The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 61 061 Fancy canvassing PK

The three or four male model brothers who came out in front are all cute and delicate canvassing votes for themselves, I hope the ladies will vote for them more.

When the No.6 male model appeared on the stage, his style of painting changed. He didn't talk through his throat, but just spoke the local dialect, and walked on righteously and awe-inspiringly.

"I thank the ladies and sisters who invested money in me, each of you is a god in my heart!" He said and bowed, "However, I also feel sorry for the money you spent on me, everyone, don't force it!" If you have the ability to vote for me, you can vote for me. It doesn’t matter if you can’t afford that much money. After the game is over, I’m still in Happy Valley, so you can still vote for me!”

These words are sincere and touching!

"Oh my god, this little brother's three views are so upright! I like it so much!"

"He actually cares about me, he is afraid that I will spend too much money, it is much better than those things that are open to money!"

"Brother! You are also a god! I want to protect you and help you break into the top five! Go!"

"I vote for this little brother..."

The simple dialect brother was moved to tears by the fans, "Thank you! Thank you for your support!"

When turning back up the stairs, he coldly flicked off "Crocodile Tears", and the corners of his mouth rose triumphantly.

From Jiang Yingying's angle, he could clearly see the change of his expression. This wave of reverse marketing set-up made him play clearly.

No.5 is an oiran candidate named Xing Xing.

Compared with the others, he was dressed a bit ordinary, and he covered his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed as soon as he came out.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Xing Xing's face was weak and pale, and after coughing, a little blood on the handkerchief was exposed intentionally or unintentionally.

"Ah! Xing Xing is coughing up blood, why do you not take care of your body? My heart aches!" Xing Xing's fanatic fans directly lifted their bamboo hats and looked at Xing Xing worriedly.

"I'm fine!" Xing Xing walked slowly, and every time he stepped down the stairs, he showed a feeling of hard work.

It's like saying, you see I'm so fragile, but I don't want others to underestimate me, I'm so strong!
"Ladies and sisters, hello everyone, let me take a look at my ranking, oh, it's No.5," Xing Xing lowered his head in frustration, and murmured, "I'm so pitiful..."

No.5 has been able to enter the next round, so what's the pity?

"I have had a miserable life since I was a child. My parents left early, leaving only me and my young brother to depend on each other," Xing Xing said and began to sob and choke. The subdivision has lived until now.

Although life is a little bit hard, it doesn't matter to me. My brother eats delicious food first. I just hope that my brother will grow up to be successful and live up to the entrustment of his parents at the end of life.

But!My brother is getting more and more wrong. I don't know when he started talking nonsense and doing strange things all the time, which scares me.

Later, people from the government came and took my brother away, saying that he had become a time traveler! "

Xing Xing cried out in pain, his sad body couldn't stand still.

Jiang Yingying rolled her eyes in doubt, "What kind of operation is he doing, selling poorly? I don't feel miserable either."

"Sister, I recognize this man named Xing Xing!" Wang Haoran opened his mouth slightly in surprise since Xing Xing appeared on the stage, "This is my own brother after time travel, and the time traveler brother he talks about is me!"

"Ah?" Jiang Yingying was even more surprised. "Didn't you say that you are the son of a farmer? Your brother should not be strong when working in the fields. How could he be so weak?"

"Anyway, I haven't seen him plowing the land, and I don't remember him ever being sick. Before, he called his alcoholic friends out to hang out every day."

Xingxing wiped away the tears symbolically, but in fact every finger avoided the tears precisely, the tears that were finally squeezed out cannot be wiped away casually.

"Later, I missed my poor brother day and night, and I became sick!" Xing Xing grabbed his collar in grief, "It's all my fault that I didn't take good care of him, why did the time traveler occupy his sanity! It's all my fault! Yes I'm sorry for my brother, I'm sorry for my father and mother's entrustment to me..."

"Xingxing, I don't blame you!" Fanatic fans encouraged him, "You have worked very hard. In order to redeem the title deed of the house that my brother lost in a bet, you have come to Happy Valley. You have done everything you can, and you are worthy of it." Everyone!"

"Yes! Xing Xing, we will always support you! I hope you can be worthy of yourself and take care of your health!"

Xingxing raised his tearful eyes and glanced at the basket under his nickname, "It's a pity that it's only No.5. When the incense burns, I'm such an unlucky person, I'm sure I'll be out of the top five, oh well ! I'm miserable!"

Xing Xing shook his head with a sigh, complaining to himself: "I am such a person, always passing away before my eyes when the good things are about to come, I don't dare to have expectations anymore!"

The craziest lady below wanted to climb over the railing to hug the stars, but was stopped by the strong security man, "Xingxing, don't be sad, I feel heartbroken when I see it, you deserve the best! I will protect you! The oiran of Happy Valley today is you No way!"

"Who is it?" Ye Ke was dressed in colorful black, standing elegantly at the stairs on the second floor, a beam of sunlight hit him, and gold was inlaid all over his body.

It is so beautiful that it makes people forget to breathe!

Everyone was immersed in Ye Ke's charm, unable to extricate themselves, only Jiang Yingying noticed a detail.

It is estimated that Ye Ke did not hang the strange wine bag left by Master Hongyi around his waist for the sake of appearance. Does that mean that the wine bag was left in his room.

Jiang Yingying thought to herself, now is the good time to get the mysterious wine bag!Maybe the sweet water in there has something to do with the so-called golden elixir!
As she was thinking, while everyone was focusing on Ye Ke, she backed away slowly, bent and squatted down to avoid sight, and sneaked into Ye Ke's room...

Granny Xi broke the silence with a smile, "Hahaha... this is a newcomer to Happy Valley. Many young ladies have never seen him before. His name is Xiao Ye. Please support me!"

The young lady swallowed, "No wonder he was promoted to No.4 as a newcomer, he is really beautiful! So beautiful! As soon as he came out, the previous male models were all eclipsed!"

When Xing Xing went upstairs and passed Ye Ke, his jealous eyes almost popped out.

Star fans who were about to climb the stairs froze in place, unable to close their jaws for a long time!
"This man is the most handsome and charming person I have ever seen. Although Xing Xing is also very good, but..." Xing Xing's fanatic fans only hesitated for a second, and then directed Ding loudly, "Take the newly shipped gold, all Vote for the young master!"

"I'll follow! My young master has such an astonishing posture, to be the leader of the oirans, I must do my part!"

"I also support the young master!"

"Master, this is the first time I have ordered you, I will be your patron saint! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! .

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