Jiang Yingying appeared in everyone's sight with a pale complexion, her brows were furrowed, as if trying to restrain herself.

"She...why does she look so familiar?"

"Miss," the servant reminded excitedly, "Isn't this the traverser Jiang Yingying on the reward order?"

Everyone present was in an uproar, "Jiang Yingying! This is the time traveler that the stars want us to catch!"

"Come on, I found the person, I want to hand her over to the government!"

"Go away, Jiang Yingying is mine! Grab her!"

"Don't move!" Wang Haoran raised his spear and stood in front of Jiang Yingying, "I will stab anyone who dares to step forward!"

The witty young lady has quietly told the servants to go out and find Detective Lin quickly.

But the gate of Happy Valley has been closed by Ye Ke, "No one is allowed to enter Happy Valley until the oiran competition is over."

The girls who didn't chase the time traveler sat obediently in their seats, waiting for the next talent performer.

"Ye Ke, what is your relationship with that time traveler?" Xiao Bai asked, he had already guessed that the woman wearing the bamboo hat was a time traveler.

"Don't worry about it," Ye Ke pointed at the screen, "It's your turn to perform next, you go first!"

After speaking, he flew up to the second floor with a flick of his sleeves.

Xiaobai is behind the screen, looking at the star who fell to the ground, the guzheng player who was scared to pee, and the rock boy who hid. The last round, don't think too much, it must be a one-on-one competition between him and Ye Ke.

And wait for Yeke to deal with the trouble.

"You all don't touch her! Whoever touches her will die!" Ye Ke said that he couldn't follow her, causing the girls to lose their minds and stood there unable to move.

"Young Master Ye Ke," Wang Haoran seemed to have seen a savior, he just somehow felt that Ye Ke would protect Sister Jiang.

Jiang Yingying covered her stomach in pain and wailed: "Oh, it hurts so much! Why is it so painful all of a sudden!"

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Ke also stepped forward to check, and hugged Jiang Yingying horizontally, "What's wrong? Where does it hurt?"

"It's right here," Jiang Yingying covered the position of the three fingers under her ribs, "Is that golden elixir coming to the world?"

When Ye Ke heard this, he was startled when he put Jiang Yingying on the bed. The golden core came to the world?Now?So early!So fast!
"Aying, where's the wine bag? Take it out and drink a little, it won't hurt so much." Ye Ke coaxed Jiang Yingying softly.

"You all get out! Get out!" Jiang Yingying clutched her stomach and rolled on the bed.

Wang Haoran was really frightened by Jiang Yingying's painful appearance, "Sister, are you okay? Did you eat your stomach? I'll boil a pot of hot water for you!"

Ye Ke ordered the ladies and servants who filled the room, "You all go down and listen to the music!"

Everyone responded in unison: "Yes!"

Then he rolled down the stairs numbly, scrambling to roll a personal ball to the first floor, and didn't feel any pain, so he immediately returned to his seat, seriously intoxicated by Xiaobai's flute sound.

"You go out too!" Jiang Yingying pushed Ye Ke hard, "Go out!"

Jiang Yingying knelt on the bed, retching uncontrollably.

"A Ying, how do you feel? Do you want to spit out something?" Ye Ke didn't dare to blink his eyes, he wanted to witness the birth of the legendary golden core!

"Oh! It hurts even more! It's killing me!" Jiang Yingying cried out wanting to cry.

Ye Ke asked again, "Where is the wine bag left by the master? A Ying, that can help the Jindan come to the world, take it out and drink a few sips!"

"Really?" Jiang Yingying raised her head, the broken hair on her forehead was wet with sweat, "Then you go and get it for me, I put the wine bag in my room! You go!"

"Okay, where is the wine bag in the room?"

Jiang Yingying stroked her chest, panting heavily, showing difficulty breathing, and could no longer answer Ye Ke's question.

Ye Ke stood up immediately, "A Ying, hold on for a while, I'll go find it right away! Hold on!" Then he quickly left the room.

"Ah, uh, uh..." Jiang Yingying suffocated until she rolled her eyes, and almost walked over. After confirming that Ye Ke's figure had really left, she let out a sigh of relief.

He took out a deflated wine bag from her bosom. In Jiang Yingying's hands, it quickly swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. After shaking it, the sound of wine was clearly heard inside.

How strange that this wine bag can be created out of nothing!

"Sister!" Wang Haoran was teleported to him by Jiang Yingying's thoughts, still holding a water bottle, "Are you feeling better?"

"I'm fine, I'm pretending," Jiang Yingying stood up, walked to the potted plant, and uncorked the wine bag.

She poured all the water from the wine bag into the green plants.

"Is the water in your hand boiling?"

"I haven't had time to burn it yet."

"That's right, you pour it into the green plants on the other side as a control group."

"Oh!" Wang Haoran didn't know what she was going to do, but he did as well.

The two pots of green plants that were watered did not show obvious changes immediately.

Jiang Yingying licked the remaining juice from the mouth of the wine bag, she was speechless, it had no taste, it was the same as clear water, not as sweet as before.

"Brother Haoran, wait a minute..." Jiang Yingying's next words were in the form of coded words, which only Wang Haoran could hear.

"Okay!" Wang Haoran dug out a ball of wet soil from the potted green plant, put it in the palm of his hand and kneaded it into a small ball, "This should be fine, right?"

"Okay, okay." Jiang Yingying took the round little clay ball, and before she had time to explain a few more words, she heard Ye Ke's voice.

"Aying! I didn't find it! Where did you put it?"

Jiang Yingying threw the deflated wine bag to Wang Haoran, "Hide it quickly, don't let Ye Ke find it."

She hurriedly lay down on the bed, Wang Haoran also frantically stuffed the wine bag, then plopped down beside the bed.

"Sister! Sister Jiang, wake up!"

When Ye Ke came in and saw this scene, his pupils trembled and his scalp went numb!
He pushed Wang Haoran away and asked, "What's wrong? Why is Aying not moving?"

Wang Haoran said with red eyes: "As soon as I fetched water, I saw Sister Jiang coughing violently. I didn't expect... Sister coughed and coughed..."

"Woooo... Sister Jiang, don't scare me! Wake up!" Wang Haoran cried very real.

Jiang Yingying, who was pretending to be dead, was infected, and it would be impolite not to really die.

Ye Ke stretched out his hand in surprise to feel Jiang Yingying's pulse. Is the golden core host really dead?

Wang Haoran cried with a lot of snot and tears, grabbed Jiang Yingying's sleeve and wiped her face, and naturally raised Jiang Yingying's hand and put it away, so as not to be exposed by Ye Ke's pulse.

The little mud balls slipped from Jiang Yingying's hands inadvertently.

Ye Ke catches the mud ball with quick eyes and hands, squeezes it a little, it is still a little soft, this is...

Could this be the golden pill that Jiang Yingying coughed up?

Seeing Ye Ke's hesitant expression, Wang Haoran testified: "It was this little black bastard who caused Sister Jiang to cough to death! Give it to me, and I will throw this thing far away!"

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