Chapter 3

Jiang Yingying looked around vigilantly, but there was no one in sight.

"I~ Wang Haoran, look up~"

The translucent Wang Haoran floated above the prison cell, only half of his body, and the lower body shrunk into a wisp of white smoke!
Like a monster floating out of Aladdin's lamp.

"Ghost!" Jiang Yingying was frightened and bumped her head against the fence of the cell, making her dizzy.

"Sister Jiang, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, and I want to thank you!"

"Thank...thank you for what..."

"Thank you for informing my family that they found my body and offered incense to me so that I can have my current form!"

The voice in Jiang Yingying's ear gradually became blurred...

After a period of white and then dark, she regained consciousness and felt that she had returned to the warm environment of the bedroom.

The blindfold was removed, and the sleep aid incense on the bedside gave off faint candlelight, and the only sound in the quiet room was Li Jintao's sleeping breathing.

This time the dream didn't make her make any violent movements, and didn't wake up Li Jintao, which made her a little lucky.

Turning over gently, he wanted to see Li Jintao's sleeping profile, but felt that there was some scum on the pillow, which made him very uncomfortable.

Jiang Yingying touched it with her hand, and her heart skipped a beat, it was dirt!How can there be soil?loess!

At this moment, the light in the master bedroom bathroom turned on by itself!

"Sister Jiang, sister Jiang, I'm here! Come in!"

It was Wang Haoran's voice, coming from the bathroom!

Jiang Yingying glanced at Li Jintao, without much hesitation, she carefully got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

There is not only the fear of the unknown in my heart, but also the excitement of revealing the answer!
Put your hand on the doorknob, take a deep breath, and open it quickly!

No one is empty.

Standing in front of the sink, Jiang Yingying looked in the mirror and clearly saw the loess mixed in her hair!

"How? Where did it come from! Where did it come from?"

Jiang Yingying slapped her hair quickly, and the loess slag fell on the white sink, which was very eye-catching.

"Sister Jiang~"

The ghost of Wang Haoran appeared in the mirror.

Jiang Yingying covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming, for fear of waking Li Jintao up. He worked too hard in the morning shift, and couldn't bear to let him sleep badly.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Fortunately, with you, I can follow you back to the real world, thank you!"

"You... are you really Wang Haoran? Wang Haoran is real? Isn't that a dream?"

"It's true! It's all true! Sister Jiang, I have one more thing to ask you."

"Impossible, impossible, it's all fake! I'm definitely still in a dream, it's all fake!"

Jiang Yingying slapped herself hard, trying to wake herself up, but it hurt!

"Sister Jiang, I guess you are a bridge between the different world and the real world. This is rare. I want to ask you, can you find a way to bring back some things from the different world, exchange them for money, and give some to my mother?"

Jiang Yingying's eyes widened, she looked at Wang Haoran in the mirror in disbelief, and then looked down at the loess.

"I was young and ignorant at that time, and I ran away from home because of trivial things. Now my mother is old and I am no longer alive. How can she live! Please, I will help you."

"What you said is true? Can I bring back gold and silver treasures from another world?"

"It's true, as long as we master the method, we can definitely bring back a lot of valuable things!"

"what way?"

"This... I don't know the specifics, but I know it will work. Look at the dirt on your hair, isn't that from another world?"

"It hasn't happened before."

"Sister Jiang, do you think about the difference this time?"


In a flash of inspiration, Jiang Yingying thought of the smell of incense. She could smell the smell of incense in another world, and when she came back, she brought back soil, and the smell was exchanged for soil.

If so...

The lives of her and Li Jintao may be greatly improved, and even she will not have to work hard to find a job to earn money.

"Wang Haoran, I want to try!"

"Okay~" Wang Haoran's vibrato became cute.

"I lied to Zhang Guzi. When I go back, he may let me lead the way to Haotianzong, but this is where I'm talking nonsense. I'm afraid it will reveal the truth. Do you know some remote places in the other world?"

Ever since Jiang Yingying dreamed of traveling through another world, her birthplace has always been that cell or alchemy room.

"I've been in that world for more than half a year, and I've been to many places. Later, I was caught by the government because I refined refined salt and resold it. Only then did I expose my identity as a time traveler, and then I met you in prison."

"Is it only me who can see what you look like now?"

"Well, only sister Jiang can see me and hear me, and I will always float by your side."

"Zhang Guzi is a Taoist priest, he should be able to feel you, right?"

"This... I don't have much experience in being a ghost, so I don't know!"

Jiang Yingying carefully planned...

I washed my hair and lay down again to sleep, but I couldn't fall asleep anyway.

When the sky was dark, Jiang Yingying closed her eyes heavily and slept until noon.

Although he didn't dream of returning to another world, he had a rare good night's sleep.

"Wang Haoran?"

Jiang Yingying tried to look for Wang Haoran's ghost at home, but she didn't see it. She was wondering if it was all her dream last night, when her cell phone rang.


"Are you Wang Haoran's friend?" It was a man who spoke, "I am his uncle."

"Oh, hello, Wang Haoran..."

"He's gone, he left poorly, and when we found out, he was rotten and out of shape, and his mother scared him into the hospital, alas!"

"..." Jiang Yingying's head was buzzing.

"When the mother is awake, tell me to call you back. It's all right if you know about it. If the funeral can come, it doesn't matter. If it doesn't, it doesn't matter. Alas! That's fine, I won't tell you, alas!"

"Wait...well, is Auntie okay? Seriously?"

"The doctor said it was an acute cerebral infarction, and I'm still lying on the hospital bed. It will cost a lot of money to treat it properly, alas!"

"...Well, uncle, don't be too sad, everything will be fine."

Jiang Yingying ended the call after a few words of comfort.

In the evening, the scented candles were prepared early, and Jiang Yingying covered the quilt, "Li Li, good night!"

"Going to bed so early today?" Li Jintao turned off the light in the bedroom before he went to bed.

"You're sleepy, you go to bed early, too."

Jiang Yingying returned to another world in her dream, but she was not in a prison cell. She was sitting on a palanquin, being carried by a little eunuch in palace uniform, not knowing where she was going.

A Piao Wang Haoran quietly followed behind.

"Wang Haoran, you are really still here, where did you go during the day?"

"The yang energy is too heavy during the day, so I hid in another world to guard your physical body."

"Where are they taking me?"

"I heard that it seems that Zhang Guzi is going to present you to the emperor, and they are taking you to take a bath and change clothes."


Seeing the emperor, I still take a bath and change clothes. Is this going to sleep?

But leaving the dark dungeon, there will be more valuable things in the palace.

When the time comes, pick up whatever you want and bring it home, and Wang Haoran's mother will not have to worry about her medical expenses.

The sedan chair shook slightly and was sent to Tang Mu Pavilion.

Jiang Yingying walked into the magnificent bathroom and stared at the golden pillars in the room in surprise. She didn't know whether it was gold-plated or pure gold. Can you scrape off a layer of gold powder?
What is the price of gold today, one gram is...



Jiang Yingying was thinking about how to bring some valuables when she was caught off guard and pushed into the imperial pool.

The congealed blood stains on the old clothes smudged in the milky white bath soup...

(End of this chapter)

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