The tyrant took me to make him immortal

Chapter 69 069 Traveler Certification Exam

Su Xi winked at Big Northeast and told him not to speak yet.

"Sister Ying!" Su Xi took her hand, "You and the little brother behind will do the certification first! I will talk to you about time travel in detail later!"

"Okay, how to get certified? What is the test?"

Jiang Yingying was sure that this organization knew a lot about time-traveling, and now they really found a home!
Xiaoshuai leaned close to Su Xi's ear and whispered, "The content of the certification exam is all ready. Younger sister Ling will take the test for Jiang Yingying, and Professor Zhang will take the test for little brother Wang Haoran."

"Yeah, let's get started!" Su Xi gave an order, and the crowd organized by the traversers spontaneously formed a circle, putting Jiang Yingying and Wang Haoran in the center.

Wang Haoran rubbed his hands, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Sister, why do I feel nervous about taking the college entrance examination!"

"Don't say it, really don't say it, I feel the same way!"

It is unknown where they brought the desks and chairs from the barren mountains and mountains, and invited Jiang Yingying and Wang Haoran to sit down respectively, and each handed out a piece of white rice paper as a draft paper, and put a brush soaked in ink on the side.

"Boom!" Northeast Big Brother raised the gong and knocked it, and shouted loudly: "The time traveler certification exam officially begins!"

First, Miss Ling stood up, wearing two braids, a quirky little girl, she first bowed respectfully to Jiang Yingying, and then said: "Sister Ying, I'm sorry, I'm from our organization." The one with the shortest travel time, so they pushed me out to give the test questions."

"Oh, hello, what's the test question?"

"Sister Ying, do you usually love surfing the Internet?"

Jiang Yingying recalled: "It's not bad, I used a certain sound and a lot of beeps, and only quit the Internet for a while last year because I was preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination."

Sister Ling made an "OK" gesture, "Sister Ying, I'm going to make a question based on some hot topics. I'll say the last sentence and you'll say the next sentence. Quickly ask and answer quickly!"

"This..." Jiang Yingying was a little embarrassed, she couldn't guarantee that she knew all the hot topics!

If they didn't pick it up, would they think Jiang Yingying was a fake time traveler?

Miss Ling didn't even give her time to react, so she started asking the question directly, "Missy is here!"

"Get out of the way!" Jiang Yingying responded reflexively.

"A giao..."

"Giaogiao, I'm giaogiao!" Many people couldn't hold back, and they yelled out together with Jiang Yingying, but they were warned by Xiaoshuai in silence. It is everyone's responsibility to keep the examination room quiet.

"I'm from Yunnan."

"In Nujiang, Yunnan, Nujiang Hushui City..."

"What is Happy Planet?"

"What is a happy planet, what is a happy planet, if you want to know what is a happy planet, I will take you to research it now!"

"Five words floated from the sky."

"That's nothing!"

"He suddenly attacked me, sneak attack!"

"Crack, a right kick, crack, a left kick!"

"I dried up the silence."

"Regret is very impulsive!"

"Are you here..." Miss Ling increased the difficulty. Seeing Jiang Yingying frowning in doubt, she gave a little hint, "Sister Ying, that little girl asked a man squatting in the grass. She said, are you here?" ..."

"Oh! I remembered, are you here to take a shit?"

"One hundred causes must bear fruit!"

"Your retribution is mine!"

Miss Ling pointed to her own body and asked, "Sister Ying, what's the name of this part? It's not a formal term, it's kind of funny."

"Hmm..." Jiang Yingying tapped her chin with her index finger, "You want me to say chin?"

"Yes! That's great, all the answers are correct!" Miss Ling pointed to the brush, "Next is the silent writing question, please write down the four words 'I can't hold back anymore'."

Simple!Jiang Yingying quickly wrote down: Bengbu lives.

"Usually at the end of the video, the up master will ask for three consecutive times. At this time, what four words will the white whoring party say in the barrage?"

Jiang Yingying wrote: I will definitely do it next time, and said: "Maybe now some people will say that the cents are not spent, and the main thing is to be a companion."

Miss Ling and Granny Xi looked at each other, they should be able to pass the certification, right?

Su Xi nodded with a smile. They all believed that Jiang Yingying was a time traveler, and now it was just a formality.

"Sister Ying, the last question," Miss Ling said with a bright smile, "Please write down your detailed address in the real world."

Every member of the time traveler organization, the last question is to write down their home address, one is to facilitate the identification of relatives among members, and the other is to strengthen the members' belief in wanting to go home.

Jiang Yingying seriously wrote down the address of her and Li Jintao's home.

Su Xi took it over and took a look, "It's from Yilin City, I haven't heard of this place yet, Xiaoshuai, does our organization have people from this place?"

Xiaoshuai read out the address, and the onlookers were silent, "No, Jiang Yingying is the only person in Yilin City right now."

"Well, is there a problem?" Jiang Yingying asked with her head tilted.

Su Xi pulled the table and sat down, "Of course it's no problem! Sister Ying, you will be the leader of our organization from now on!"

"Ah? Leader? No, no, I can't do it!" Jiang Yingying crossed her arms. She didn't know what was going on, and she was suddenly asked to be the leader. What kind of leader?Daba!

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse, you can't refuse either!" After Granny Xi finished speaking, she signaled Xiaoshuai to start investigating Wang Haoran quickly.

"Okay!" Xiaoshuai and Ling Xiaomei invited Professor Zhang out from the back of the crowd, because he claimed to be a professor at a famous university, so everyone respected him very much.

Professor Zhang's expression seemed to be smiling kindly, but it gave people a sense of oppression, which was the unique deterrent force that teachers have on students.

Wang Haoran cue Jiang Yingying crazily with code words in his heart: Sister, help me!You picked up a lot of stalks just now, I have never heard of them, if I also take the test, I will be Barbie Q!
Jiang Yingying also coded back to him with her mind: It's okay, I can help you, don't be nervous, anyway, we are real time travelers, there is nothing to be afraid of!It's all very simple.

Professor Zhang leaned over and asked kindly: "Son, how old are you? Are you in junior high school or high school?"

Wang Haoran stood up and said politely, "Hi, teacher, I'm eighteen, and I haven't graduated from the third year of high school."

"Hmm!" Professor Zhang picked up a pen and wrote on the paper, "Do you usually study hard? Boys should not be partial to mathematics, right?"

Wang Haoran replied honestly: "I'm a bit biased in Chinese, and I usually get full marks in mathematics without accident."

The partial subject in his mouth means that the full score in the math test is [-] points short of the Chinese test.

"Okay, kid, when you go back and study hard, when you finish the college entrance examination and fill out your volunteers, you are welcome to apply for the school where I teach," Professor Zhang said as he put down his pen and turned the paper around, "I just gave you a proof question, you Write me two solutions and it will pass."

oh!It's a math proof!Fortunately, it's not a hot topic. The high school party has not yet been equipped with a mobile phone. He doesn't know some of the online jokes, but he is a top student in his studies.

Wang Haoran sat down confidently, took a closer look, and was dumbfounded!
The test paper said: proof, 16>19.

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