"You can't leave without paying the money!" Granny Xi's attitude became tough.

"In order to protect the privacy of our guests, our Happy Valley allows guests to wear bamboo hats without showing their faces, but if the guests want to go whoring for nothing, I will take off the hats and see whose daughter it is!"

Jiang Yingying supported the bamboo hat and hid behind Ye Ke, "If it really doesn't work, we can work to pay off the debt!"

"We have no shortage of women here, but..." Granny Xi saw Ye Ke's handsome face, and her tone was much more gentle, "We are short of this one in Happy Valley! Feminine beauty type!"

"I want to compare myself with you, the most attractive people!" Ye Ke raised his head confidently, "I remember that only the most beautiful people can get the oiran, right?"

"That's right, if the beauty is willing to stay, she can participate in our oiran competition three days later. If she wins the top prize, the bounty is five thousand gold ingots!"

"Wow! There are so many!" Jiang Yingying whispered in Yeke's ear, "Yeke, I believe that with your natural beauty, you are the number one! Try it!"

"Of course I participated!" Ye Ke followed up with this purpose.

"Okay!" Granny Xi was very happy to accept a beauty like Ye Ke, "But the beauty has to take two or three orders in the past few days before she can pay off the debt and pay the registration fee for the oiran competition."

"Grandma Xi, that's not what you mean by taking orders, is it?" Jiang Yingying clapped her hands together, clapping?
Granny Xi also noticed that Jiang Yingying was different. How could she know so many Internet jokes?
She still explained calmly: "Accepting an order means spending a night alone with the ladies. What happens depends on the customer's wishes!"

Jiang Yingying asked Ye Ke in a low voice, "Can you accept it?"

"No problem!" Ye Ke agreed wholeheartedly.

In the end, the three of them reached a consensus on Ye Ke being a duck.

"Ye Ke, I was the one who had a little prejudice against you before, but I didn't expect you to be quite responsible!" Jiang Yingying patted Ye Ke loyally.

Then he turned his head and said to Granny Xi, "All my consumption at the Happy Place will be charged to his account!"

"Hee hee, Mr. Ye is so generous, surely he won't care about the tea money with me!"

Ye Ke could see Jiang Yingying's mean smile through the white gauze, this woman changed her face so quickly.

"I'll pay for your consumption, that's okay, but you must never have sex with a man."

"Huh!" Jiang Yingying gave Ye Ke a slap, "What are you talking about? I can be that kind of person! No way!"

I have a man!And my Li Li looks more handsome than you all, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and heroic spirit!

Taking advantage of Grandma Xi's plan to train Ye Ke, Jiang Yingying used this attire to go back to "Wan Da Shopping" to find Wang Haoran.

They hid in backyard alleys to exchange information.

"Sister, you still dare to come!" Wang Haoran looked around nervously, "After the firewood house collapsed, they reported to the police, and the head catcher Lin also knew that his two catchers disappeared here."

"Oh, does it affect you?"

"Fortunately, it was Qian Anyue who reported your disappearance to the government. She still felt that she didn't keep an eye on my sister. She felt sorry for me and gave me a raise."

"Hahaha, so Miss Qian Anyue is a bit kind." If she didn't evade responsibility, she would feel guilty because of her negligence. This Miss Qian is not a bad person.

"Oh, that's right!" Wang Haoran said excitedly, "When I was free, I chatted with the chefs, and they told me that the reason why Qian Anyue was able to manage such a large store at such a young age was because her brother was very rich. The richest man in Florida Village!"

Jiang Yingying heard useful information, "Qian Anyue's brother?"

"Yes, I didn't ask for his name. The people below call him the owner of Qian Zhuang. Almost all the shops on this street are owned by his Qian's family, and Wan Da Shopping is only opened for his sister Qian Anyue to play."

"So it's very possible that the secret recipes of these delicacies were bought by the owner of the money from the government?"

Jiang Yingying and Wang Haoran nodded together. Now it seems that the mysterious person must be him. After all, this money owner has strong financial resources.

Florida Zhuang's surname is Qian, and he belongs to the Qian family.

Wang Haoran added: "Since the death of his wife, the owner of the Qian family has seldom shown up, staying in the tightly guarded Qian family manor."

"We must find a way to meet the money owner," Jiang Yingying thought, "It seems that we should start with Qian Anyue and meet her brother through her."

"But Qian Anyue usually lives in the store. It can be seen that she likes this store quite a lot. She just arranges clothes and fabrics on the second floor when she has nothing to do."

Jiang Yingying pondered, "Well...that's okay, anyway, you will stay here and watch all the time, and I will dig into Happy Valley."

"Happy Valley? It sounds like an amusement park or something!"

"Uh... it's almost the same, they are all entertainment places."

Otherwise, can she tell brother Haoran that she is visiting the brothel of a "duck" shop?
Afraid of Wang Haoran's questioning, Jiang Yingying immediately changed the subject, "I met Yeke, a nine-tailed black fox. As I said, we are destined to meet from thousands of miles away."

"Really! That's great!" Wang Haoran didn't have any feelings for Ye Ke at first, but because of getting the Ji Su Leopard Sword Manual, he indirectly developed respect for the young city lord Ye Ke.

"What's so good? You're so excited." Jiang Yingying didn't understand why Wang Haoran took Ye Ke as an accomplice so naturally.

"I think Ye Ke has some magical powers," Wang Haoran scratched his head naively, "He can protect sister Jiang by staying with her."

"Hmm..." I didn't dare to count on his protection.

"Okay, I'm leaving!" When Jiang Yingying was about to leave, Wang Haoran took out copper coins and counted them again.

"Sister, don't you have enough money to spend? I'll give..."

"No, keep the money you earn," Jiang Yingying said, "Ye Ke earns money more easily than you, so I'll prostitute him for nothing."

Woohoo, I'm sorry, I'm like a prostitute, hee hee!

"Well, well, it is said that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. He is at least a young city owner, and he should not be short of money." Wang Haoran put away the money, planning to save it to forge a high-quality red-tasseled gun.

Da Yuan is dead, even if he is the young city lord, he still has to "go to sea"!

On the way back, Jiang Yingying found that there were quite a lot of women dressed like herself, and passers-by were no strangers to it.

The woman who covered her face by default went to Happy Valley to have fun.

After she stepped into Happy Valley, Granny Xi greeted her enthusiastically, "Miss, is there any handsome man you know?"

"Grandma Xi, it's me."

"Oh, it's my old friend!" Grandma Xi didn't know her name, so she recognized her by the voice.

Most of the people who come here are the daughters of your family, and most of them do not want to disclose their names. Granny Xi has developed the ability to listen to people.

"Master? Is it Yeke?"

"He has to give himself a nickname when he enters Happy Valley. The nickname Xiao Ye has a personality."

Jiang Yingying nodded and asked, "Grandma Xi, what about my young master?"

"We're picking up guests on the second floor!"

ah?We're picking up customers so soon!

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