The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 34 034 Boyfriend Insecure

Li Jintao could understand that Dr. Zhao is not only the doctor of Jiang Yingying alone, but also the doctor of Li Huowang and other patients. He wants to use Jiang Yingying to treat other patients faster, like a teacher who wants students who are good at learning to help those who are poor. Same.

However, Li Jintao is Jiang Yingying's Li Li, and he only wants to give priority to Yingying. Who can guarantee that students who study well will not be led astray by those who are poor?

"Doctor Zhao, I don't agree to risk Yingying." Li Jintao admitted that he was selfish once. "Even when Yingying was at her worst, she didn't harm herself. I'm afraid she will..."

Dr. Zhao nodded disappointedly, "It's okay, I understand, I understand! Don't worry about it, just take it as a joke!"

Li Jintao returned to the ward after communicating with the doctor, and found that Jiang Yingying was not in her room, and was about to look for it anxiously. Jiang Yingying came in with povidone iodine and erythromycin ointment.

"Li Li," Jiang Yingying pointed to the corner of her mouth, "Your place is cracked and swollen, doesn't it hurt? Come here and disinfect."

Li Jintao was sitting on the hospital bed in a white coat, and Jiang Yingying, who was wearing a hospital gown, stood and applied medicine to him. This scene made him want to laugh, "Haha... hiss..."

"What are you smirking at, it hurts!"

Li Jintao wrapped Jiang Yingying's slender waist with one hand, looked up at Yingying affectionately, something seemed to light up in his eyes, "Yingying..."

Jiang Yingying stroked Li Li's hair lightly twice, and glanced at the door of the ward, "Let go of me, it's not good for others to see."

Li Li lowered his head against Jiang Yingying's soft stomach, and quietly flicked away the tears from the corners of his eyes, "Yingying, we will get married when you leave the hospital, okay? I don't want to wait... I don't want to wait until after you take the postgraduate entrance examination, I don't want to wait until you buy a house or a car, I want... to marry you now!"

Jiang Yingying had mixed feelings in her heart and mixed feelings. She really felt sorry for Li Li. In this relationship, Li Li always paid more and Li Li always shared more pressure. Make yourself mentally ill!

The two were silent for a long time, Li Jintao raised his head and his eyes were red with hot tears.

"Yingying, did you find out?"

Jiang Yingying asked in confusion, "What did you find?"

"I found out that you don't love me at all!"

Jiang Yingying frowned even tighter, her eyes widened in doubt, and she was about to give her a good laugh, "Li Li, what are you talking about, how could I not love you! We are childhood sweethearts, and we are a perfect match!"

"No!" Li Jintao's long-suppressed emotions finally broke out at this moment. He didn't want to think about anything, he just wanted to pour out all the bitterness in his stomach!
"Just because we were childhood sweethearts, I didn't chase you very much at all. We seemed to be... a matter of course! It's so smooth! It's so smooth, do you understand?"

"Sometimes I really think, is it because you like me that you are with me, or is it because you are used to only me by your side, so it is logical to be with me."

"You never quarrel with me. Others' girlfriends ask their boyfriends for milk tea in autumn and roast sausage in winter. You never ask me to do anything for you. I even... I don't even have it as your fiance I bought you aunt's towels, and you stocked them up on Double Eleven."

"It's funny to say, I actually envy those noisy young couples, because I think girls care about their boyfriends because they care, but you have never quarreled with me, and you have never cared about me, there are many things You didn't tell me either."

"I'm really afraid, I'm afraid that one day you will suddenly find out, oh, it turns out that we are not in love, so I can only treat you with all my might, and give everything I have to treat you!"

"But! Sometimes I blame myself... You are so good and beautiful, I can't even afford a big house for marriage, let the person I love suffer with me, and selfishly trap her in the cage of love, I, I just..."

Jiang Yingying covered his mouth with her fingers, "Stop talking!" She didn't expect that her sensibleness would make her boyfriend feel insecure.

What is love, Jiang Yingying can't answer, she only knows that Li Li is the only person in the world who treats her well, and she also wants to treat Li Li well, double the good, it's that simple!If this is not love, then it must be a higher and stronger feeling than love!

The two each took a tissue to wipe away their tears and blew their noses.

After getting emotional, Li Jintao felt a little embarrassed, why didn't he hold back what was in his heart, it wouldn't really lead Yingying to think in the direction of not loving herself!

"Ahem! Yingying, it's time for you to take your medicine. I'll get you some medicine!"

When the door was about to close, Jiang Yingying said in a volume that both of them could hear, "Li Li, I love you!"

Li Jintao passed through the crack of the door, and smiled at Yingying, and the suspicion in his heart was swept away.

Jiang Yingying also became more determined to get rid of the false alternate world, and she recovered and was discharged from the hospital as soon as possible!

"Sister, when will you come back?" Wang Haoran's voice entered her ears again.

Jiang Yingying shook her head vigorously, but Haoran's younger brother's voice became more urgent in her head, "Sister, Master Hongyi said that if you don't come back, I will disappear! I'm almost resurrected, I don't want to die completely! I still have my mother! Sister, can you help me!"

"Fake, fake! I didn't hear it, I didn't hear it!"

After Jiang Yingying took the medicine, the hallucinations disappeared.

At night, I didn't hear the screams of the patients next door, and there were no nurses going there during the day. It was as quiet as if there was no one living next door.

Li Jintao brought in lunch, which consisted of four dishes and one soup from the hospital cafeteria.

Jiang Yingying remembered that Aunt Li didn't come over again this week, maybe she was angry that Li Li didn't go on a blind date.

This trust is still there, she is confident that Li Jintao will not empathize with her just because she is mentally ill, not to mention that she is recovering soon!

"Li Li, surprise inspection, give me your mobile phone!"

Don't you think that Yingying doesn't care about him and ignores him, so let's check it shallowly!

Li Jintao was obviously taken aback, he reached into his pocket and couldn't take it out, "Oh, me, I left my phone in the duty room, I'll go get it."

"I've seen it all," Jiang Yingying touched a hard object in the shape of a mobile phone, "Take it out, why are you guilty? Is something really wrong?"

"No, no," Li Jintao took out his mobile phone, "This is my spare phone for work. There is nothing in it, only the news of the leader and colleagues, and the memorandum of the patient's condition. Get my other phone!"

Jiang Yingying randomly swipe twice, and all the nurses in various departments are noted in the friend list. Could it be that his blind date is hidden among them?

"You only use this mobile phone for work?" Jiang Yingying said, without stopping, she searched for some life software, and there is no problem with the takeaway address, "The leader may also send you a message after you get off work. Aren't you tired with two phones?"

"The main reason is to free up memory on the work machine, and the games are downloaded to the mobile phone for daily use."

Jiang Yingying's eyes stopped on the historical booking record, where it was written from Yilin City to Qiaoyu City!

Didn't he say he had never been to Qiaoyu City?
Wang Haoran's home is in Qiaoyu City, if it wasn't for the memory of going to Qiaoyu City to give money to Wang Haoran's mother, what reason would there be to go to Qiaoyu City!

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