The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 32 032 Starting Point Mental Hospital

Jiang Yingying's thoughts returned to the bright consultation room, and she answered the naive Dr. Zhao, "Then Ye Ke asked me to stay and rectify the monsters, ready to listen to his orders at any time. He brought Princess Zhifei back to Dayuan City to meet Wang Haoran and the others." gone."

"Yeah, well, let's stop here for today's treatment!" Dr. Zhao closed the notebook, put away the recording pen, got up and turned off the video.

He also solemnly asked, "Jiang Yingying, you must remember that you can't re-enter your fantasies privately, and tell me what you hear and see in time. This will help me make the latest judgment on your condition. .”

Jiang Yingying let out a sigh of relief, "Okay, Dr. Zhao, I understand. I want to ask, how long will I need treatment?"

"Well... If there are no accidents, it will be about four months."

Jiang Yingying walked out of the consultation room, and Li Jintao, who was wearing a white coat, had been waiting for a long time, "Yingying, take it easy, we will get well soon!"

"Okay," Jiang Yingying felt extremely guilty when she saw Li Jintao, "Li Li, I don't know why I got mentally ill, and I can't tell the things that happened in the past from the real ones."

Standing in front of the window in the corridor, Jiang Yingying saw a few large characters printed on the medical truck roaring out, starting from the mental hospital.

This is the branch of the hospital where Li Jintao works as a nurse. The salary is not as good as that in the inpatient department of the central hospital, but he still asks to be transferred here to take care of Jiang Yingying.

"Li Li, I'm sorry for causing you to lose the chance to be promoted, but to grant you the wish of the leader who wears shoes for you. Tell me, after I'm discharged from the hospital, won't it be difficult for you to be transferred back to the inpatient department? "

Li Jintao combed her long hair, and found a white hair, fiddled with it twice, and hid the white hair in the hair.

"Yingying, don't be burdened, I'm fine, as long as you recover, I can do whatever I want!"

Jiang Yingying continued to say with a sad face: "Li Li, how much did you spend on my medical treatment? You can help me sell the house in my hometown. It's worthless, so I can make up for it."

"No, it didn't cost much. You don't have to worry about the money. The house in my hometown was left by your parents. We won't sell it, just think about it!"

Li Jintao held Jiang Yingying's arms and pushed her into the ward, "Okay, Yingying, it's time to go back and take the medicine. After taking the medicine, you can sleep for a while. I have to take care of other patients, otherwise my old It's public money to take care of my girlfriend, my colleagues should have an opinion, haha..."

Jiang Yingying took a handful of medicine obediently, and opened her mouth to check with Li Jintao as usual, "Ah—"

"Well, Baby Ying has swallowed all the medicine!" Li Jintao fondled Jiang Yingying's head, "Then you rest first, I'll go to work first!"


When Jiang Yingying lay down, the sleeping effect of the medicine began to evaporate, and she fell asleep in a drowsy state.

Until I heard Haoran's younger brother's voice: "Sister, Ye Ke is back, why didn't you come back? Master Hong Yi is quite angry that Ye Ke didn't bring you back!"

Jiang Yingying opened her eyes. It was very quiet in the separate ward. She got out of bed and came out to stand in front of the window in the corridor, because the window in the ward could only see the back garden of the hospital, but the window here could see the hospital's main entrance.

The medical car from Qidian Mental Hospital that I saw in the morning roared in again.

Two men in special police uniforms got out of the car, carried a boy in a hospital gown, and handed them over to the doctors and nurses in the hospital, "Look out! Don't let the patient run out again, this kid ran to the kindergarten with broken glass Go, almost hurt the child! What a bad nature!"

The leader of the hospital apologized with a smile, and promised to strengthen the supervision, and there would be no next time.

As a rare male nurse, Li Jintao naturally cannot do without him.After the special police released the boy's handcuffs, Li Jintao held the boy with his backhand and twisted him to the hospital.

It can be seen that the patient's mental condition is very bad, and he kept shouting in extreme pain, "I can't tell the difference!! Mom!!! I really can't tell the difference!!!!"

Jiang Yingying didn't expect this patient to be sent to her own floor. Watching Li Jintao send the young patient to the next ward, she worked there for a while, and the last nurse who came out even locked the ward.

"Li Li, this is... what's wrong with him? He looks quite young, is he also mentally ill?"

Li Jintao escorted Jiang Yingying back to the ward, and explained: "The room next to yours is an intensive care unit. Li Huowang's illness has been a bit serious these days. If you have nothing to do, don't come out. I'm afraid it will hurt you."

Jiang Yingying looked at the wall, thought of the critically ill patients on the other side of the wall, and lamented, "Oh! The children nowadays are under so much pressure, they have made themselves seriously mentally ill. What a pity!"

Li Jintao poured a cup of hot water, held it in Jiang Yingying's hand to warm it up, and said with a smile, "Yingying, you don't remember, you lived in the intensive care unit next door when you first came here, and you were transferred after electrotherapy." Those who come to this ward are close to the severe cases, so I can pay attention to your situation at any time. This is also a small back door I opened for myself. See, being a nurse is also beneficial."

"Haha...then you're going to be busy with the guy next door called Li Huowang?"

"Yeah, he's more serious than you, he can't tell reality from hallucinations, you live close by, don't be afraid if you hear him screaming at night!"

Jiang Yingying nodded, blowing the hot water carefully, and gently sucking the water from the edge thoughtfully.

Li Jintao remembered again, "Dr. Zhao also said, let you get in touch with real people more, don't lose touch with reality, it will help you recover. Although this is a mental hospital, some mild patients can still communicate normally. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, the hospital seems to have a spring singing show, and then I will take you to make friends."

"it is good!"

In the dead of night, Jiang Yingying really heard the screams of Li Huowang next door.

It’s still the same sentence in the daytime, “I can’t tell the difference!! This is all fake! It’s all made up on the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month! It’s all an illusion!! Mom! I really can’t tell the difference! That’s the real one !! Which one is true!!”

Jiang Yingying buried her head in the quilt and deeply empathized with her. The kind of bewilderment that can't tell the truth from the fake has happened to her before, but now she feels that it's easy to tell the difference!How can you not tell the difference!
Patient!Why can't you tell the difference?
Jiang Yingying got out of bed and stepped on her slippers to go to the wall, and beat the wall hard, which stopped the shouting from the next door.

She beat the wall all the way again, leading the neighbor to the window.

The windows were sealed with iron bars, and Jiang Yingying couldn't stick her head out to look around, but the two windows were so close, half an arm's length away, that voices could pass through.

"Li Huowang?" Jiang Yingying asked tentatively, "Li Huowang, what can't you tell? That world is fake! Let me tell you a secret to tell the difference, that is, when you can't tell the difference, just look at the clothes you are wearing , if it’s a blue and white striped hospital gown, it’s real, if it’s a fancy dress, it’s fake, did you hear that?”

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