"Qian Anyue is Qian Ankai's biological younger sister. She has always regarded me as an imaginary enemy fighting for family property, targeting me everywhere! When I was still in the mansion, she almost poisoned me to death!"

Su Xi walked into the room while talking, "What sin did I do, Qian Ankai shattered all my beautiful fantasies about the domineering president!"

Jiang Yingying followed, feeling amused, "At least...his money is real."

Granny Xi nodded her head as if smashing garlic, "Ah, yes, yes, yes! If he wasn't really rich, I would have killed him on the head when I first wore it."

Jiang Yingying felt that this sister Su Xi had quite an interesting personality, so she gave her a thumbs up, "You travel to a different world and open a brothel with a different personality, it is enough to explode!"

Granny Xi patted herself on the chest, "I, Su Xi, have two hobbies in my life, one is money and the other is handsome men!

Money is the water of my life, and handsome men are the oxygen of my life.

So I really miss my life before time travel. Not only did I earn money at work every day, but I also saw all kinds of handsome guys and celebrities! "

Jiang Yingying frowned, "Well...you are living a good life now, do you want to travel back again?"

Granny Xi held Jiang Yingying's hand excitedly, "I want to! I don't want to travel back all the time! Of course, it would be even better if I could bring back the money I earned here."

Su Xi understood that she and her members of the traverser organization wanted to travel back, and Jiang Yingying, who was offered a huge reward, was the key person.

"Jiang Yingying, we heard that you tore up Zhang Guzi who made the longevity pill. Is it true?"

"Uh...Hand tearing...it seems to be it." Jiang Yingying was stunned for a moment. At that time, she took this different world as a fake to do that kind of thing.

Gradually, the different world became more and more real in her consciousness!

"You have really made a great contribution!" Su Xixi said happily, "When the oiran election is over tomorrow, I will show you our organization."

"Is the time traveler alliance organized? All members are time travelers from the real world?"

"That's right, they're all our own!"

Jiang Yingying was very happy, "Okay! I'll bring brother Haoran, he is also a time traveler, the first time traveler I met in another world, but his situation is different from ordinary people."

Su Xi nodded solemnly, "Yes, we will have to go through the identification of our organization at that time, so that we can believe that the person you mentioned is a real time traveler."


How to identify whether it is a time traveler?

Having said that, where is Wang Haoran now?Did you leave with Qian Anyue again?
No, after Jiang Yingying left the stairs, Wang Haoran stopped Ye Ke.

"Young Master Yeke," Wang Haoran said with a serious expression, "At that time when Dayuan was destroying the city, I went to see General Ji Subao for the last time."

Ye Ke's thoughts were drawn back to the day when the city was destroyed, he fled with his orphan, and he couldn't care less about his loyal minister Ji Subao.

"Uncle Ji, did he say anything to you?" Ye Ke walked closer to Wang Haoran.

"When I arrived, General Ji Subao was still calling the young city master, and then died, dying with regret."

Ye Ke lowered his eyelids with complicated emotions. Fortunately, the burden of revitalizing the Dayuan Demon City is no longer just on his shoulders, but also his brother Yebai can share it.

Just not sure if Ye Bai, who was almost successfully sacrificed, has deep resentment towards Dayuan Demon.

Wang Haoran took out General Ji Subao's marksmanship cheats from his pocket, "I kept this without authorization, but it's a pity that the general didn't have the opportunity to teach me in person."

Ye Ke took the gun manual and rubbed it carefully, "Hao Ran, do you like to use guns?"

"Hmm! The first time I saw General Ji Subao playing Huaqiang, I felt so amazing, if only I could have such a kung fu!"

Wang Haoran is too eager to have the ability to protect his relatives. He does not have the strange power and adventures of Sister Jiang, so he can only rely on his own diligence to seek the growth of his ability.

Ye Ke handed the secret book to Wang Haoran, "Uncle Ji has no heirs, so it would be great if you could pass on his marksmanship."

Then he took out two ingots of gold, "You take the money to pick a good spear gun."

"This..." It's good that Wang Haoran is short of money, but if he accepts it directly, it seems that he is very spineless, "You don't get paid for nothing, I can't have it."

"Take it, otherwise you may not know when you will be able to touch the gun!"

Wang Haoran's hands are ready to move, relying on him to go shopping in Wanda to earn wages, it will take several years to build a spear gun without eating or drinking.

"Brother Haoran, if he insists on giving it to you, you can take it!" Jiang Yingying walked down and handed the gold in Ye Ke's hand to Wang Haoran.

"Okay," Wang Haoran put away the marksmanship cheats and gold, "Thank you, Young Master Ye Ke."

Jiang Yingying told him, "Brother Haoran, you don't have to go back to the bowl to eat. Qian Anyue's line is useless. If you like to play with guns, go pick a weapon and practice in Happy Valley."

"Okay," Wang Haoran glanced around at the employees inside Happy Valley, as if he understood what this place was.

He leaned into Jiang Yingying's ear and said, "Sister, don't forget brother-in-law, we can't make mistakes!"

Jiang Yingying quickly shook her head in denial, "No, I didn't do anything!"

Wang Haoran smiled and said, "Sister, then I'll go out for a stroll first."

"Go, go!" Jiang Yingying bowed to Wang Haoran.

Then Jiang Yingying turned around and pointed at Ye Ke, showing sharp eyes, "What happened last night? Don't think I don't remember. Tell me! Did you find the skinned monster? Is it your long-lost brother Yebai?" ?”

Ye Ke carefully moved her fingers away with a fan, rolled her eyes upwards, and said to herself as she quickly turned and went upstairs, "Tomorrow the oiran will be elected, I have to go back to my room and have a good rest, and prepare to be beautiful..."

"Don't change the subject, answer my question, otherwise it will be your acquiescence!" Jiang Yingying chased after her and said, but Ye Ke just pretended not to hear.

The two of them came to the door of Yeke's room talking each other, and then there was a slap, and Jiang Yingying was shut outside the door.

This scene was seen by Ye Bai on the third floor.

Although he couldn't see where Jiang Yingying came from, he felt that his younger brother Ye Ke attached great importance to this woman.

"Ye Ke! Master!" Jiang Yingying slammed on the door, "Why are you hiding inside and not coming out? Come out and explain clearly!"

Seeing that there was no movement inside, she crossed her arms and said angrily, "Anyway, I'll see the oiran candidate tomorrow. I'll see whoever is the ugliest is your brother."

What words?What is this nonsense!

Hearing this, Ye Bai cracked the railing angrily, "Ye Ke actually publicized all the ugly things about me!"

Tomorrow's oiran competition, just wait and see!

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