the jade pendant you mentioned has never appeared in this world."

Jiang Yingying didn't believe it, and continued to question: "I didn't show up, why did the police arrest me?"

Li Jintao was also puzzled, "No police will arrest you!"

"Li Li, you didn't say that on purpose to cooperate with the doctor to lie to me, did you?" Jiang Yingying firmly believed in what she had experienced, "You don't have to do this, anyway, I won't go to another world again, you Say it's fake, it's fake!"

"Yingying, take a good rest and stop thinking about it. If everything goes well, you will be discharged from the hospital next month."

Jiang Yingying nodded and stretched out her palm, "Give me the phone."

It can't be fake, it can't be fake.

The transfer records on the mobile phone will never lie, right? The 200 million jade pendants came in, and the 35 for Haoran's mother's medical treatment came out...

As long as these large amount of transfer records exist, it will prove that her time travel is not a mental delusion!

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