Jiang Yingying imagined that she would see all kinds of food stalls that did not belong to another world, but when she stood in front of the antique building with the plaque of "Wan Da shopping and eating", she was still so shocked that her chin dragged on the floor.

"It's too exaggerated!"

Wang Haoran frowned, and quickly read the four big characters, "Wow!"

Jiang Yingying walked in first. The layout inside was the same as that of an ancient restaurant. The first floor was a place for eating. There were many scattered tables in the center, and there were different ordering windows around. After the customers bought the food, they took it to the table by themselves. to eat.

"It reminds me of a college cafeteria."

Wang Haoran slowly floated over, staring at the window, "Sister, look at the signboard, duck blood vermicelli soup, iron plate squid, and snail noodles!"

There was a lot of people talking in Wan Da Shopping and Eating. People were either busy enjoying the food, or just talking and laughing with the people around them. No one paid attention to Jiang Yingying and the others.

Jiang Yingying took Wang Haoran for a walk, but because she was too shy to order food, she could only swallow crazily.

"Sister, do you want to eat?"

Jiang Yingying watched eagerly as a piece of crispy pork belly was cut into small pieces and sprinkled with chili powder. She licked her lips, "No, I want to!"

Since a penny can't beat a hero, let's make money!

Wang Haoran stood at the window and asked: "Chef, do you still need a buddy? I can come to work, so you can take care of my food!"

Jiang Yingying also eagerly leaned over to agree, "We want to find a job here, and I can cook snail noodles!"

The uncle who prepared the dishes was so busy that he was dizzy and told them loudly, "I can't make the decision about recruiting staff. You go to the second floor and find a host!"

"Okay, what's your boss's name?" Wang Haoran asked.


Jiang Yingying went down the stairs to the second floor. If the owner of Wandahang can create such a great career, she must also be a time traveler!
The second floor of Wanda Shopping is the clothing area, mainly women's clothes and rouge powder. After dressing up in the fitting room, one by one looks like a fairy floating down to earth.

Jiang Yingying reached out to pick up a Tianshui green satin shirt, "These clothes are so beautiful!"

"Put it down!" The stern voice made Jiang Yingying tremble, and her clothes fell to the ground.

Miss Qian Anyue went to pick up the clothes angrily, but her eyes keenly caught Wang Haoran's sliding and retreating. Did he put wheels on his feet?
"Who put the beggar in! It looks crazy, and it tore my clothes!" Qian Anyue spoke eloquently, looking very difficult to provoke.

"I'm sorry, I..." Jiang Yingying was halfway through her apology, but Wang Haoran stopped her, "Sister, just pretend to be crazy! Don't let anyone see your face, maybe a wanted warrant with your face on it is posted outside!"

After Wang Haoran finished speaking, he turned around and asked Qian Xinyue politely: "Miss, I'm really sorry, my sister has a little problem, we are not beggars, and we are here to seek a job from the money shopkeeper, who is our boss? "

Qian Anyue looked young, with her hips crossed, and the leader Fan was quite upright, "Oh, I'm the person you're looking for."

"You?" Wang Haoran's eyes widened in surprise, "But you look..."

Well, although he looks only seventeen or eighteen, who would ask him to be a good father? At the same age, he still asks him to give him a job!

Qian Anyue circled around Wang Haoran and threatened, "What do I look like?"

"Um...beautiful! Beautiful! Cute! Weird!" Wang Haoran flattered, "At first glance, he is expected to be a big boss!"

Qian Anyue clasped her arms around her chest and nodded, "Yeah, I just opened this bowl and it's time to hire people. I see that you have quick legs and feet, and there is still a lack of a guy in the back kitchen to pass the dishes. Can you do it? "

"Yes!" Wang Haoran agreed first, and then asked, "Miss Qian, can I advance a month's salary first? My sister and I haven't eaten for a long time! Please do me a favor!"

"Miss Qian, and me, I can work too!" After Jiang Yingying finished speaking, she felt that her words were too normal, so she giggled twice.

Qian Anyue looked at the siblings in front of her, "Hmm...you go to the backyard to chop firewood! The firewood room can sleep for you, so don't come to the front if you have nothing to do."

"Isn't it a bit bad to let girls chop firewood?" Wang Haoran made an opinion.

Jiang Yingying teased Wang Haoran, "It's okay, I can chop wood!"

Qian Anyue took out a dozen or so copper coins from her purse and handed them to Wang Haoran, "I'll give you half a month's wages first, and I'll give it to you because you are pitiful. From now on, you will get the same wages as the kitchen workers. If my sister is a lunatic, the wages will be halved!"

Wang Haoran still wanted to make a theory, but was stopped by Jiang Yingying, "Okay, thank you Miss Qian!"

"Sister, look at her, what a wicked capitalist face!" Wang Haoran muttered in a low voice, and followed the worker called by Qian Anyue to the backyard.

Jiang Yingying whispered in his ear: "This is already very good. We have food, drink, shelter and wages in the back kitchen, and our purpose is not to work in another world! Pay attention to see if this Qian Anyue is with us. The same is the time traveler."

Wang Haoran rolled his eyes, seeing that little girl's arrogant and domineering appearance, he didn't believe that she was a time traveler, and the time travelers are all kind-hearted and polite children in the new era!
The steward took Jiang Yingying to the firewood room, "Just these logs, each one has to be cut into four equal parts, do you understand?"

Jiang Yingying looked at the wooden piles that occupied half of the yard, "Understood."

Wang Haoran was taken to the back kitchen, responsible for unloading goods and running errands, like a brick, he moved it wherever he needed it, and when he was in a hurry, he simply floated around quickly, and the person in charge not only did not doubt it, but kept going Praise him for being diligent!
After closing at night, Wang Haoran went to see Jiang Yingying in the firewood room in the backyard.

"Sister, how are you doing?"

Jiang Yingying brushed her hair and rubbed her sore arm, "It's okay, I'm not the only one chopping wood. They know that I only have half the wages, and the work is less for me. How about you?"

Wang Haoran smiled and took out the oiled paper on his back, "I'm not tired at all, this is the crispy pork belly that the chef gave me for seeing my hard work, sister, you can eat it!"

"Wow! This is the only mouthful I want!" Jiang Yingying stomped her feet excitedly as she chewed the delicious piece of meat.

Wang Haoran put the copper coins in the palm of his hand and counted them. He didn’t need to eat or drink, and he didn’t feel tired from working. Now he was in a state of only receiving money and not spending it.
Wang Haoran took out a white veil and said, "I bought this for you. I went to the street to deliver food boxes and found that there is already a warrant for your arrest on the street. There are still many rewards on offer. Be careful!"

"Well, are you in the way? Does anyone know you?" Jiang Yingying took the veil and tried it on, and it covered most of her face.

Wang Haoran smiled heartlessly, "I've been disappearing here for more than half a year, and no one has remembered me for a long time. It's okay for me to show up!"

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